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Guest nWoScorpion

WCW Superbrawl V:

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Guest nWoScorpion

I'll clip out my introduction because I have nothing of note to say except for....


a.) Kane Rules

b.) I suck at Bowling.


YAY! I'm at Post 1885. Time to go watch Back to the Future Part III.


::Comes Back Two hours later::


- Live From Baltimore, Maryland’s Baltimore Arena on February 19, 1995.


- WCW Main Event Results:

Paul Orndorff pinned Brad Armstrong @ 3:45.

Stars & Stripes (Marcus Alexander Bagwell & The Patriot) def. Romeo Valentino & Dino Cassanova


- The Hosts for The Main Event pre-show are Eric Bischoff & “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes.


- Bischoff speculates already that Vader & Ric Flair might possibly be in a partnership. We get footage from earlier in the evening for Vader’s arrival to the arena. He punks out the camera man while Rhodes rambles incoherently. Vader punks out a limo driver of possibly Hogan’s limo, and punches out one of the windows. Tony Schavonie was in it, which makes me wonder why he has his own limo. Vader is a bad ass because he didn’t nearly end his career by punching out a window.


- Mean Gene Okerlund takes a momentum to plug the PPV for those who haven’t ordered the show yet. He says later tonight he will get comments from the “Retired” Ric Flair. Apparently Vader is not too popular in Baltimore. We get flashbacks of the Vader/Hogan feud, which I will save for the actual PPV for my pre-match ramblings.


- We find out the Main Event’s headlining match will be Johnny B. Badd vs. Arn Anderson for the Television Championship in a Lumberjack Match. More on that one later for when the match happens.


- Backstage (Already?) Mean Gene is with Former Games-master and future Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan and The Butcher (Brutus Beefcake). Gene wants Sullivan’s comments for the match. Kevin says Hogan is a vampire who sucks the blood out of people. He hopes he did a lot of training and said a lot of prayers because he faces the ultimate nightmare tonight. Gene calls Sullivan’s family outside of Dave is a bunch of sick people. Butcher continues with Sullivan’s brainwashed comments and predicts Hogan to fall to the man they call Vader.


- Backstage again with Gene, and he says he wants to get an interview with Ric Flair before the PPV is over. We get a video package of the Sting & Savage v. Rogers & Avalanche, which is not really a package. Highlights from Saturdays Main Event (Or whatever the show was called) when all four men got into a brawl with the good guys getting the upper hand. That’s all you need to know I guess that the two teams didn’t like each other.


- WCW-Television Championship; Lumberjack Match:

Arn Anderson © vs. Johnny B. Badd:

You’re probably wondering why WCW put this on its Main Event program instead of the actual PPV. Well, I don’t know either. Badd had lost the title to Anderson in January of that year by nefarious reasons. Badd received a string of rematches, but Anderson kept using the DQ rule to his effect, or the Time Limit Rule, which usually consisted of a 10-Minute Time Limit. Tonight, to make sure Anderson doesn’t hide outside the ring, we have here a Lumberjack Match, which screams for a screw job. The Lumberjacks appear to Bunkhouse Buck, Blacktop Bully, Kevin Sullivan, Paul Roma, Dustin Rhodes, Dave Sullivan, Alex Wright, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I guarantee a brawl will interrupt.


Anyway, on to the match. Lockup and Anderson goes for a cheap shot in the corner, but misses badly. Great Muta is in attendance. Badd with a wristlock and head scissors take over, and quickly applies an abdominal stretch pin for two. Anderson with a boot to the mid-section, but he gets caught with a sunset flip for two. Badd with a wristlock and Anderson turns the tide with rights and a few knee lifts. He slingshots Badd back in the ring from the apron and chokes him with his foot, followed by some mud hole stomping. Badd returns the favor of sling shooting Badd to the outside, and rolling him up in the ring for two. Irish whip by Badd, and Anderson nails him with a clubbing forearm and throws him to the heels and we get some confrontations that don’t blow over yet. Badd catches Anderson with a vicious boot to the side of the head followed by an atomic drop and inverted atomic drop. Irish whip and Badd with a back body drop and a series of rights followed by a clothesline to the outside. Lumberjack’s brawl for real now as predicted and Badd comes off the top rope with a double axehandle. Back inside Badd goes up top but Blacktop Bully shoves him off and Arn Anderson makes the cover for three at 4:27. ** Decent enough match, although short. Everyone brawls in the ring now with the faces cleaning house of the heels. Crowd doesn’t aprove of Arn Anderson’s win though. To think this is better than most of the matches on the actual pay-per-view.


