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Only The Strong Survive

Warrior on C-Span 2

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Guest evlpurpose

The clip lasts one hour.


If you fastforward to the end of that clip and wait all the way till the end a new clip loads.


That clip is the second hour.


If you do the same for this clip, you will get a third clip of the Warrior.

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Guest Dmann2000

Okay if 10 years ago we were told that-


Ted DiBiase would be a Born Again preacher


Cactus Jack would be a NY Times bestselling author


Jesse Ventura would be a former governor of Minnesota


Ultimate Warrior would be a Conservative campus speaker


Who'd have believed it?

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Guest Dmann2000

Someone with a better knowledge of conservative political ideologies please write a parody of Warrior cutting a promo on conservative politics.

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So according to Warrior's speech, Vince McMahon is the ultimate evil Liberal?

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Guest BobBacklundRules

Holy crap, he does looks like bradshaw but with test's old long hair, and austin's facial hair, and elf ears.


He's slimmed down a lot, no more steriods.


For some reason when I've read his meaningless rants on his website, I've pictured the old warrior with facepaint and all. It's weird, I used to be a huge mark for him when I was little.

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Oh they have meaning alright, but he's made it a fucking puzzle with the words he uses in the way he structures his rants so unless you're Albert Einstein or have a PH.D in English literature / Political science, your brain is fucked because you can't understand what the fuck he basically trying to say.


Believe me, I find it very difficult to see his reasoning. He has all the qualities of a university professor, maybe he should just stay in one place.

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Guest GameCop

He's such a mark for himself, though. He used the words "warrior" and "ultimate" in at least three or four sentences.


I pretty much understood what Warrior was trying to convey in the first five minutes. If you watch it the entire way through, you'll notice that his speech is extremely redundant.

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Guest BDC

It is VERY redundant. I didn't have much work today in the office (Senate in DC) so we watched it on one of the LC's computers and I laughed my BUTT off.


After a while, it's almost a broken record, except he has unnecessarily long words switched out for the $50 equivalent. I understood what he was saying... but his point was kind of meandering.

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Guest Shanghai Kid

As I said in another thread, I know Smarks like to make fun of Warrior but he's probably tons smarter than any of us. I mean, his range of vocab alone is f'n amazing. If you understand what he's saying that you might get under the impression that he's a f'n genius.


Dumb as he may look, he's as intelligent as any scholars in wrestling history.

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Guest GameCop

Even more amazing, this is from a guy who had to be blockaded by WWF personnel to finish his promos.

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Guest DeputyHawk

[bob] they complain and complain and complain and complain and complaaaiiinnn [/roberts]

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Guest JMA

What Warrior has been saying just sounds like Rush Limbaugh rhetoric. It's too bad Rick Rude isn't around to knock him on his ass again.

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Guest godthedog

if anyone's interested, c-span's replaying the whole afternoon right now. reginald jones is speaking at the moment, so warrior will probably be on in about 20 minutes.

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Guest godthedog
As I said in another thread, I know Smarks like to make fun of Warrior but he's probably tons smarter than any of us. I mean,  his range of vocab alone is f'n amazing. If you understand what he's saying that you might get under the impression that he's a f'n genius. 


Dumb as he may look, he's as intelligent as any scholars in wrestling history.

n-word, please.


warrior could have a bigger vocabulary than james joyce and it wouldn't change shit, because this man does not know how to make an argument. anybody who's taken critical reasoning 101 could plow through his sophistic shit like the grim reaper plowing through an old folks home. he argues to straw men so many times that it goes beyond "funny," into "scary," and back to "funny" again. he likes to show off his vocabulary, plain and simple. i've read his diatribes: he rambles and rambles on and on, and any point he actual argument tries to make is lost in rhetoric. he ranted for ten minutes about how liberalism is, literally, evil, making claim after claim after claim about it. what arguments did he use to actually BACK UP this claim? NONE. not a single god damn actual argument. he went on for ten more minutes about how important it is to form one's philosophy by rigid, logical standards. and what did he do to spell out this particular philosophy he advocates? a laughably simple notion of "keeping whatever works" and "common sense." his account of the history of natural rights is just plain wrong.


this fucker is a charlatan, pure and simple. he pretends to brandish logic as a valuable tool, and proceeds to not use any logic at all. he insults my intelligence.

Edited by godthedog

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Guest godthedog

oh, now he's quoting socrates. well, he's quoting plato quoting socrates, equating SOCRATES with conservatism and the people who killed him with liberalism. fuck you, hellwig.

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Guest jester
As I said in another thread, I know Smarks like to make fun of Warrior but he's probably tons smarter than any of us. I mean,  his range of vocab alone is f'n amazing. If you understand what he's saying that you might get under the impression that he's a f'n genius. 


Dumb as he may look, he's as intelligent as any scholars in wrestling history.

n-word, please.


warrior could have a bigger vocabulary than james joyce and it wouldn't change shit, because this man does not know how to make an argument. anybody who's taken critical reasoning 101 could plow through his sophistic shit like the grim reaper plowing through an old folks home. he likes to show off his vocabulary, plain and simple. i've read his diatribes: he rambles and rambles on and on, and any point he actual argument tries to make is lost in rhetoric. he ranted for ten minutes about how liberalism is, literally, evil, making claim after claim after claim about it. what arguments did he use to actually BACK UP this claim? NONE. not a single god damn actual argument. he went on for ten more minutes about how important it is to form one's philosophy by rigid, logical standards. and what did he do to spell out this particular philosophy he advocates? a laughably simple notion of "keeping whatever works" and "common sense." his account of the history of natural rights is just plain wrong.


this fucker is a charlatan, pure and simple. he pretends to brandish logic as a valuable tool, and proceeds to not use any logic at all. he insults my intelligence.

My feelings about Jimmy Hellwig and his "intelligence" can be summed up by quoting "A Fish Called Wanda":


"Apes don't read philosophy!"

"Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it!"

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Guest GameCop

Right, Warrior rarely backed up his claims with valid facts or presumptions. Instead, he talked about how liberalism will eventually kill us all.

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