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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

Former WWF Champ at Silver City...

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

I'm not so sure this even fits in this forum, but Silver City is a Canadian theatre company and they show the WWE PPV's on the big screens (for only 11 bucks, too). The Silver City at West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Alberta announced that a former WWF Champion will be in the house for Venegance tomarrow.


Anyone else going, and anyone know of who would be in the location? I'm guessing it's Jim Niedhart. I'm REALLY hoping Bret took a drive from Calgary to Edmonton though. ;)

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Did they say WWF World Champ or just a WWF Champ? Because I don't recall a Jim Neidhart reign as World Champ.

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Guest the pinjockey

If it is any champ it will probably be the Mountie, the greatest champion ever.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah if it's WWF Champion...It can only be Bret because I can't think of any Canadians or any non involved WWE roster Former Champs or any that aren't dead...


SID? Why would he be in Edmonton?


If it's a WWF Champion of any sorts...could be anywhere...as about billion people held a title...expect someone like Mountie or Viscera.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

They didn't specify what championship this former WWFer held, so who knows. And it wouldn't be Bret, I'm sure they would have said if it was him to get a bunch of people to show up. I still can't think of many former champs, for any title, that would be in Alberta Canada though.

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Guest Choken One

I try to think of Candian Wrestlers but they are all either dead or working in WWE anyways...

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Guest AM The Kid

It'll be someone shitty or else they'd tell you, big names bring in big bucks.

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Guest MideonMark

I think it was reported that Superstar Billy Graham would be attending Summerslam not Vengeance, so its probably not him

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Guest Lightning Flik

Sorry guys, but I, the Edmontonian Resident, will have to ask around and find out. I'm not sure who attend myself as I wasn't about to pay to see Vengeance.


Maybe I'll find out. Probably won't find out, but who knows. Might get lucky.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

I guess it was actually the owner of this local indy fed (Monster Pro Wrestling) that said a former WWFer would be there, not anyone working at Silver City (but Silver City has some kinda deal with the indy fed and they get to advertise all the time). Anyhoo, the guy was there yesterday and said that said former WWFer couldn't make it, but he will be at a Monster Pro Wrestling's next show which will be held in the mall that Silver City is at. He said the contract wasn't finalises so he couldn't say who it was, but he said it was a former WWF WORLD Champ this time, so it's Bret Hart for sure.

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Guest kingkamala

It's not Bret Hart.


It's not Sid.







It's Pedro Morales.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Its Gotta be Kane!!!


Whoops, wrong quote.


Hmm.....It's probably BILLY GRAHAM, since he needs the money for his pot.

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