- Backstage AGAIN with Mean Gene and now he’s with Sting and “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Sting is literally orange here, much like Hogan’s skin tone. Sting says nothing of note, and Savage coins the phrase “Don’t Trust Anybody” in WCW, before Austin ever said it in the WWF. Savage and Sting have some fetish slapping going on.


- End of the Main Event broadcast.


- Your hosts for Superbrawl V are Tony Schiavone and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan.


- We replay the video from earlier with Vader smashing in the window of Tony Schiavone limo with his forearm, and still avoiding severely injuring himself. Yes, I’m still making fun of Goldberg for being a dumb shit, so sue me. More footage is shown of Vader smashing a video monitor at the announce table and rushing the ring to attack (and pull down his pants) Marcus Bagwell, and splashing The Patriot after the match, and then he attacks the two jobbers and lays one of them out with a powerbomb. Patriot eats a powerbomb as well.


- PPV Opening Match:

“Das Wonderkind” Alex Wright vs. Paul Roma:

What’s the point of this match you ask? Just to have Alex Wright (the rookie 19-year-old from Germany) go over a veteran to make himself look good. Remember that “Making himself looking good” part later, after the match. Paul Roma is currently (then) a tag team wrestler teaming with Paul Orndorff as “Pretty Wonderful”, which should say who wins here. Wright is an awful dancer.


Roma attacks before the bell with clubbing rights and a forearm to the back of the neck. Roma drops an elbow across the thigh of Wright and press slams him and does a mock dance to a FACE POP. Wright hammers back on Roma but is put down by another forearm and as rake of the eyes with the boot. Wright comes back quickly with a sunset flip for two and a series of arm drags into an arm-bar. Roma reverses into his own and Wright kips up and cart wheels into a reversal, and Roma reverses back, and keeps throwing Wright to the mat, but he keeps kipping up. Wright walks the top rope to reverse with a arm drag and takes over Roma for two. Wright with another arm-bar and out comes Paul Orndorff to presumably help Roma. Wright keeps working the arm, which Roma continues to not sell. Roma finally breaks free and hammers the back of Wright and drops a series of jumping elbow drops. Roma with a series of back breakers to Wright and throws him down like a ragged doll. Roma continues the assault and throws Wright outside to stall time. Wright fights back on the apron and attempts a sunset flip, but misses and Roma covers for two. Wright back to his feet and they fight over a back slide, which Wright gets for one, and he small packages Roma again for two. Roma back up and he drops an elbow on Wright and continues doing nothing much. Snapmare and reverse chin lock by Roma, which he turns into a sleeper hold. Wright eventually fights his way out but misses a dropkick. Roma to the top rope with a flying elbow drop to a big pop (?) and he eventually covers for two. Whip and he misses a charge in the corner and Wright with a series of rights and European uppercuts. Botched hip toss by Wright and he nails a spinning heel kick for one. Top rope cross body press by Wright gets two, as Orndorff pulls Wright off Roma. Roma pounds and slams Wright. Wright up and he dropkicks Roma into Orndorff and rolls him up barely for three at 13:18. * Match was pretty bad, for a few good reasons. First of all, for those who don’t know, Paul Roma was a total jerk in this match by making Wright look like shit, no selling basically everything Wright did, and kicked out of the finishing pin. This didn’t go over well with management I guess, because soon after Roma was fired for being unprofessional.


- Backstage (of course), Mean Gene is with Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) and their manager, Sista’ Sherri. Sherri has roid rage by looking at her facial expressions. Gene calls Stevie Ray “Booker T” like the idiot he is. Stevie says they have been smoking everyone since coming to WCW back when. Booker T stumbles over his lines and yells the phrase “If you want some, come get some” and promises for a Harlem Hangover tonight. Proof Booker T was not always good on the stick.


- “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. Bunkhouse Buck (w/ Meng & Col. Parker):

This has ugly written all over it. It’s so bad I don’t even care to remember why this is happening, but I guess it’s because Hacksaw beat up Steve Austin for the United States Title, and Parker wants revenge by sending his Dud Stable after him. Meng for all that don’t know is formerly Haku of WWF fame. (Note: While typing this up, Married with Children is on, so expect some neglecting on my half of this match) Over on the Superstar Hotline, Mike Tenay is on the phone with Macho Man. Duggan had recently lose the title to Vader at Starrcade, so one hopes if he can bounce back from that loss.


