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Guest Boo_Bradley


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Guest Boo_Bradley

WWE Raw scored a 4.2 rating on TNN last night, which is the highest rating in months. WWE promoted the show with two marquee matchups (HBK/Jericho and Kane/RVD) in addition to teasing a Linda McMahon/Steve Austin firing.


The first hour did a 4.0 and the second hour did a 4.4. The overrun did a 5.2




Rikishi will be out of action for about a month because of laser eye surgery. He has a bit of heat about it because he did not clear the surgery, which is elective, with management before taking the time off.




Jim Cornette wrote a letter to the editor of a Louisville newspaper concerning pro wrestling. An article in the paper had apparently grouped together OVW with some hardcore wrestling, and Cornette took offense.


Cornette says that Ian Rotten of IWA serves as a public relations nightmare for those of us who view pro wrestling as a uniquely American art form and sport that combines athleticism with showmanship, skill with charisma, and, at the highest level, provides lifetime financial security. WWE athletes routinely earn six- to seven-figure incomes annually.





Rey Mysterio missed last weekends house shows because of the birth of his daughter




Scott Kieth got wasted

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Guest Boo_Bradley



As a native Louisvillian and a 21-year veteran of professional wrestling, I was disturbed and dismayed to read the June 25 article on Ian Rotten’s Independent Wrestling Association. Disturbed, as any sane adult would be, to read of these vulgar displays of violence, and dismayed that your readers who are not familiar with pro wrestling will now paint ALL promotions with the same brush.


At the risk of being charged with self-promotion, I must list MY qualifications to comment on pro wrestling. In a 17-year career as a wrestling manager, I appeared on hundreds of pay-per-view and cable network events for World Championship Wrestling and Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation (now WWE), as well performing at thousands of live events in all 50 states and every Canadian province. As a color commentator, I have called the action for pay-per-views events and WCW and WWE broadcasts in North America and for international syndication.


In 1999, I retired from the road to return to Louisville and join with Ohio Valley Wrestling owner and founder Danny Davis as a partner to bring major league pro wrestling back to Louisville. As the Matchmaker and television host for OVW, I have signed the industry’s biggest stars to appear at Louisville Gardens and Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom, including Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Undertaker, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Davis, a 25-year veteran widely regarded as the industry’s finest teacher, has trained more than 40 WWE contract talents here, including current WWE champion Brock Lesnar.


OVW is the WWE’s only developmental program, and our TV show has aired on WBKI-TV on Saturdays at 11 p.m. for the past three years. OVW was profiled in a June cover story in the Lane Report, a Kentucky business magazine. To paraphrase a famous vice presidential candidate: I know professional wrestling, I have worked in professional wrestling, and, IWA, you are NOT professional wrestling.


The IWA is in Indiana because its types of events are not allowed in Kentucky. Because of the lack of regulation in Indiana, National Guard Armories and many school gyms there have chosen to ban ALL pro wrestling, penalizing reputable promoters to eliminate the trash.


To say that Rotten began his career as a “pure” wrestler is ludicrous. He has been a fringe performer, at best, with only a brief supporting role with the now-defunct ECW bringing him anything but local exposure. At that level, he is not a blip on the radar screen. His morbid, pathological need to be recognized as “someone,” even if only by a few hundred people, drives him to mutilate his body in a rundown Clarksville warehouse for little or no financial compensation.


At the same time, he serves as a public relations nightmare for those of us who view pro wrestling as a uniquely American art form and sport that combines athleticism with showmanship, skill with charisma, and, at the highest level, provides lifetime financial security. WWE athletes routinely earn six- to seven-figure incomes annually.


Which brings me to the most disturbing part of the article: the medical bills incurred by IWA “wrestlers” because of barbaric stunts. WWE wrestlers’ medical bills and physical therapy expenses are paid by the company, while the athlete continues to receive his minimum contract salary if he is unable to compete. Noncontract wrestlers-in-training ARE responsible for their own medical bills, but OVW does not allow any of the dangerous, “garbage wrestling” stunts of the IWA.


Wrestling is a contact sport, and there can be serious injuries. The irresponsible use of barbed wire, light tubes, broken glass and the like has no place in it. To call any of this activity “entertainment” is to tax the very definition of the word.


For every Steve Austin, there are thousands of young men dreaming of wrestling stardom. Most don’t have the size, athletic ability, training or mental acumen to make it. Rotten and promoters of his ilk prey on them. This is reprehensible; even if not illegal, it is certainly morally irresponsible.


