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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Goldberg slips on a banana peel

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I can't believe no one in your Raw Reports mentioned this, as I found it to be a very big deal. When Goldberg was in the ring by himself during the break, he went to jump on the turnbuckle to salute the crowd. On the way up he tripped and completely fell. He got himself caught up in the ropes. It took like 4 seconds for him to recover. The entire crowd laughed non-stop at him. It completely killed his "monster" image, and made him look like a joke. Some guys in the front row were taunting him pretty good about it, Goldberg seemed very upset and flipped the fans off.


On his way out, Goldberg seemed to realize what he just did was wrong, so he tried to make it up by hi-fiving some other fans in the crowd.


Also, crowd was not that into the show. "Boring" chants were heard all night long, and fans started a brand new chant of "Fast Forward". Also when the show ended with no Austin or Rock appearance, many fans yelled "we want our money back!"



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Guest Insane Bump Machine

the fast forward chant is awesome, hopefully it gets over.

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Guest JMA

I also noticed a small "You Screwed Bret" chant during the Jericho/Michaels match.

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Guest Eagan469
I also noticed a small "You Screwed Bret" chant during the Jericho/Michaels match.

I think that's because Earl and Shawn were right next to each other.


Wild guess. :)

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