Buck tries a sneak attack but Duggan puts him down with rights and starts a USA chant. Boots to Buck and a “hoo!” to follow. Duggan pounds Buck, who bites to take the advantage but runs into a hip toss and is nailed with a clothesline to the outside over the top rope. They brawl outside and Duggan rips Buck’s shirt. Like an idiot, Duggan tries ramming Buck into the post but is thrown into it. Inside Duggan with a knee drop and reverse chin lock and more USA chants. Duggan works the arm and sends Buck on his ass for two. Chin lock by Duggan and we get a whole lot of nothing. Buck comes back hammering Duggan on the outside and applies a sleeper hold. Duggan fights free as I am forced to hit the Fast Forward button. MORE Chin locks. Big slam by Duggan followed by a knee drop for two. ANOTHER FUCKING CHIN LOCK! Duggan nails his Running Clothesline for three at 11:57. -** Match fucking blew. Meng with a crescent kick puts out Duggan and he applies the Vulcan never hold. This would lead to the worst match of Uncensored 1995, a Martial Arts match that had zero martial arts moves done. Whoever thought it was a good idea to give this match twelve minutes disserved to be fired.


- Again we are backstage with The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) as this PPV is really sucking it hard. Wow, they said NOTHING of note, and Nothing coherently either.


- Dave Sullivan vs. Kevin Sullivan (w/ The Butcher):

WCW tried going the WWF route by having brothers feuding with brothers, except instead of awesome 5-Star matches, we got terrible DUD and negative-star matches. This goes WAY back to about September when Hulk Hogan took Evad Sullivan aside and told him Kevin was bad. Real bad. Evad would change his name to Dave (Get it? Dave backwards was Evad) and turned on his brother. Problem. They weren’t even brothers, making the storyline already stupid. Second, Hogan recycles an angle from 1988 by giving Sullivan his spare pair of magic slippers from Wrestlemania III. To top THAT off, Sullivan had the WORST POSSIBLE THEME known to man created, as it was titled “I want to be a Hulkamaniac”, with a bunch of kids singing a terrible chorus in the background. They fought at Halloween Havoc, with Dave winning by count-out, and this is the PPV return rematch. Recently Kevin & Butcher had attacked Dave on WCW TV, cutting up the magic slippers , the Hogan robe and destroying the record for his theme song. Ya, really exciting material. No wonder 1995 sucked.


I’m just hoping this is short and not so terrible. Dave’s new theme is a little creepy sounding. Dave’s nickname is “Brother”. Ugh. Brawl to start and god knows how bout it is. Dave with a slam and some bad mounted punches. Weak back elbow sends Kevin outside where Butcher consults him. Kevin eats turnbuckle and more punches from Dave. Back drop gets two and Dave with a terrible clothesline. Tony keeps calling Dave “Evad” while Butcher trips him up. Kevin throws him outside and rams him into the post, and Butcher stomps away at him and chokes. Heenan brings up Butcher’s facial damage with 35 screws and numerous steel plates holding it together after his accident in 1990. Kevin kicks away on Dave, big whoop. Couldn’t they do Butcher/Dave, cause lord knows, when it comes to crap, Kevin Sullivan is the king of them. Kevin weakly hammers Dave and sends him outside. Butcher slams his head into the steel steps. Dave fights back on Kevin and chokes him. Dave hulks up on Kevin and hammers on him, cries like a baby, and slams his head into the buckle. Butcher on the apron to distract Dave, and Kevin rushes from behind, head butting Dave into Butcher (a la Wrestlemania II with British Bulldogs/Dream Team) and rolling him up for three at 7:17. -* Another terrible match. Butcher sells the face like a champion and Kevin Sullivan could care less. Well, he kind of does, but he shows no compassion. Butcher should have bladed. Sullivan eventually leaves him in the middle of the aisle. This lead to Butcher renaming himself The Man with No Name and the Man with No Face, which was terribly stupid on more levels than I care to think of.


