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Guest Choken One

McMahon and Meltzer

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Guest Choken One

I was wondering...



What type of relationship do they have?


Do they respect each other on a Professional or even friendly manner or is there a sense of Animosity towards each other?

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Guest BoboBrazil

They respect each other. although I'm sure Vince doesn't want anyone to know it. Vince called Meltzer before the Invasion and asked his opinion on what he should do.

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Guest BrokenWings

...and it still produced that crap?!


EDIT : Heh, Choken beat me to it

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Guest Korgath

Just because Vince asked for advice doesn't mean he takes it. Especially since Vinny Mac seems to have made up his mind BEFORE asking for opinions.


Face it. Meltzer's reputation is almost carved in solid gold, but even he can't override ANY McMahon.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Dave said the original Invasion plan was Gold, but they chose not to use it.

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Guest BifEverchad
Dave said the original Invasion plan was Gold, but they chose not to use it.

Well, what was it then?

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Guest Choken One

I'm sure Meltzer was booking himself to take over cuz that's his dream.


Control Wrestling.

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Guest Choken One

I just think Meltz wanted Vince to look dumber by pretending he went the wrong direction...


How much $$$ Meltz make doing this shit?

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Guest bravesfan

Observers are basically $2.50 an issue.


Multiply that by the number of subscribers Meltzer has (I'd predict 3,000-4,000 that are steady).


Factor in radio and television appearances...DAMN.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah that's one of my favorite stories.


Meltzer said that Vince used to call him on occassion to see what he thought of ideas, and the last time he called he said they were going to do the Invasion and what he thought they should do.


Meltzer said he went on for a few minutes about how he thinks it should go, McMahon politely said thank you, then went an entirely different way and never called back.

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Guest Loss4Words

Choken, please explain what makes you think Dave Meltzer wants to control wrestling. He's been offered booking jobs in both the WWF and WCW at various points and has always turned them down. Do you realize when you make statements like this that they spread and before long, you'll have everyone thinking this stuff?

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Guest Choken One

I thought people could catch that was a scarcastic remark but I was wrong.

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Guest Coffey

So, how often does Vince backstab his real life friends? I'm sure that Meltz probably hates his ass for a couple of reasons. It'd be cool to sit down and talk with Vince because he knows pretty much anything and everything you could ever want to ask about the business, but that doesn't mean that he's not still a prick.

Edited by Mr. Jag0

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Guest Choken One

Why would Meltz Hate Vince? If it weren't for Vince...Meltz wouldn't have a job or in the very least...Vince Made it easier to cover.

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