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Guest Stevie Franchise

My Ring Of Honor "Death Before Dishonor" Report

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Guest Stevie Franchise

The show opened with Special K coming out and continuing the Rave that ended the last ROH show. The Christopher St. Connection interrupted the Rave by playing the song It’s Raining Men. They wanted to turn the Rave into a Disco! Special K then attacked them until Low Ki’s music blasted over the sound system. All of Special K left immediately except Hijinx, who got Bi**h slapped, Cloudy who got put in the Dragon Clutch and Deranged who was the last guy remaining and he put on a fairly decent match with Low Ki, until falling by submission when Ki hit him with two Crush Rushes, then a Ki Krusher followed by the Dragon Clutch for the submission. **1/2


The next match was Matt Stryker Vs Jimmy Rave, which was a very good match as expected with great technical wrestling and counter wrestling. Stryker won with a Death Valley Driver. ***


Next up was the “8-Man Weapons Match” between The Carnage Crew and Team TWA. It was a wild brawl that saw Fast Eddie take one of the sickest bumps I have ever seen in my life when he got German Suplexed off the top rope onto a chair. Eddie may be legally blind but now he’s legally insane! Other sick bumps were Loc and Devito’s Spike Piledriving one of the TWA boys off the apron through a table, Hotstuff Hernandez hitting a tope where he hit his head on the metal sheet full fu**k*n impact - goddamn, that was sick! Hotstuff couldn’t remember the rest of the match so the finish was slightly messed up where Hernandez took a long time to hit a Crucifix Power Bomb on 4 chairs on Masada for the pin. ***1/4


Next up was the debut Tag Team known as the Purists of Tony Mamaluke and “Hurricane” John Walters taking on The Outkast Killas of Diablo Santiago and Oman Turtuga. Extended squash that saw The Outkast Killas get in a lot of decent offense including Diablo doing a dropkick off of Oman’s back on Walter’s while he was sitting on the top turnbuckle. The Purists eventually won with some sort of cool double team submission. **


After the match Dunn and Marcos came out and said that The Killas got rocked like a hurricane. Xavier then makes his surprise return and lays out D&M and entered himself in the FOH but he’s not officially entered.


Doug Williams Vs Tom Carter was awesome - just some beautiful wrestling that some of the idiot fans there just didn’t appreciate. Those people who chanted, “boring” deserve to be slapped in the face hard. Oh the match! Carter worked the arm the whole match and when Williams went for his finisher, the Chaos Theory (a roll through German Suplex), Williams could not hook the bridge because of the arm work that Carter did. A few minutes later Carter got the win with a funky rollup. I need a rematch tomorrow. ***3/4


Next up was, to me, the MOTN in the #1 contenders Survival 4-Way Match between Homicide, Dan Maff, BJ Whitmer, and Colt Cabana. Cabana has to be the funniest guy in wrestling right now and coming out to Barry Manilow’s Copacabana makes him even more goofy. This match was all action with the Homicide/Maff feud really starting to heat up. Homicide always wanted Maff in the ring but somehow Maff avoided him. After a bunch of awesome false finishers, BJ Whitmer hit Colt Cabana with an Exploder Suplex off the top rope for the pin. HOLY SH**! ****


The first match after intermission was the Tag Team Scramble between the SAT and Backseat Boys versus Special K. It was a better than average scramble match mainly because there were no unnecessary kickouts of finishers and Joel’s no-look reverse tombstone was actually used as a move that had to be saved instead of someone kicking out of it. Finish was one of the SAT accidentally kicking Trent Acid who fell victim to the Whippersnapper for the pin. **1/4


After the match the Backseats turned on the SAT by giving Joel the T-Gimmick and Jose the Dream Sequence.


Jeff Hardy sucked but you all knew that already.


The Dog Collar Match happened next between CM Punk and Raven. It was a great ECW type brawl with lots of cool surprises. CM Punk picked up the win after Cabana came in the ring and DDTed Punk on a chair. Danny Doring, who Punk was berating before the match, began chasing Cabana away but Punk picked up the win. ***3/4


After the match Punk tied Raven to the ropes and poured beer down Raven’s throat but Tommy Dreamer came from the back and cracked Punk in the head with a chair. Dreamer untied Raven and tied Punk to the ropes then Raven and Dreamer poured beer down Punk’s throat adding more fuel to the feud of the year that will be settled in a Cage Match on September 6th.


The Tag Team Title Match was next between the Tag team champions AJ Styles and The Amazing Red facing off against the Briscoe Brothers. Probably the weakest of their three matches together but still really, really good. There was a holy SH** spot when AJ Superplexed Mark off the top rope into a power bomb by Red while Jay was power bombing AJ off the top rope. Finish was AJ hitting, I think, Mark with the Styles Clash. ***1/4


The main event of Samoa Joe Vs Paul London was a very good match but not blow away good like some expected but still better than any WWE main event you’ll see. Samoa Joe even pulled out a Missile Dropkick off the top rope. Paul London hit a SSP for a 2 and 15/16, which was a great near fall. Even though the choke finish was really anticlimactic, the speech after the match made up for the finish. ***1/2 for the match ½* for the speech for a total of ****


Great show! One of the best live shows I have been to in my entire life. I highly recommend ROH “Death Before Dishonor.”

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