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Casualties of RO

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So far Randy Orton has:


Electricuted Goldust and made him stutter obsenities


Played a critical role in helping HHH beat Kane, leading to his unmasking and subsequent rampage


Beat Val Venus and Tommy Dreamer mercilessly


Tossed Mick Foley down a flight of stairs


"Single-handedly" allowed Chris Jericho to beat HBK


Who or what next to be sacrificed to the "Get RO Over" campaign the WWE is hell-bent on?

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I wouldn't be suprised to see him take the belt from Booker T. They want to be like the Horsemen, so I imagine at some point they'll hold just about all the belts at the same time. They just need a tagteam to join the fold.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Don't forget the Dudleys.



He pinned all 3 in one match.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Didn't he get all three pins in the elimination match last week as well?


I for one do not understand why everyone is making an issue of this. They want to push Orton and to me, are doing a good job. I do not judge this by 'smark' opinion, but rather my mates who are more casual fans.

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Guest AndrewTS

Imagine if they put 1/10 the effort into some one the fans give 2 craps about.


Of course, I really wonder if they'll feed the most talented Cliq member and HHH's best friend to Orton before the IC program.


I'm surprised they haven't decided to feed Nash to Orton. Nash isn't much good for anything else.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
So far Randy Orton has:


Electricuted Goldust and made him stutter obsenities


Played a critical role in helping HHH beat Kane, leading to his unmasking and subsequent rampage


Beat Val Venus and Tommy Dreamer mercilessly


Tossed Mick Foley down a flight of stairs


"Single-handedly" allowed Chris Jericho to beat HBK


Who or what next to be sacrificed to the "Get RO Over" campaign the WWE is hell-bent on?

1. The Goldust thing was before the big push. Plus, he had help from Bautista. Two guys beat up one guy. WHAT A PUSH!


2. He ran interference and ambushed an exhausted Kane. WHAT A PUSH!


3. He won two matches. WOW!


4. He ambushed a non-wrestler backstage WOW!


5. How can helping someone be "single-handed?" And didn't Flair help too? And didn't Y2J work the back for 20 minutes? Nevermind that... WHAT A PUSH!


Worst Post Ever.

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Guest saturnmark4life

If booker makes it out of next week without jobbing the title to Orton, he should count his blessings and retire.

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Guest Anglesault

It won't take long for them to sacrfice Book to 'ol Suckbag.


I think Orton is actually getting less over.

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Guest Nathan_Avara

I'm liking it, but it could be done better. So he beat the Dudleyz. They haven't been over in a year. Dreamer? WWE jobs him to everyone already no loss. Val? HAHAHA. As Retro Rob pointed out in his Booking Report, it was made to look like HHH did all the work in that six man. He may not be the next Kurt Angle, but seriously in another 6 or 7 years, I could see him with a world title.

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Guest Anglesault
. He may not be the next Kurt Angle

He's more like the next Test.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Worst Post Ever.

is that your signature?

Was that an attempt at humor?


Seriously, I'd like to see you actually try to refute the points in my post then be an ass just because I'm telling you waht you don't want to hear. It must be nice to blindly follow smark rhetoric ad nauseum but I prefer intellegent thought, thanks.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Worst Post Ever.

is that your signature?

Was that an attempt at humor?


Made me laugh. B-)

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Guest Adrian 3:16
So far Randy Orton has:


Electricuted Goldust and made him stutter obsenities




Beat Val Venus and Tommy Dreamer mercilessly


He beat Val. It was hardly mercilessly, it was a standard issue 2 minute Raw match. And I like Dreamer, but let's be real here- the guy is a jobber after all. Even in his heyday in ECW, his specialty was getting his ass kicked.


Tossed Mick Foley down a flight of stairs


And don't tell me he knows how to fall!


The whole Orton backlash is one of the reasons I don't take 95% of "smarks" seriously, and why presumbaly WWE doesn't either.


Smarks: Push new stars WWE!

*WWE pushes a new star by the name of Randy Orton*

Smarks: OMG Orton sux!

Me: I thought you wanted new stars?

Smarks: No we meant guys like Benoit and Booker T

Me: So you don't really want NEW stars at all then.

Smarks: ....


Don't worry, whenever the day comes they push him for a title shot HHH will cut him off at the knees like all the rest, and then you can all breathe easy. Remember, if your personal favorites can't get pushed, then no one can BAH GAWD!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Worst Post Ever.

is that your signature?

Was that an attempt at humor?


Made me laugh. B-)

Funny, you guys attack me, but no one as of right now has successfully rebutted my post.


Says a lot about you guys. And about why this folder has become such a punchline.

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Guest Retro Rob
Maybe the bookers are doing a Goldberg with Orton.


I feel sad. [email protected] was a much better "gimmick".

Seeing how you brought up the RNN/Get Well Randy thing... Didn't everyone love the guy during that period of time? Now he is one of the most hated men in the WWE because he associates with HHH? That is the only difference I see from when he was liked as compared to now.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
Seeing how you brought up the RNN/Get Well Randy thing... Didn't everyone love the guy during that period of time? 