Rotten said he likes “to compare wrestling to plays and things like that.” I like to compare outfits such as the IWA to Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in a barn saying, “Hey kids, let’s put on a show!” OVW trains athletes for a career in professional wrestling, not a lifetime of pain and scar tissue. OVW presents a sport, not a freak show. OVW has trained high school and college All-Americans, NFL veterans, NCAA heavyweight wrestling champions, an American Gladiators champion and a former U.S. Olympic wrestler for professional careers. They resent their hard work, dedication and sacrifice being negated by operations, like the IWA, that create the impression that pro wrestling is sideshow trash.


Give the IWA all the publicity you want. Attend its events, if you wish. Just don’t call it professional wrestling. —Jim Cornette

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho



As if Keith wasn't ugly enough, now he looks like he went to Tupees-R-Us.

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Guest Choken One

Who cares and we already talked about The ratings.. but



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Guest Choken One

I shudder to imagine the ugly that must be his parents?


God Damn why didn't Mr. Keith wear 2 rubbers before he fornicated with Mrs. Keith and begat that gross ass child.

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Guest Army Eye

Man.. I had seen a pic of Scott before and it was just your standard 'ugly + with bad haircut' guy. I can respect that.


Now he's SUPER fat :( and looks like he has 2-3 different toupees piled on his head ?? WTF?


Maybe he will explain himself in his next column.

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Guest Choken One

Well in the Raw he pretty much said


"I look like an idiot"...


That doesn't even begin to describe how he looks.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly...You need A MAJOR WARNING before you view those pics...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I feel like captioning one of those pictures with "LOL STEPHANIE IZ FAT"

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Guest netslob

yeah really...he's got a LOT of nerve to be making fun of anyone's weight...i will say, i do feel better about MY looks now.

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...I think it's Santa...

Those aren't SK's pics posted in that post.


From CRZ's board as posted by Scotsman: "Actually, I've now switched it so that if you try and have the Scott Keith pictures on another server, you get an even ghastlier image; a picture of Scott Keith. OH TAG."


regular links to the horribly grotesque images of SK, decked out like a fanboy in his Owen Hart T-Shirt:









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Guest Retro Rob
...I think it's Santa...

Those aren't SK's pics posted in that post.



I could've sworn that pig was writing the Raw and SD! rants for the last couple of years.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

A big "fuck you" to Cornette, who still doesn't seem to grasp that "hardcore" wrestling has been around longer than he has. Not to the extent it is now, but then again, "high-risk, high-flying action" a while ago (hell, just a fucking decade) was an elbow drop and a moonsault.

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Guest Retro Rob
A big "fuck you" to Cornette, who still doesn't seem to grasp that "hardcore" wrestling has been around longer than he has.

How do you figure? I don't think Cornette has a problem with hardcore wrestling in general. Just pop in a tape of SMW to see proof of that. Quite simply he doesn't like all the deathmatch and deadly weapon crap that is being used in many indy feds.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Agreed. Jim doesn't seem to want to eliminate all aspects of hardcore wrestling, just the stuff that is nothing but garbage wrestling. He's well aware of the effects it has on the performers and the stigma pro wrestling as a whole gets from the mainstream public because of it. Face it, the media is more likely to focus on this garbage wrestling than some athletic wrestling, simply because that's what's more interesting to the public. This isn't a good thing mind you, since because of that, most people get the idea that all wrestling is like that, which cancels out anything anyone's done to show that pro wrestling is an art form. Unlike many wrestling personalities of yesteryear, Cornette isn't bitter and upset without cause, the man makes valid points about a problem that has plagued pro wrestling for years now.

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Guest netslob

it's weird...SKeith is so ugly, he actually makes Scotsman (and whoever that guy in the Hawaiian shirt is) good-looking in comparison.


and one other thing...i don't wanna sound like a dick-hole or anything, but i NEVER get to say this, EVER...I am a better-looking man then Scott Keith. god that feels good to say.

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Guest Choken One

Actually that wasn't Scotsman..Or least that's what I thought the deal was...


What does Metlzer look like? I think he looked normal but I wasn't sure...Post a pic of him

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Actually that wasn't Scotsman..Or least that's what I thought the deal was...


What does Metlzer look like? I think he looked normal but I wasn't sure...Post a pic of him

Sportsbyline has a small head shot of him on their site




Another Small headshot from the WO Website




Here is a larger pic from a website selling the Wrestling Gold DVD series that Dave contributed to




I should also note that there is a rather candid pic of Dave in short pants and a ultra-small T-Shirt floating around on the net from an online dating service Dave Meltzer submitted an ad to. If anyone wants to surf through CRZ's Site Bashing message board, you could probably find the link to Dave's personal ad and it's picture...

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