- More Interviews with Gene, and this time he is with Big Bubba Rogers (Formerly Guardian Angel; Big Boss Man) and Avalanche (Formerly Earthquake). Avalanche jumps up and down trying to cause an Earthquake, but says he’s going to be an avalanche....um....sure.

- WCW-Tag Team Championship Match:

Harlem Heat © (w/ Sista’ Sherri) vs. The Nasty Boys:

Please, Do NOT ask why this is on here. I don’t even remember the two teams feuding until AFTER this pay-per-view. I believe Harlem Heat defeated Stars & Stripes for the Tag Team Titles, or maybe it was the Nasty Boys. Harlem Heats theme stayed in tack for 10 years, and has YET to be changed, thank god, it’s an awesome theme. Booker is dressed all ghetto here with thug jacket and bandana. First Pay-Per-View defense for Harlem Heat since winning the titles. This match is LONG for those with a short attention span. Nick Patrick is referee, so expect a screwy ending.


All four men go face to face as the match starts, but the referee stand between them. Knobbs starts with Booker T, and Knobbs wins it. Booker T with a arm bar, and Knobbs reverses into his own. Knobbs with a big slap and Booker nails him back and catches with a series of knee lifts. Booker misses the heel kick and straddles himself across the top rope and we know how that ends. Sags lays out Booker T outside soon after. Double clothesline by The Nasty boys, and Sags in and drops a head-BUTT to the groin. Double leg takedown and Knobbs with an elbow drop to the thigh. Atomic drop and headlock by Sags and Booker rakes the eyes to end the momentum and Stevie Ray in with clubbing rights. Knobbs comes back with a flurry of rights and Knobbs tags back in and we get a double beat down on Stevie Ray. Knobbs drops a leg across the quadriceps of Stevie Ray, and Sags tags back in to sit down splash the leg. The Nasty Boys control the match until Knobbs eats boot in the corner. Knobbs comes right back with a scoop slam and elbow drop and Sags tags back in. Stevie Ray thugs and bugs Sags and Booker T dropkicks Sags over the top rope to the outside, where Sherri & Stevie Ray send Sags into the security railing. Sags comes back with a slam and we get a pair of tags. Clothesline by Sags gets two on Booker T. Booker catches him with a spinning Harlem kick sending Sags outside. Stevie Ray works him over and we get some double-teaming. Booker T with a snap mare and elbow, followed by a awesome spin-a-roony for a huge face pop, and on the outside Stevie Ray catches Sags with a clothesline. In the ring and Booker T with a reverse chin lock. Sags breaks out but runs into an axe kick and Stevie comes in with some chokes and another chin lock. Scissors kick by Booker T puts down Sags for only two, and Booker applies a front headlock. Big power slam and Booker comes off the top missing a knee drop and Sags catches him with a power slam. Knobbs gets the really hot tag. Clotheslines and slams to both Harlem Heat members and he nails an avalanche in the corner. Double DDT to the champs gets a big pop from the dead crowd and he big splashes Stevie Ray for two. Sags throws Booker T over the top rope. Sherri comes off the top and nails Stevie by mistake with a shoe and Knobbs rolls him up at 17:05 for the titles. Wait...here comes Pee-wee Anderson, and we find out Sags threw Booker T over the top rope, which in WCW rules calls for an immediate disqualification, giving Harlem Heat the win via DQ. *1/2 This match just seemed to drag on for about ten minutes too long especially for the ending they booked for it.


- We get ANOTHER Sting/Savage interview. Savage keeps saying “I’m not talking” which is kind of funny. What is this ECW, where everyone gets two or three promos in one show? Sting again says nothing that I care to translate. No one ever said he was great on the stick. Speaking of not being great, we get a commercial for WCW Uncensored, debuting in March 1995.


- “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. Blacktop Bully:

Don’t ask AGAIN. Apparently, Blacktop Bully first debuted in Fall of 1994, as a fan at ringside who was screaming obscenities at Dustin Rhodes, and eventually got into a scuffle, resulting in Blacktop Bully being ARRESTED on Television. Col. Parker paid Bully’s parole of $75,000 to get him out of jail to have him go after Dustin Rhodes, who had been a thorn in his side for quite some time by now. Blacktop is from Peterville, Iowa and blows a horn on his way to the ring. For those who don’t remember, The Blacktop Bully was better known as Smash of Demolition and the Repo Man in WWF. A bad decision at Uncensored cut his career short in WCW until 1998. Nick Bockwinkle throws Parker & Meng out from ringside because of the earlier shenanigans during the Duggan/Buck match. Another long match in a series of long bad matches. Dustin Rhodes has been able to get some good matches now and then, but needs someone much better than him to do so, so don’t expect a miracle from Barry Darsow, expect Rhodes to have to carry this match. Dustin Rhodes has the WORST theme music this side of Dave Sullivan and also has one of his goofy ass jackets that Vince Russo wore on NWA-TNA back in March.


