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Guest NoCalMike

To keep with continuity.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Well since Linda is Steph's mom, I wonder if she will have any promos where she is on the phone with the hospital or a McMahon relative to check up on Linda, or maybe not even be at Smackdown to be at her hospital bed. I mean, if she doesn't even mention the Kane/Linda incident one time through the whole show, I think that would be pretty weak story-wise.

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Guest Austin3164life

I doubt they are really going to use that much logic, for a daughter to call her parent. It doesn't fit their guidelines over at Titan Towers.

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Guest Choken One

"Raw doesn't exist in Smackdown Land...So whatever happens monday never happened... You understand"- WWE Company Line.

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It's going to be like how Vince was a face on RAW and heel on Smackdown back in February... it's going to be a whole different world. Linda will be fine on Smackdown, doing all sorts of physical tasks no problem, then come next Monday, on RAW, she is confined to a wheel chair for the rest of her life because of Monday's incident.

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Guest AndrewTS

I doubt it, and I really wouldn't want her to say anything on SD about it.


Perfect solution--


Cole: Our General Manager Stephanie McMahon will not be here tonight due to injury to her mother from Monday.


BAM!--no huge chunk of airtime wasted, and continuity is preserved.

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Guest Anglesault
I doubt it, and I really wouldn't want her to say anything on SD about it.


Perfect solution--


Cole: Our General Manager Stephanie McMahon will not be here tonight due to injury to her mother from Monday.


BAM!--no huge chunk of airtime wasted, and continuity is preserved.

But since Stephie-Baby HAD to get her useless ass on the PPV, they have to continue the Sable feud.

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Guest NoCalMike
Perfect solution--


Cole: Our General Manager Stephanie McMahon will not be here tonight due to injury to her mother from Monday.


BAM!--no huge chunk of airtime wasted, and continuity is preserved.

That would be great.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I think Steph will be on her way to the hospital where she'll meet Bischoff at a red light and they'll make out again. We won't see Steph on Raw anymore and we won't hear anything of it again.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
I doubt it, and I really wouldn't want her to say anything on SD about it.


Perfect solution--


Cole: Our General Manager Stephanie McMahon will not be here tonight due to injury to her mother from Monday.


BAM!--no huge chunk of airtime wasted, and continuity is preserved.

But you're disobeying a wwe cardinal rule!


You can't take Steph off tv just like that. Something has to happen that would "take her off tv forever".*

















*Note: Forever lasts about 3-4 months.

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Guest Retro Rob

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Both Steph and Vince mention Linda by name on SmackDown, but don't say anything about wanting revenge.

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Guest Loss4Words

Vince drugged her while he slept with Trish Stratus and Stephanie has slapped her in the face and caller her a bitch. So they probably don't have a problem with her simulating the "69" position with Kane as he drops her to his knees. If anything, NOT mentioning her is consistent with their characters.


Yes, this is sarcasm. :)

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Both Steph and Vince mention Linda by name on SmackDown, but don't say anything about wanting revenge.

HA! All you bitches talking about "WWE doesn't use logic" can eat it.

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Guest Choken One

Ummm...They just kinda Glossed over it actually...but it's better then nothing.

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Guest Trivia247

If she did you might see Kane Breaking Onto Smackdown..... and Chokeslamming her through a table or something.


or so the logic would with people "makin fun " of Kane

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Guest Choken One

They need to show kane chokeslaming Little Kids at the Aracde now instead of Punching the Crane Machine (which btw was one of the best WWFNY segments ever)

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Guest Retro Rob

I forget, did Vince and Linda ever reconcile after the drugging incident? I remembered them getting back together during the Invasion.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Ummm...They just kinda Glossed over it actually...but it's better then nothing.

What did you expect? A fucking memorial piece? They mentioned it, that's enough.

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Guest Loss4Words

They supposedly had counseling and worked out their problems just because it was convenient in storylines. Within a month, Vince was back flirting with Trish again and having everyone give him analingus on live TV, so who knows?


