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Guest Retro Rob

SuperStar Billy Graham Returns

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Guest Retro Rob
Superstar Billy Graham will be attending Summerslam in Phoenix Arizona, and it will be his first WWF/E show in 14 years.


They will be doing a Confidential story on Grahamm which might be a two parter scheduled for airing in September.


It will be Graham’s first meeting with Vince McMahon since they both appeared on Donahue in 1992, and had a falling out.


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter



Just in time for his book to be released. Seriously though, I thought this guy was on his death bed a few months back.

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Guest Eagan469

That's wonderful.


Wasn't he looking for a kidney 3 or 4 years ago?

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Guest Anglesault

Does Billy Graham get to tell HHH what an inspiration HHH has been and how Hunter's look spurred his own?

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Guest Goose749

good stuff, unless he appears as pathetic as Superfly did with Piper's return.


Does Billy Graham get to tell HHH what an inspiration HHH has been and how Hunter's look spurred his own?

only when Ventura says the same to Hogan

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Guest Retro Rob

Maybe Graham could assist Brock in defeating Vince because god knows Vince doesn't go down cleanly.... EVER.

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Guest Goose749

looked good for 65... but did we really want to see that? I prefer thinking of Snuka in his glory days.

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Guest Choken One

We all grow old Man...


At least he wasn't like Some other Old timers whom you can't even stand to look at...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I suppose hes thankful he doesn't have to take a bump from 3 ton warning..

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Guest JMA

Cool. Superstar Graham rules. I can't wait to see the "Preacher of Pain" return.


"I'm the man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour!"


Hopefully he'll be able to return to MSG in front of all his "Star Gazers."

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Guest Human Fly

If anybody here is expecting anything physical from Billy Graham don't get your hopes up. He has had multiple hip replacements, a kidney transplant, and can barely hobble thanks to years of steroid abuse.


That being said, I can't wait for his book to come out, just reading some of his stories on his website, and interviews with Meltzer it will be very good. It will also be interesting to see how he talks about the steroid issues with Vince in the early 90's.

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Guest Eagan469

Will he use the ultra-sweet "Jesus Christ Superstar" instrumental theme?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Simon and Schuster is carrying his book. Basically, Graham asked Vince for forgiveness and Vince forgave him and hooked him up with a book deal as he was planning on selling his book on-line only. Graham says he is feeling better than ever since his transplant and seems to be in good spirits. He was on WOL twice over the past 2 months, both involving Don Frye (Frye is a friend of Daves and told him that his favourite wrestler growing up was Superstar).

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Guest Anglesault
If anybody here is expecting anything physical from Billy Graham don't get your hopes up. He has had multiple hip replacements, a kidney transplant, and can barely hobble thanks to years of steroid abuse.

That won't stop them from using him to try and get Suckbag Orton over.

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Guest Eagan469
If anybody here is expecting anything physical from Billy Graham don't get your hopes up. He has had multiple hip replacements, a kidney transplant, and can barely hobble thanks to years of steroid abuse.

That won't stop them from using him to try and get Suckbag Orton over.

Don MuracOrton

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Guest Coffey

Does anyone know how old Graham is? Better yet, does anyone have a recent picture of him? Does he still have that kickass mustache?

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