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Guest CronoT

Sweet Idea for Survivor Series!

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Guest CronoT

One of the things that we miss from WWF history were the gimmick PPV's. As it is right now, the only real gimmick PPV left is the Royal Rumble. It gets a higher buy rate than most other PPV's, simply because it's something other than the same old thing over and over again.


So, I think it would be awesome if they brought back the Survivor Series Style matches at Survivor Series, and had them be Brand vs. Brand. JR was the one who noted that the Royal Rumble this year was the first time since the Roster Split that guys from both shows were competing against each other.


As for how to hype it, there's no problem with that. You can just do recorded promos, or have "surprise arrivals" during the other Brand's show.


Think about it:


Raw Guys: Steiner, Maven, Hurricane, and Nash

SD! Guys: Eddie G., Chavo G., John Cena, and Big Show


Raw Guys: Evolution and Lance Storm

SD! Guys: Rhyno, Benoit, Billy Gunn, and Zach Gowen


I think you get the idea.


(Feel free to add your own match ideas.)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Too early. They just started separate brand PPVs. Maybe next year.

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Guest Choken One



WAR GAMES (Elimination Chamber or HIAC)


Team Raw Vs Team Smackdown


Add to the War Games and make it an Elimination Match but keeping the MATCH BEYOND element...

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Guest wwF1587

meh its all WWE now.. some of those guys may be on SD! next week and some may be on RAW in a few months... the roster split is good for displaying talent that wasnt getting much tv time before.. and focusing on getting better shows by concentrating on one show.. the WWE are 0-2...

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Guest Steviekick


WAR GAMES (Elimination Chamber or HIAC)


Team Raw Vs Team Smackdown


Add to the War Games and make it an Elimination Match but keeping the MATCH BEYOND element...

Now THAT would be cool...maybe the last man standing would win his brand the right to have the Main Event @ RR

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Guest Choken One

Problem is...The SURVIOR series element of that match doesnt always mean ONE man will be left standing...


If you make it a LAST MAN STANDING element...it's pretty much just a 10 man Elimination Battle Royal...

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Guest Goodear

Yeah, heres the thing about War Games... its really a feud ending sort of match. It's like tossing out a Hell in the Cell match between Rodney Mack and Hurricane tonight to just have the match between two brands that shouldn't have a whole lot of contact with each other. Save the Games for something worth the effort, like blowing off a feud with Triple H and Evolution that you want them to actually loose without having Triple H drop the belt. You know what I'm saying, chico?

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I actually had a thought like this last night. Since Wrestlemania is considered the World Series, I thought Survivor Series could be the All Star game type event. They could bring back the elimination matches and maybe to make it even cooler, did like they did at Survivor 90 where the previous Survivors meet in the final match of the night.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

The winning brand should get home field advantage in the World Series.

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Guest Retro Rob

I thought about this a while ago. The winning brand at the Survivor Series would get to be in the Royal Rumble match, which would also mean that brand would main event WrestleMania.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

That would be awesome.....but realistically.....NOT gonna happen

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Guest GameCop

You could have a bunch of brand vs. brand Survivor Series elimination matches with the Ultimate Survival match at the end being a WAR GAMES/Elimination Chamber match.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

They said the Elimination Chamber will be around for every Survivor Series so SS is now a gimmick PPV again.

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Guest Youth N Asia

There's no payoff for this. Plus they kinda did the same thing with WWF vs Invasion at Survivor 01. In the end it's still WWE guys vs WWE guys and it wouldn't be anything special.


WOW! So I'll see Angle take on HHH! WOWZA!...Oh wait...seen it before.


There's nothing to gain from this

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Guest Goodear

Unless they split up the teams so that guys are still facing their foes, along with the extra added bonus of fresher matchups.


For example,


Jericho/Christian/Eddie/Hardy vs Michaels/Booker/Tajiri/Rey would be entertaining and different in my opinion. Of course, you'd have sucky matchesd too... but its WWE... things got to suck.

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Guest CronoT

It would most likely get a pop from the Nostalgia Marks, and it would be like the Rumble, where the best guys from each show would compete against each other. It would be like the first Hogan/Flair dream match; except we get to see it once a year.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

When talking about payoffs you have to remember that if this were to happen, it would be nothing about the wrestlers. It would be about Stephy and Eric and some type of stipulation with them. If Stephy wins she gets such and such. If Eric wins, Stephy gives up such and such. Remember, in the end, it has to be about a McMahon.

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Guest CronoT
When talking about payoffs you have to remember that if this were to happen, it would be nothing about the wrestlers. It would be about Stephy and Eric and some type of stipulation with them. If Stephy wins she gets such and such. If Eric wins, Stephy gives up such and such. Remember, in the end, it has to be about a McMahon.

Whichever show has more SS match wins gets to have a wrestler of their choice be #30 in the Rumble. All us Smarks know the person who gets the Dream Draw never wins, but the regular fans don't know that.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Does War Games have to popup for every

'fantasy' PPV? The only thing more played out is the old "Benoit FINALLY gets the gold!" scenario.


It's a WCW invention, meaning it's never, ever going to happen.


Though, I could go for an old-style Survivor Series style PPV myself.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
When talking about payoffs you have to remember that if this were to happen, it would be nothing about the wrestlers.  It would be about Stephy and Eric and some type of stipulation with them.  If Stephy wins she gets such and such.  If Eric wins, Stephy gives up such and such.  Remember, in the end, it has to be about a McMahon.

Whichever show has more SS match wins gets to have a wrestler of their choice be #30 in the Rumble. All us Smarks know the person who gets the Dream Draw never wins, but the regular fans don't know that.

Yes they do. They watch the same stuff we do, dude.

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Guest eiker_ir

it would be cool of they ever do the wild card match again, with both or just one brand.


i always though that was a very entertaining concept and easy to pull off

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