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Guest DerangedHermit

Schedule of WWE Book Releases

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Guest DerangedHermit

WWE has a full schedule of book releases scheduled for 2003:


August – A financial investing book by Bradshaw.

September – Lita’s Autobiography

October – Steve Austin’s Autobiography

November – A book called “WWE Year Two”

December – HHH’s body building book


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


I wonder what secrets to his shape *coughroidscough* HHH will reveal.

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Guest Eagan469
August – A financial investing book by Bradshaw.

He's supposedly insanely good with financial advice. I won't get it, but it'll be interesting.

September – Lita’s Autobiography

Worked indys, got popular, had surgery, career went to shit - nice life

October – Steve Austin’s Autobiography

If he writes it I'll get it, but if it's ghostwritten I'll pass.

November – A book called “WWE Year Two”


December – HHH’s body building book

I don't use steroids. I guess I won't get past step one.

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Guest Youth N Asia
September – Lita’s Autobiography

Worked indys, got popular, had surgery, career went to shit - nice life

There's quite a bit of success in between "had surgery" and "Career went to shit." She'd be just as over as she ever was if she was on tv again...and I'm not even a Lita fan

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Guest nWoScorpion

I'd buy Lita book so I can piss on it. HHH body building book? WOW! Thats gonna sell like 6 copies.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Six copies?! Are you nuts?! We have HHH, Steph, Vince, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton! That's only FIVE.

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Guest nWoScorpion

You forgot the copy I'm buying to piss on. (Gets a tank of R Kelly's urine)

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Guest Mattdotcom

Oh, alright. Don't forget the Doo-Doo Butter.


I feel sorry for the people reading this exchange that don't watch Chapelle's show.

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September – Lita’s Autobiography

Worked indys, got popular, had surgery, career went to shit - nice life

There's quite a bit of success in between "had surgery" and "Career went to shit." She'd be just as over as she ever was if she was on tv again...and I'm not even a Lita fan

Still not enough to write a book on. I don't even think the Hardy's should have released a book as soon as they did. Books are for the end of your career to look back and reflect.


But I guess Lita's career is over so maybe that's why she's writing it?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I agree, I'm sick of these people who've been around a few years and writing a book. Mick's book made sense...Lita's doesn't

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Guest DerangedHermit
Six copies?! Are you nuts?! We have HHH, Steph, Vince, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton! That's only FIVE.

And HBK, Nash, Sean Waltman, and Hall. So that's NINE! OMG it exceeded expectations!

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Guest buffybeast

Lita screwed (f*cked) quite a few people in the Carolinas during her rise to the big time. If she talked openly about the men and women she had sex with, then maybe I'd buy her book.


If he writes it I'll get it, but if it's ghostwritten I'll pass.


Of course his book will be ghost written. He's an intelligent man. But I doubt he has the skills to write a book without some help.

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Guest Trivia247
I wonder what secrets to his shape *coughroidscough* HHH will reveal.

HHH: uhhh, fruit juice.... Constantly being on top cuz you never know when you have to forcefully hold someone down...uhhhh and nightly work out with the nearest Bosses daughter you can find....That or Chyna.

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Guest Choken One
Lita screwed (f*cked) quite a few people in the Carolinas during her rise to the big time. If she talked openly about the men and women she had sex with, then maybe I'd buy her book.


If he writes it I'll get it, but if it's ghostwritten I'll pass.


Of course his book will be ghost written. He's an intelligent man. But I doubt he has the skills to write a book without some help.

I agreee because remember that Magazine article he wrote for Raw about his walk out? He wrote it all and it wasn't the greatest structured article I've seen.


I wouldn't mind he writes the context but let some one else do the transitions and that sort of shit.

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Guest Coffey

August – A financial investing book by Bradshaw. No.

September – Lita’s Autobiography No.

October – Steve Austin’s Autobiography Yes.

November – A book called “WWE Year Two” No.

December – HHH’s body building book No.


Well, Austin's book will be a must have for me. The rest is junk.

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Guest Austin3164life

Austin's book will be a very interesting read and a definite pick-up for me. I loved "Foley is Good" and if Austin writes the context and main ideas for this book, it should be a good read.

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Guest Choken One

I'm afraid of WHICH austin will be doing it...


The Normal Funny Screw the Rules Austin or the Redneck Special Austin...

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Guest Prototype450

I can imagine hhh's book now





Page 56


So afteruhhhh you find the nearest bosse's daughteruhhhhh, you insertuuuh the neddle hereuhh.


I doubt he'll put the uhh's in their though, but if he does i will by that book.

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