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Scott Keith's Fantasy Booking-Arama

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Well, because it's Linda. Obviously it was supposed to create the illusion that he's a monster, but they should've picked someone who fans actually care for. If they stick with the heel character, it could work. I know I can't be the only one who actually marked for his entrance on RAW. It's too bad that they're so blind that they think that someone destroying a McMahon (aside from Vince) makes you a monster.

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Guest Goose749

...and isn't HHH not so much a heel as he is an asshole? I thought the whole "heel" thing was a front to save face (It's not cuz you suck. The crowd is SUPPOSED to be booing you.)

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Guest Bruiser Chong

And as history has proven, heel vs. heel matches don't work. HHH may be more an asshole than anything, but point is, you're trying to get Kane over as a monster, while HHH is supposed to be the top heel on the show. This means you don't want the fans drawing sympathy for either guy, which is what would probably happen if the match has any heat. Otherwise, they'll just sit on their hands the whole match, which isn't what anyone wants.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
...and isn't HHH not so much a heel as he is an asshole? I thought the whole "heel" thing was a front to save face (It's not cuz you suck. The crowd is SUPPOSED to be booing you.)

No, turning on your best friend and trying to cripple him, then framing a man for murder are heelish actions, numb-nuts.

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Guest Goose749

^ Why can't people tell when I'm being sarcastic?


Anyway, I'm not trying to push a HHH/Kane match in specific. I would just prefer to see that and Austin/Goldberg over HHH/Goldberg and Austin/Kane.

Edited by Goose749

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Guest Goose749
...and isn't HHH not so much a heel as he is an asshole? I thought the whole "heel" thing was a front to save face (It's not cuz you suck. The crowd is SUPPOSED to be booing you.)

No, turning on your best friend and trying to cripple him, then framing a man for murder are heelish actions, numb-nuts.

by the by, that was the "heel" thing I was referring to as a front for his suckyness.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Why can't people tell when I'm being sarcastic? I'm not trying to push a HHH/Kane match in specific. I would just prefer to see that and Austin/Goldberg over HHH/Goldberg and Austin/Kane.

When you're sarcastic, we'll let you know. I think you need to grab yourself a dictionary and find out what sarcasm means, because it would seem that you're unaware as of right now.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
...and isn't HHH not so much a heel as he is an asshole? I thought the whole "heel" thing was a front to save face (It's not cuz you suck. The crowd is SUPPOSED to be booing you.)

No, turning on your best friend and trying to cripple him, then framing a man for murder are heelish actions, numb-nuts.

by the by, that was the "heel" thing I was referring to as a front for his suckyness.

Yeah, he's a heel because he works better as one and prefers to be one. It's not some giant political scheme.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Oh and you said he was an asshole, not a heel. THAT'S what I was referring to. Don't make me out to be an idiot just because you can't back up whatever garbage you spout.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I wouldn't say he's particularly good at either one, but his heel persona gets him an ounce of heat, while his face persona draws nothing. Either way, he's had to resort to some very "low" things to get a reaction in his promos. I would think he prefers to be a heel because at least in that case, it's ok for the fans to not like him.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

It's times like this i really wish they had Raven: corrupting Kane into his personal monster, winning the title for him & eventually have Kane turn when he realizes what Raven had done. But, enough fantasy booking. Kane should just plow through the whole roster, like he did when he first came on. He finally destroys Goldberg (or wHHHoever is champion), leading to a match at say Survivor Series. They've actually got a potentially huge draw in him if he's used properly (ha). Kane/Goldberg is the only RAW ME i'd consider wanting to see, & with the right build it could draw pretty well.


Benoit would just be made into Maven's bitch or something on RAW. The only time he'd be built up is when it's time for Orton to destroy him.


Scott Keith is an idiot who has a toothless Canadian fetish.

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Guest Choken One

Why the fuck does it always have to be raven?


You people bitch about the same old thing all the time and yet you always want Raven for anything that involve Manipulations and shit...


Give another Young Manipulator a chance to shine...

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Guest Choken One

GREAT! Let's have him lose his memory of being a Liberal after geting Concussed and becomes Raven V.3 (Soh is #2)

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Nowinski is perfect, since he's smart, injured (could be more of a manager for the time being) & people hate him. Make him Yuppie Scum Raven.


Theodore Long! Kane=Akeem!

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Guest Coffey

That Rob Conway from Heat last week (maybe it was two weeks ago) has potential. The WWE should bring him up and give him a gimmick.