Yes. Yes they did. I'd also like to point out he never actually did anything during that time period, but apparently mock news reports are a better use of the guy than him winning matches.


Now he is one of the most hated men in the WWE because he associates with HHH?


And the funniest part is, he's buddies with HHH in a STORYLINE and he's the new public enemy #1. Shows you no matter how knowledgable to the business the posters here may think they are, a lot of them are downright marks.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Worst Post Ever.

is that your signature?

Was that an attempt at humor?


Made me laugh. B-)

Funny, you guys attack me, but no one as of right now has successfully rebutted my post.


Says a lot about you guys. And about why this folder has become such a punchline.

I wasn't attacking you at all. I really did chuckle at that.

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Guest Sakura
The whole Orton backlash is one of the reasons I don't take 95% of "smarks" seriously, and why presumbaly WWE doesn't either.


Smarks: Push new stars WWE!

*WWE pushes a new star by the name of Randy Orton*

Smarks: OMG Orton sux!

Me: I thought you wanted new stars?

Smarks: No we meant guys like Benoit and Booker T

Me: So you don't really want NEW stars at all then.

Smarks: ....


Don't worry, whenever the day comes they push him for a title shot HHH will cut him off at the knees like all the rest, and then you can all breathe easy. Remember, if your personal favorites can't get pushed, then no one can BAH GAWD!

What is the problem? When we say we want new stars we mean GOOD new stars. Why is it bad for us to complain when they push someone new that we hate?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The whole Orton backlash is one of the reasons I don't take 95% of "smarks" seriously, and why presumbaly WWE doesn't either.


Smarks:  Push new stars WWE!

*WWE pushes a new star by the name of Randy Orton*

Smarks:  OMG Orton sux!

Me:        I thought you wanted new stars?

Smarks:  No we meant guys like Benoit and Booker T

Me:        So you don't really want NEW stars at all then.

Smarks:  ....


Don't worry, whenever the day comes they push him for a title shot HHH will cut him off at the knees like all the rest, and then you can all breathe easy.  Remember, if your personal favorites can't get pushed, then no one can BAH GAWD!

What is the problem? When we say we want new stars we mean GOOD new stars. Why is it bad for us to complain when they push someone new that we hate?

Yeah, who's going to be better in two years: Booker who can barely work now, or Randy Orton who's just starting out and has potential to improve?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Because you can't like good wrestlers or good wrestling Sakura.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Worst Post Ever.

is that your signature?

Was that an attempt at humor?


Made me laugh. B-)

Funny, you guys attack me, but no one as of right now has successfully rebutted my post.


Says a lot about you guys. And about why this folder has become such a punchline.

I wasn't attacking you at all. I really did chuckle at that.

That's cool, but you'd be a little pissed if you made a post of osme substance and the only response you got ignored the points you made and went for after the last line.

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Guest Sakura
Yeah, who's going to be better in two years: Booker who can barely work now, or Randy Orton who's just starting out and has potential to improve?

So...how about pushing Orton when he meets his potential instead of now when he sucks?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'd like to throw in that I'm not against the Randy Orton push. He just needs a few house show tours with Benoit or Jericho to get better. Given that he will probably "retire" Michaels and I'm betting Foley as well by the end of the year, I think "uber-push" is somewhat fitting.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
What is the problem? When we say we want new stars we mean GOOD new stars. Why is it bad for us to complain when they push someone new that we hate?

Because you hate everybody. No mystery there.


Orton: we hate him because he's in a stable with HHH and he has family connections!


Cena: he can't wrestle as good as Kurt Angle, so he must suck! Plus I hate rap LOLZ


O'Haire: He's just another hoss with no moves! Never mind I've never actually seen him in WCW!


Brock: he got the belt too fast!


Batista: He took steroids! Eddie Guerrero would never do that!


Haas and Benjamin: they wrestle good but they're so green! I know, they should make Benjamin rap and make Haas Satanic! Why can't WWE think of good characters like that?!


If you guys just want to convert WWE to the Chris Benoit and Friends Happy Variety Hour, that's fine. But at least come out and say as much instead of pretending you actually want some new faces, than bitching when you get them.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I'm not all for the Orton push, but as far as Booker goes, he's stated that he'd like to retire within the next year or two, so whether he can work two years from now isn't really relevant since if he goes along with it, he won't even be wrestling anymore.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I'd like to see Randy Orton be a big thing in the futurew, but not NOW, he's only been on the main roster a year (Minus injury time, maybe 5-6 months) and doesn't disserve to be fighting main event matches (incase they decide to do HBK/Orton).


He's starting to make me tolerate HHH more and more every week.

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Guest Sakura
Because you hate everybody. No mystery there.

I don't hate all those guys. I have seen a LOT of praise for Cena and Team Angle. There's many Brock fans too.

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