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DrVenkman PhD

WWE Mini-Magazines

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So, after writing Shades of Gray today, I decided some groceries needed to be bought. At the check-out counter, I see 4 little 33 page magazines for I think $2.50. I believe they are career retrospectives of Flair (I flipped through it, some WCW and NWA pictures), Hogan, Andre, and... Lita?


Anyway I was wondering if anyone has read one and when exactly they came out.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I have the Lita one but I bought thata looooooooooong time ago when they came out with ones for Stacy, Trish, Torrie and Lita.

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I'm not sure what this has to do with Shades of Gray. What was the Lita one about? I know the magazines are small, but I didn't think she had a long enough career to tell a story in a magazine. Was it mosly diva stuff?

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Guest Mad the Swine

The Flair one is worth it; I haven't read the others.


It's a career overview. There's a few small errors, but nothing serious. Much better than I expected.


The photos came from Apter magazines, WWE/F files, and a couple from WCW. Pretty good selection.

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Guest undisputedjericho
I'm not sure what this has to do with Shades of Gray.

I thought it was a Foley-esque shill.

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I have a Jericho one from the first release. They released some, I am thinking around the time of Invasion? I don't remember, I'd have to find it. The first set I know included Jericho, Angle, Undertaker and Rocky, not sure if there was Austin or HHH, can't think off the top of my head... I'll probably figure it out when I go dig out the Jericho one..

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