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Guest MideonMark

Vince in another cheapshot at the Harts shocker!

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Guest MideonMark

Ok its not really a shocker and its not even that major as its the easiest way he can insta heel heat in Canada, but here ya go anyway




Evidence has been revealed that WWE wants to keep the Bret Hart/WWE angle alive, following a promo during RAW on TSN last night for house shows in Canada.


In one of the promos, McMahon said: "It's no secret that I dislike most everything, and most everybody, coming from Calgary, especially most of the Hart family members." McMahon continued on by saying that he now hates Calgary because it is where he was going to have to deal with Zach Gowen at a house show next month.


This makes it obvious that WWE does not want the Bret Hart issue to die, although we all know that this promo was done as a work and Vince actually gets along with many of the Harts.


[source: 1Wrestling.com]

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Guest Trivia247

well at least Stew and the rest of the Harts believe this is just a wrestling ploy and not to be taken seriously.


its wrestling drama from a guy staying in character..

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Guest Trivia247

in a few years OVW may debut the team of Harry Smith and Ted Hart!


and they will enter the WWE program and Vince will Have a Zack Gowen like angle against them until Bret Hart comes in and forces McMahon to give them a chance, so McMahon throws them against the BDTTP and Bret will make a...walk in and hit someone with a chair to give them the win and the contract.

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Guest AM The Kid

Aww...Vince doesnt like me? :(


And man, Teddy and Harry are the bomb, future stars.

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Guest Youth N Asia

If it drew ratings I could see it. But let it go Vince, no one cares anymore but you

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Guest Choken One

Ted? What happened to Dallas?


Dallas...I mean he was DRIPPING with charisma in that Magazine article he had in WWF Magazine...


HEY! BRET LOVERS...I don't see Shawn giving Little Cameron his own Magazine Article!

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