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Guest Breetai

Post your Fallout 2 character

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Guest Breetai

C'mon, I know that there's gotta be some people here who still play/have played that game. I've finished it twice (once without cheating and once by getting the Power Armour at the beginning of the game) and I was wondering what type of characters other people play as I'm looking to finishing it in a different way. My rather combat oriented character was as follows:


Strength: 6 - A fair amount, as it allows me to use almost every weapon in the game right off the bat apart from a few of the more exotic heavy weapons, and once I get Advanced Power armour I have strength of 10.


Perception: 8 - I like attacking from a long, long way away. And hitting people in the groin. And eyes. This also lets me get the Sniper perk.


Endurance: 4 - Low, but adequite. I'm not particularly tough, but due to my perception and agility levels I can kill enemies quickly and from afar, so that I don't NEED to take lots of damage.


Charisma: 4 - More than 2 NPC's gets to be a headache, and besides, Sulik and Cassidy together can be sufficiently useful.


Intelligence: 9 - 9 is the minimum level (I think) that lets you access and complete every quest in the game. High intelligence also allows for more skill points per level, which offsets the downside of the Gifted perk.


Agility: 10 - A MUST. 10 Action Points per round is the absolute minimum I'll play with. No exceptions. It's JUST THAT USEFUL.


Luck: 6 - A fair amount, and allows you to get the Sniper perk.


My Traits are Gifted (obviously) and Good Natured. While good natured takes 10 points away from all combat skills, I never bother using more than 3 of those traits per game for a total loss of 30 useable points, and it adds 15 to Doctor, Speech, Barter and First aid, the first 3 of which are very important in unlocking side quests/not getting fucked at the markets, for a net gain of of 15 points on skills that I actually use.


I then usually tag Melee weapons, Small arms, and Speech. High speech is very usefull early on especially in Vault City, Small Arms is also a must, and I like to have good melee weapons as it allows me to go around and kill critters in the wastelands for experience and/or hides without losing valuable ammo at an early stage of the game.


I select my perks like so.


Level 3 - Awareness. It allows me to tell who to kill first, who to run from, and whether or not I should waste ammo on someone who has 1 or 2 HP left. Not much else at Level 3 is very useful anyway.


Level 6 - Bonus Move. At this level I might still be fighting critters with melee weapons for cash/pelts and a few extra points of movement allows me to hit and run without being touched.


Level 9 - Better Criticals. Whilt my total critical chance is rather low at this stage, it's still a useful perk to have, as the occasional one-shot kill it will get you will really give you a chance to shine. Also VERY useful after level 24.


Level 12 - Action Boy. This allows you to use an aimed shot AND a normal shot from a rifle type weapon each round, rather than having to aim shots one round at a time or rely on smaller pistols for aimed shots.


Level 15 - Bonus Rate of Fire. Another must have perk. Allows 2 burst fires in the same round. Coupled with the above Action Boy perk, allows you to fire the Magnum 3 times a round AND reload it, or to make 2 aimed shots and one normal shot.


Level 18 - Action boy. You now have 12 action points and a -1 modifier to all weapons fire. You can fire 2 burst shots per round and still have anough AP to reload. You can fire 3 aimed/4 unaimed Gauss Pistol shots per round.


Level 21 - Living Anatomy. Bonus to your doctor rating, although by this stage you shouldn't need it. The +5 to every attack is excellent however, especially seeing at this point you can do so many attacks in one round. Burst fire is your friend. Alternatively, you can use Tag, and tag either the Heavy Weapons or Energy Weapons skill (one of which should be above 100% by now) in order to DOUBLE the total skill points in it, and get Living Anatomy at Level 27 instead.


Level 24 - Sniper. Pwnage, pure and simple. With the character I have described above, it gives a 60% chance of getting a critical, and even if you don't get a crit off of the perk, you've still got your standard 6% critical roll. Combined with Better Criticals this is a FUCKER to beat. At this point in the game you should be fucking people up left right and center. I'm usually cruising around Navarro at this point, hunting down Enclave patrols and capping them for their weaponry to sell and for their Gauss ammo. I once managed to kill 3 Advanced Power Armoured troopers in one turn, with aimed shots to the eyes from the Gauss Pistol. At this stage you can also think about clearing out the Navarro base proper, sniping everyone in the eyes with the Gauss Rifle. It gives you mucho experience.


Level 27 - Toughness. At this point in the game you should be just about to invade the Enclave main base. If you want to go in with all guns blazing, this is a must as it helps you take hits with the heavier weapons much better. Also at this point you should have about 3 of the implant upgrades (Don't go for 4 if you value having 2 NPC's, as while you can get rid of the negative effects of one Advanced implant by getting a Charisma boost at the Brotherhood base, to get rid of the negative effect of the second would require you to waste a perk.), so those, coupled with the Toughness perk and the Advanced Power Armour, should make you nigh-on-indestructable.


Level 30 - Toughness level 2. See above.


You really shouldn't need any more levels than this, and unless you want to spend like a year wandeing the wastes and killing packs of Deathclaws and Floaters, you're better off just finishing the game at this point.


I generally build up Melee until it's about 100 or so, this helps immesurably in the early game, and you can go hunting for pelts. I then quickly pump up Small arms. I try to have Speech, Doctor and Science at around 100% as quickly as possible, as this lets you access side quests, gain experience through dialogue with Myron, and get the Armour Implants.


By the end of the game I'm in Advanced power Armour, Sulik and Cassidy both have Hardened Power Armour, Cassidy has a Gauss Rifle and a Gauss Pistol, Sulik has a G11-E and a Super Sledge, and I'm wielding a Gauss Pistol/Rifle, and either a Vindicator or a Pulse Rifle/Pistol, with 160-240% in my primary ranged attack skills. We can steamroll the Enclave base in nothing flat, and Horrigan dies in about 4 turns.




Oh yeah, don't feel you have to go into as much detail as I just did.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I love this game, but I haven't a clue where it is now...man, gotta go buy it again now...

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah, I own this game.

Beat it twice, one as evil one as good.

Being good is a hell of a lot less stressful!

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