Rhodes Avoids a sneak attack and pummels him on the canvas right away. Rhodes with a series of rights and a flying clothesline and he still has the jacket on. Mounted punches in the corner by Rhodes and he finishes it with a bionic elbow. Bully no sells and chop blocks Rhodes knee from under him and hammers him weakly. Bully stomps on Rhodes and chokes him out with the jacket that finally comes off. Bully misses a corner charge and posts his shoulder, and Rhodes slaps him good and whips him to the buckle, where he gets stuck on the top rope and kicked off to the floor. We get some stalling and Rhodes with a headlock takeover on Bully. Hammerlock applied by Rhodes and he turns it into an arm-bar. Bully slams Rhodes but he has the hold locked on and switches into a head scissors. KFC Chants...um....Ok. Bully with a shoulder block but he runs into a knee lift and Rhodes with a knee drop to the head and he rakes the eyes with his boot laces. Bully turns the tide with a snap mare and headlock, and Rhodes reverses into a hammerlock. Bully hammers Rhodes in the corner, but meets a right fist and Rhodes rolls him up for two and applies a cross arm-bar. Bully has Rhodes in the corner and nails a few boots. Whip to the corner, and Rhodes springboards off the second rope with a back elbow, and tries again but fakes and connects with a snap suplex for two. Rhodes with a sunset flip gets two again, and Bully with a double axe handle and a hard right sends him outside. Out there Col. Parker tries a cheap shot but no dice, and Rhodes catches Bully off the apron with a fist to the midsection and he rams Bully’s head into the steel steps. Back inside and Rhodes tries a monkey flip but Bully holds the ropes and catches Rhodes with a lariat clothesline for two. Bully throws Rhodes threw the ropes to the outside where Parker gets a few shots in on the fallen Natural. Bully hammers on Rhodes and nails a back supple for two. Headlock applied by Bully hopes to kill some time. Rhodes fights free but misses a cross body and flies to the outside and rolls down the steps into the aisle. Bully rams Rhodes back into the ring apron and rakes the eyes. Rhodes comes back by posting Bully and wrapping his leg around the post, but he misses an elbow drop inside the ring and Bully comes back with a few weak punches and a snap suplex. Bully goes to the second rope, and Rhodes catches him coming off with a clothesline. Rhode’s hulks up and sends Bully to the buckle and nails a back body drop, and pulls the shirt over his face and hammers away on him. Irish whip and Rhodes with an inverted atomic drop and he catches him with the bulldog, but Bully gets his foot on the ropes for two, with some help from Parker. Rhodes goes for him, and suplexes him into the ring. Rhodes tries suplexing Bully back in the ring from the apron, but Parker grabs Rhodes leg allowing Blacktop Bully to fall on top for the three count at 16:10. * Another cheap finish. Incredibly boring match, that wasn’t bad enough for the worst non-negative rating but is something I’d just fast forward through.


- Backstage one more time with Vader. For those who don’t know, it’s Vader Time! He says Hogan has hid from him for long enough, and he can’t hide no more. Gene ponders who was in the limousine with Vader, and he doesn’t give an answer and declares to win the World Title after beating Hogan to a bloody pulp. Vader goes crazy and storms off.


- Now time for a special interview, and out comes The Nature Boy, Ric Flair to a big pop and gives us a big woo. Flair had been retired since Halloween Havoc 1994. Flair denies being in the limousine with Vader, and only came to Baltimore for the PARTY. Flair gives an oh yeah to kiss Savage’s ass. Flair mentions Hogan’s name and that draws boos (!) and Flair will be sitting front row with five of the best looking women Baltimore has to offer him and gives us another woo.