As for Kane, they need to sell this like they sold everything with the NWO, meaning they talk about it constantly and show fear for their safety at all time, to a point where they have trouble focusing on anything else. Some will frown upon that, and I don't think they should do it as long or even quite to the extreme that WCW did, but the element needs to be there.


Having Coach and Lawler walk out on a live RAW fearing their own safety, leaving Austin and Bischoff to do commentary all night because no one else is available, is a good idea for an angle actually.

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Guest Retro Rob
Having Coach and Lawler walk out on a live RAW fearing their own safety, leaving Austin and Bischoff to do commentary all night because no one else is available, is a good idea for an angle actually.

That is a good idea for both the storyline and our sanity.

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Guest AndrewTS
I doubt it, and I really wouldn't want her to say anything on SD about it.


Perfect solution--


Cole: Our General Manager Stephanie McMahon will not be here tonight due to injury to her mother from Monday.


BAM!--no huge chunk of airtime wasted, and continuity is preserved.

But since Stephie-Baby HAD to get her useless ass on the PPV, they have to continue the Sable feud.

Have Sable badmouth Linda--no so hard, hm?


Oh, last show before the PPV. Bah.

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Guest undisputedjericho

I'd enjoy an Austin/Bischoff comentary tag team. That'd be quite a listen.


By the way, who is the face in the Steph/Sable fued? (I don't watch SmackDown!)

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Guest Retro Rob
By the way, who is the face in the Steph/Sable fued? (I don't watch SmackDown!)

In theory, Stephanie. We will have to see who gets cheered at the PPV.

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Guest Choken One
They supposedly had counseling and worked out their problems just because it was convenient in storylines. Within a month, Vince was back flirting with Trish again and having everyone give him analingus on live TV, so who knows?


As for Kane, they need to sell this like they sold everything with the NWO, meaning they talk about it constantly and show fear for their safety at all time, to a point where they have trouble focusing on anything else. Some will frown upon that, and I don't think they should do it as long or even quite to the extreme that WCW did, but the element needs to be there.


Having Coach and Lawler walk out on a live RAW fearing their own safety, leaving Austin and Bischoff to do commentary all night because no one else is available, is a good idea for an angle actually.

I agree and to an extent they did that with


"What the hell is Kane is going to do?" but it really needs to be PUSHED like crazy...



King got in the way last week...Have it is afraid Kane will go after him...and thus called Austin and wouldn't appear at the show and Coach is all alone and he pretty much stays.."Screw this...Kane is after ANYONE...I am NOT a wrestler and I was not hired to look behind my back for a Monster like Kane...I'm sorry...Eric you can fire me but I can't do this"


So Eric and Austin decide to be out on the table so If Kane shows up...He does RIGHT for "King" but austin will be there to prevent that...


Show Wrestlers Car Pooling so that they aren't Alone...


Show wrestlers leaving the building after their matches to avoid Kane...

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Guest Retro Rob

But if they keep going with this house arrest thing, in theory none of the wrestlers have anything to worry about unless they are either booked to face Kane or run out during a Kane match. The announcers would still be at risk since they are sitting on the set.


Maybe having the refs and announcers refuse to work would be good.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...They clearly make us think...



KANE is Captivated until he has a Match...


So I would LOVE if they built a portable "Hannibal Cell" for Kane...and they lock him up at the start of the show and like Goldberg they Let him out and escort him to the ring...

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Guest Coffey
Ummm...They just kinda Glossed over it actually...but it's better then nothing.

I guess. It's "better than nothing" isn't much of an arguement though...

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Maybe having the refs and announcers refuse to work would be good.

That could work, but then you run into the problem of who refs Kane's matches. Having Austin or Bischoff do it a couple times is fine, but more than that would be ridiculous.

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Guest Choken One
Ummm...They just kinda Glossed over it actually...but it's better then nothing.

I guess. It's "better than nothing" isn't much of an arguement though...

It wasn't an arguement; I was just saying it's better then nothing.

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