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For Those Who Like Replica WWF/E Belts

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OK...I was checking through one of my favorite sites to look at, Figures Toy Company...and look what I happened to find for sale now...


Click here, here, here, and here.


I just wanted to point this out. They also sell the Attitude Era versions now, but they're not the same as before, as they have the WWE logo and NOT the classic WWF scratch logo.

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Guest MaxPower27



I'm saving starting right....NOW.

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Guest Zack Malibu


I'm saving starting right....NOW.

For the new belts, each version is the same price both places. First rule of wholesale:never allow undercutting, as it's counterproductive ;).


Since I'm "in the know" and all :P.

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I'm saving starting right....NOW.

For the new belts, each version is the same price both places. First rule of wholesale:never allow undercutting, as it's counterproductive ;).


Since I'm "in the know" and all :P.





...I still don't see why they couldn't have just redesigned these belts with the new logos. ...OK...the Attitude Era and Current Championship belts are bigger by .5 inches than the winged eagle...but still.

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Guest MaxPower27

Damn, I forgot that I was looking at the $2100 belts at Zack's workplace

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Damn, I forgot that I was looking at the $2100 belts at Zack's workplace



Personally, I'm a pretty big wrestling fan, but no way in hell I would pay 2,000 for a replica version. ^^;

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Guest MaxPower27

Neither would I. $249 is pushing it for me, but I'm going to be making more $$$$$ at work.

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BTW...neat idea that I had...


Say that Bret Hart never got injured...and made an alliance with himself, Angle, and Lesnar.


Picture an entrance with those three...Hart carrying a replica of the winged eagle title belt, Angle a replica of the Attitude Era title belt...and Lesnar the current belt as they come out.

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Guest Zack Malibu

The $2,000 plus belts are the "real deal" and are made to order. It's more or less targetting the die hards.


I'm also wondering how the hell I've gone 4 years working here without buying any of these things...

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I'm also wondering how the hell I've gone 4 years working here without buying any of these things...

Lack of money?


Heck...the only one I have is a mini version of the current WWE Title belt.


Which...has gotten me noticed by some fans. ^^

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Guest MaxPower27

I have a Lightheavyweight Title that I bought from Zacky's and the Attitude era World Title.


Plus a bunch of kids ones that are hanging from my wall for decoration.

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(to picture of IC Title belt avatar)<=== saving up for this belt

Yeah, that was better than the current version.


Bigger than the current version too.


...though, I dunno...I sorta liked it with the white strap used during the mid 90s.

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Guest MaxPower27

Oh, that one.


I can't find it anywhere.


Not even a picture

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Oh, that one.


I can't find it anywhere.


Not even a picture



Not the best picture of it, but here it is.


Maybe La Parka Your Car has a better picture somewhere.


He found this god awful belt...




Now all that complain about the current US Title belt have no room to talk, as they COULD Have gone with THIS.

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Guest Zack Malibu
I'm also wondering how the hell I've gone 4 years working here without buying any of these things...

Lack of money?


I wouldn't call it LACK of money, more of a "college kid who pays his own tuition yet still buys too many clothes".


I do, however, have a desk covered in JAKKS figures, lol.

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Guest MaxPower27

Don't forget the Franchise wall too, Zacky.


The first time I went there, I wanted to steal that Douglas poster you had up there. :P

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Heh...Superstar in his prime...I think.


Well, in better shape than he was at WrestleMania 4 anyway.


EDIT: Here's a better picture of that belt (I think)



Edited by ChrisMWaters

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

im glad to see im not the only belt collector on this board...and im glad there are more ppl out there willing to spend 200 on a belt

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im glad to see im not the only belt collector on this board...and im glad there are more ppl out there willing to spend 200 on a belt

Hey, better than the 2,000 bucks that some companies spend on them.


...or the 600 for the Ultra Deluxe replicas on Figures Toy Company.com

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