- Sting & “Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Avalanche & Big Bubba Rogers:

This came along for a few odd reasons. A few months back, Big Bubba Rogers was wrestling as The Guardian Angel, a good guy who looked out for the weaker people who weren’t evil. But soon he and Sting had a little confrontation that lead to Angel snapping, cutting one of the FUNNIEST and most Incoherent promo ever when he declares himself once again, Big Bubba Rogers, a gimmick he used back before he joined WWF. Why Avalanche & Savage are there is beyond me. I guess just for something for them to do, since most people wouldn’t care for Sting/Rogers with such a shitty show booked for tonight. Avalanche is announced as from Mt. Everest, Washington. Tony Schiavone mentions this was the location Sting won his first World Title from Flair back at Great American Bash 1990. His theme is also very terrible.


So far the MOTN honors goes to the MAIN EVENT match, which is pretty sad says I. Flair looks on from ring side as Rogers goes crazy and we get another look at Great Muta (Without face paint). Sting works of the ropes while Avalanche stalls. Avalanche wins the lockup and poses, which is funny for the wrong reasons. Sting gets the crowd excited because he’s Sting, and they lockup again with Avalanche winning and does more posing. Avalanche hammers Sting in the corner with forearms, but Sting runs off the ropes with some vicious clotheslines and a dropkick. Rogers stops him form knocking Avalanche down and we get a brawl in the corner. Rogers with a fist to the midsection of Sting and he knocks him on his ass with another. Back breaker by Big Bubba and he goes to the top rope, where Savage runs over and posts him, and Sting comes off with a super-plex. Sting with a woo and he and Savage trade off shots on Rogers, sending him into the ropes and he see-saws on the second rope while Sting hammers him. Savage comes off the top rope with a double axe handle to a big pop and the faces celebrate. Savage & Rogers lockup and Savage with an arm drag and celebration ensues. Savage invites Flair in the ring and Rogers hammers on the Macho Man. Savage ducks a clothesline and attempts a sunset flip. That doesn’t work, and Rogers misses a sit down splash and Savage rolls him up for two. Savage sends Rogers into the corner and slaps Avalanche in the face. Savage goes for a slam on Avalanche but he’s too fat and falls on top for two. Avalanche hammers Savage in the corner, but misses a splash and gets hung up on the top rope, where the faces lay in some boots to the midsection, and Sting comes in and kicks Avalanches leg from under his...leg and locks on the Scorpion Death Lock! Savage hammers on Rogers and chokes him from the outside, and Sting with a series of Stinger Splashes on both men until he runs into a Avalanche slam, and Schiavone states That’s the end of That. Flair with some trash talk to someone, and we find out he’s yelling at Savage I guess. Heenan with a woo and Avalanche drops an elbow on Sting. Whip to the corner, and Avalanche misses a splash, and Sting slams him!! He walks into Rogers, and he sends him on his ass, allowing Sting to drop a head-BUTT into Avalanches...um...crotch. Savage makes the tag and nails a double axe handle on Avalanche and clotheslines Rogers and nails both men with rights. Brawl erupts and Savage slams Rogers and comes off the top rope with a flying elbow drop for no count. Sting to the top rope and he comes off with a flying clothesline on Avalanche for three at 10:19. *** Fun match the whole way through, and probably gets MOTN honors unless Vader is a miracle worker. Savage continues to go after Flair for no apparent reason than to be a pain in the ass.


- Mike Tenay is on the Superstar Hotline with Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat & Sista’ Sherri. Talk to your favorite stars LIVE! Call 1-900-909-9900. Calls cost $1.49 each minute. Must Press Option #2. Sorry, just felt like giving people headaches with this crap.


- Video Package to hype the main event. Video starts off with footage of Vader making easy work of some jobbers, and some of the better talent in WCW including Sting & the Ex-Guardian Angel. Vader was still bad ass here. Footage from Starrcade 1994 when he busts into the faces locker room to confront Hulk Hogan and challenge him for a World Championship Match, and the guys have to separate them before anything happens. Footage from a recent Clash of the Champions where Vader attacked and planted Hogan with a powerbomb. We follow up with a Hulk Hogan interview. Jimmy Hart declares it’s not Vader Time, but “It’s Hulkster time BAY-BAY!”. Hogan cuts one of those Wrestlemania IV promos, trailing off topic, ranting on and on without a sign of ending.