I wasn't thinking giving him a manipulator gimmick though. He was a "pretty boy" wearing pink. He needs to come in as a heel and try to steal all the women or something. Have him take Victoria from Steven Richards or some shit like that. It could put them both on RAW. Maybe stealing someone like Trish from Val would be better...

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Guest Goose749
...and isn't HHH not so much a heel as he is an asshole? I thought the whole "heel" thing was a front to save face (It's not cuz you suck. The crowd is SUPPOSED to be booing you.)

No, turning on your best friend and trying to cripple him, then framing a man for murder are heelish actions, numb-nuts.

by the by, that was the "heel" thing I was referring to as a front for his suckyness.

Yeah, he's a heel because he works better as one and prefers to be one. It's not some giant political scheme.

If you can't follow what i'm saying, don't comment. This was the bit where I was being sarcastic. I never said anything about a political scheme. I was simply pointing out that HHH is an asshole, whether its in the ring as a heel, or out of the ring booking people for him to bury. And because of that, if I were him, I would have a real fucking confidence problem when I find that everyone hates me. That is what I'm saying, and it is all true, not some bullshit I scrounged up.

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Keith has posted a response on the thread:


Originally posted by Madlock


That’s a retarded idea. Right now Kane is pulling in numbers. He’s making people talk about RAW again. Why waste a perfectly good storyline by sending him off to Smackdown and feeding him to Lesnar and Taker? That’s it, let those two kick his ass, killing his heat in the process, and call this one Failed Kane Push #215. Why? So Benoit can have his little run at the top and fulfill SK’s wet dreams?



The only "numbers" that matter are buyrates, and guess what, the next one he could headline is Summerslam, and HHH-Goldberg is already programmed on top of that one. And what people are talking about RAW? People talked about Vince getting his ass kissed and that "pulled in numbers", but it sucked, too and didn't lead to a match on PPV.


The fact is that there's no strong babyface to put Kane against on RAW in a money-drawing position, and right now is the time to make money off him, before he cools off again, as he's always done. The only possible match on RAW that this is leading to is Kane v. Austin, and it's not medically feasible. Hence, strike while the iron is hot and send him to Smackdown where you have several babyfaces who are either already main event caliber (Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar) or physically big enough to present a viable threat to Kane (Rhyno, Billy Gunn, A-Train, Hugh Morrus).


And I don't know if you watched wrestling in the 80s, but there was this guy called Hulk Hogan, and he did okay "killing the heat" of heels just like Kane for months on end, making them upwards of $10,000 a night. When you've got a hot heel, you put them over midcarders and then feed them to your top babyface in a big money match. Heat doesn't last forever and no one gets out of RAW alive anyway.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
If you can't follow what i'm saying, don't comment. This was the bit where I was being sarcastic. I never said anything about a political scheme. I was simply pointing out that HHH is an asshole, whether its in the ring as a heel, or out of the ring booking people for him to bury. And because of that, if I were him, I would have a real fucking confidence problem when I find that everyone hates me. That is what I'm saying, and it is all true, not some bullshit I scrounged up.


So you didn't mention anything about a political scheme, yet you were just "simply saying" that he's an asshole because when he's not in the ring, he's booking people to bury? I don't deny that he's done shady things and I don't care to defend him, but you basically say you didn't do something, yet in the next sentence, you explain your original post, where you admit (in different words) that his backstage political moves were one of the reasons you called him an asshole.


And I don't see how THAT'S the part you were being sarcastic about if you said earlier that you were being sarcastic in regards to seeing a Kane/HHH match. If you can't even keep track of what you're saying, don't comment.

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Guest Retro Rob
Keith has posted a response on the thread:

Where did you find that?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Keith is ignoring Goldberg as the Mega-Face to defeat Kane. Otherwise, his view is sound.


HHH has distanced himself from Kane. If Kane was mad at HHH for taking off his mask he'd go right after him... he hasn't once.

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So let me get this straight. Kane vs. Billy Gunn and Kane vs. Hugh Morrus are going to draw better than Kane vs. RVD or even Kane vs. Steiner? Give me a break. Kane WILL face Austin at Summerslam, but even if he wasn't going to, there would still be a lot stronger faces on Raw for him to face then there are on Smackdown.


If the WWE doesn't have confidence enough in their booking to hold off on Goldberg/Kane until Survivor Series, they can just do it at Unforgiven. What they really need to do though is feed Kane as many main event faces as they can after he finishes his feud with Austin (or RVD) leading to an epic Kane/Goldberg match at Survivor Series.

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