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Guest Bosstones Fan

Idiot Bank Robber Gets Busted

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Guest Bosstones Fan

Robber nabbed after writing holdup note on resume


Associated Press


FORT WORTH -- A bank robber wrote a holdup note on the back of his resume -- the ultimate bad career move.


Police used the job-search information to identify the man, who was arrested and charged with robbing a Wells Fargo bank branch on Fort Worth's east side.


The man had tried to hide the personal information by taping black construction paper over it. But then he forgot to retrieve the note and take it with him after giving it to the teller.


Police then just peeled the tape from the note.


A tip led police to a Fort Worth motel, where Frederick McDowell, 32, was arrested Saturday. He remains in federal custody on a bank robbery charge in the July 15 holdup.

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Guest Lil Naitch



You know, I heard about another idiot years ago.. this guy treid to rob a jewlry store, I believe, by comming in through the air ducts at night. Well, while climbing through the ducts, he fell down a shaft, burst through the bottowm of the duct, and straddled a support girder hard, if you catch my drift ;) Employees called the cops the next day when they found him, still straddling the girder, because he couldn't get down.

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Guest MaxPower27

The best one that I've ever heard was the guy that robbed a bank, and sat down outside to count his money.

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Guest DrTom

My friend's mother is a forensic document examiner, and she worked on a case very similar to this a few years ago. The imbecile in that case wrote the note on the back of his job application, and all she had to do was verify that the handwriting was a match.


Crime CAN pay, but not if you're a fucktard.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Wow, the employment market must be real bad if you rob a bank after returning from a failed job interview...

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Guest Cancer Marney


This has to be fake.

Not necessarily. I'm not saying that it's true, but it's a well-established fact that 99% of all criminals regularly start the morning with a big dose of stupid pills.

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Guest Crazy Dan

It's idiots like this guy which makes everyone else around him seem like Einstein in comparison.

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