- WCW-World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Hulk Hogan © (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Vader (w/ Harley Race):

We just went over the background to this match in the previous video package. Vader has on a white silk robe with mastodon fur wrapped around the shoulders. Sadly Vader no longer has the smoking elephant head which kicked ass on so many levels. Might I add American Made is the biggest rip-off on the face of the earth compared to Real American. Hulkster gets a mixed reaction while Vader got a pretty decent pop. Hart has some goofy as fuck pants on, which are Stars and Stripe flag pants. Michael Buffer does ring introductions, which was the normal for many WCW Main Event’s on PPV from 1993-1999. Referee is Randy “Pee-wee” Anderson. Wearing Black and Red weighing in a 446 ¼ pounds from Boulder, CO, and a All-American football star for the Buffalos, the #1 contender for the heavyweight title of the world, Vader! Wearing Red & Yellow weighing 274 1/2 pounds from Venice Beach, CA, the heavyweight champion of the world, the king of Hulkamania, the one, the only, Hulk Hogan! Crowd with boos and cheers.


Match finally starts, and crowd is pretty much behind Vader on this one. Lockup and Vader takes Hogan into the corner, and we get a clean break. Hogan hammers away with everything and Vader just stand there and removes the mask. Now he means business. Lockup Part 2, and Hogan slaps Vader around and hammers away. Whip to the corner and clothesline by Hogan, and Vader doesn’t feel it, and the crowd eats it up with a spoon. Shot of Flair in the crowd. Lockup and Hogan with an arm-bar and he rolls Vader over with a short arms scissors (!) When the hell was the last time Hogan did that. Vader fights to his feet still in the hold and stomps on Hogan’ face forcing the break. Lockup Part 3 ad Vader unloads a series of body blows and forearms to the side of the head and catches him with a short arm clothesline to the fans delight. Heenan yells out “Vader hit him so hard he might grow hair”. Back to action, Vader whips Hogan into the corner and nails the avalanche, sending Hogan running like a baby to the outside. Vader gives chase and hammers him some more with head-butts. Hogan whips Vader into the security rail, landing in front of Ric Flair, and Vader is pissed, so he throws the railing. Hogan hammers on Vader and executes several chops and does some mounted punching. Vader reverses an Irish Whip but Hogan connects with a clothesline and continues the assault. Big Boot and clothesline sends Vader flying over the top rope. Where’s the DQ Referee?! Hogan punches Vader some more in the corner and chokes him with his foot. Hogan tries a slam but Vader falls on top but he doesn’t bother to stay on for the count. Vader with an Irish whip and he nails the running avalanche. Vader hits Hogan with some vicious shots and his defense is pretending he’s blind. Clothesline puts Hogan down and starts choking him. Slam by Vader, and he goes to the second rope and comes off with the Vader bomb, but that only gets two! Vader goes to the top rope for a Vader-sault, but that misses and Hogan crawls to the outside. Hogan runs around the ring to get a chair and he blasts Vader with it, and STILL no DQ. Hogan nails him with another chair shot and hammers away on him. Back in the ring and Vader catches Hogan with a chokeslam (Schiavone calls it a throat pick up) and follows up with an elbow drop. In the corner Vader assaults Hogan with forearms, and followsw it up with a suplex for two. Hogan Hulk’s Up to a pop (Stupid crowd) and no sells a few of Vaders punches and nails six of his own and nails the big boot! Hogan with the leg drop...and VADER KICKED OUT AT 1!!! Holy Shit!! Vader with an avalanche from behind and we get a referee bump. Powerbomb by Vader! Flair jumps in the ring to a big pop and counts a fast three, assaults the referee and starts attacking Hogan. Vader with a big splash for two, and Hogan up again with another big boot and clothesline sending him outside. Flair back in and that calls a DQ at 15:06. Flair does his awesome sell of being pissed and Hogan attacks him and nails a big boot, then chokes him out. Vader attacks from behind and Flair hammers away on the defenseless Hogan. Flair applies a Figure Four until; Savage and Sting make the save with steel chairs. ***1/4 Match was pretty good, but the weak ending ruined it. Vader probably should have gone over here, but the past is behind us.


Final Thoughts: Aside from the Main Event and the Tag Team Match that was held before hand, this show is pretty terrible. Nothing broke ** on the actual PPV until the last two matches, and included some long, and mostly boring matches, with almost all bad endings. And a Dusty Finish doesn’t sit well with me.


Strong Recommendation to Avoid.

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