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Guest Eagan469

the piledriver - should it be brought back?

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Guest Eagan469

Well, Kane used a tombstone tonight so we'll assume that's his new finisher.


For the past 5 years piledrivers have only been used on special occasions. Reason being they're injury inducing if not done properly. Powerbombs have been their "replacement" in pretty much everyone's moveset as a result.


I wouldn't mind it coming back, so long as it was re-taught to the wrestlers so that they can perform it properly. Shit, I don't want to think about Gail Kim trying a piledriver. Well, maybe on Jackie Gayda.


Your thoughts?

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Guest BionicRedneck

If the person using it knows how to execute it safely, and it belongs in the match, then yes.

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Guest JRE

I think....only on special occasion. Tonight was good because they were going for something extreme. Wrestlemania is good. A big PPV or built up match is good. But...it should mean a lot, a person lands on their head and all...

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Guest Trivia247

Ok Now if Linda can agree to take a Tombstone..... even one Perfectly setup that No Harm was gonna come to her at the expense or ruining the credability of the move at the time...


why the fuck does people like HHH Whine about it and get it banned for 3 years.

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Guest MaxPower27

My guess would be that Linda is going to be extra protected.


I know that given the risks of the move that I wouldn't want to take it, given that most of the roster has been injured in one way or another lately.

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Guest JaKyL25

I recall hearing somewhere that the Tombstone is actually pretty much the MOST safe piledriver that anyone can do.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
why the fuck does people like HHH Whine about it and get it banned for 3 years.

Because he couldn't remember what happened after he took the Tombstone at JD 2k.


I like the move, specifically when it's executed right (ala Bret Hart). It should be brought back only if it's done right and sold as a devastating.

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Guest Eagan469
I recall hearing somewhere that the Tombstone is actually pretty much the MOST safe piledriver that anyone can do.

Steve Austin begs to differ

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Guest The Czech Republic
I recall hearing somewhere that the Tombstone is actually pretty much the MOST safe piledriver that anyone can do.

Steve Austin begs to differ

When you land on your knees there's usually enough space between your head and the mat that you're unscathed. The Owendriver wasn't a tombstone.

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Guest AndrewTS
I recall hearing somewhere that the Tombstone is actually pretty much the MOST safe piledriver that anyone can do.

Steve Austin begs to differ



The knees are the impact point with the Tombstone. The K-Driller is a sit-down version.

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I recall hearing somewhere that the Tombstone is actually pretty much the MOST safe piledriver that anyone can do.

Steve Austin begs to differ



The knees are the impact point with the Tombstone. The K-Driller ends with the person doing the move landing on his/her ass.

Exactly...and I think that Austin's head was just accidentally to far down during that move.


Hence, I call the botched version, which I use in an E-Fed, the Owen Driver.

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Guest Trivia247

you can see how botched the move it was by comparing the owen driver on Austin....and the one Owen hit Bret with at WM X

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Guest mickberna

I took an inverted piledriver a couple times... it's a pretty safe move provided that the person doing the move has your head above their waist before dropping down, and they don't let your body slip at all. It also helps if they're fat. I can't picture the Austin incident (though I have seen it), but I guess Owen just dropped him.

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Guest AndrewTS

Yeah, Austin's head was way down between Owen's legs.


I think some one like Rikishi should be able to safely do his version because, like Bam Bam, his thighs are so fat that there's plenty of cushioning there to protect the "noggin." Plus the person is held over the shoulder. That version is almost as safe as the Tombstone.


However, I remember when Kane first started out he dropped guys fast and sloppy and I think he gave Chainz a stinger with one. His Tombstones were utterly terrible. Even as a mark I knew they were fucked up.

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Guest JaKyL25

I seem to recall that Owen held him all right, just that his head was WAY too far down. When Owen's legs leave the ground to deliver the move, Austin's head is CLEARLY poking out of the bottom of Owen's legs.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
you can see how botched the move it was by comparing the owen driver on Austin....and the one Owen hit Bret with at WM X

Owen used a Tombstone in their WM X match.


Just saying.

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Guest AndrewTS

Yeah, it was about an inch from the top of his head to just the bottom of Owen's thigh from what I remember. It wasn't as if it was close--it was completely botched and looked terrible.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

If they only use it as a form of devastating finisher (give Kane something else to get over, & give Taker the Tombstone only because i hate the Last Ride), or in a God-killing fashion like Memphis (fat chance), i'm for it. Just have like a 3 year WWE experience rule or something, & not use them on the guys with fucked up necks.

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Guest Retro Rob

Well obviously the Tombstone can be delivered without the chance of ANY injury. All variations of the piledriver have been around forever, and what a few people have gotten hurt? Bring it back.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Let him keep it, Taker's a submission wrestler now anyway!


Now they have enough confidence in his abilities to let him perform the move on middle-aged female non wrestling CEOs and wives of the company's owner, they'll probably let him do it on wrestlers as well.

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Guest Choken One

Recent Months has shown WWE doesn't need to BAN the Piledriver but instead the German Suplexes...


Look at the damages it's inflicted to Angles, Edge, Benoit's neck...

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Guest Choken One
Let him keep it, Taker's a submission wrestler now anyway!


Now they have enough confidence in his abilities to let him perform the move on middle-aged female non wrestling CEOs and wives of the company's owner, they'll probably let him do it on wrestlers as well.

I thought LINDA owned the company...at least in Name and Vince was just chairman of the board? Non-Kayfabe I mean.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Hell yea....if I said it once, I'll say it a thousand times, piledrivers make the match baby!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
Recent Months has shown WWE doesn't need to BAN the Piledriver but instead the German Suplexes...


Look at the damages it's inflicted to Angles, Edge, Benoit's neck...

Both Angle and Benoit already changed their German Suplexes a bit to protect the necks of the victim and the attacker. They should still further limit the use of the move in TV matches and only do the Rolling Germans on PPV. That way they protect the guys and maybe give the move some of its credibility back.

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Guest saturnmark4life
Let him keep it, Taker's a submission wrestler now anyway!


Now they have enough confidence in his abilities to let him perform the move on middle-aged female non wrestling CEOs and wives of the company's owner, they'll probably let him do it on wrestlers as well.

I thought LINDA owned the company...at least in Name and Vince was just chairman of the board? Non-Kayfabe I mean.

I thought Vince was still the actual owner, but either way.

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Guest Choken One

No because around the Roid Trials...Vince was afriad Titan would be broken if he was in Federal Prison...


So he put the company in Linda's Name and it has remained under Linda ever since...


I believe Linda is the CEO legit and Vince is the COB...


Shane is President of New Media and Stephanie is Head Writer...


Melissa is Talent Agent to the Rock/Austin...


HHH is Company Figurehead.

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Melissa is Talent Agent to the Rock/Austin...


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