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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Proof that I watch WAAAYYY too much wrestling

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

I happened to be walking around Montreal on Thursday afternoon, around what appeared to be mid-town, was actually hoping to see where hockey and wrestling history was made at both the old (in other words whats there now) and the new fourms, but the people I was with wouldn't know Bret Hull from Bret Hart or even care either way so that search will come another day


Anyway part of me did want to get onboard a soapbox, just to see how much of a reaction "BRET HART SUCKS!" "HBK RULES!" "VINCE MCMAHON IS GOD!" and other anti-Bret, pro-Vince and pro-clique would get (theory would be to see how big wrestling actually is in Canada)


Obviously I didn't, but its the thought that counts...


Not that I would do something that brash, it be more like seeing some guy in a wrestling shirt on and BSing about wrestling, seeing how much they know or care about. For example I once told a guy in a Brock Lesnar shirt flat out that Brock was the reason Austin quit, to which either the guy didn't understand me or didn't know what I was talking about because he gave a "Uh yeah, I don't know" answer and didn't want to continue talking.


Maybe I should just stop talking to people...



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Guest The Czech Republic

How's downtown Montreal? I've flirted with the idea of living there for a little while someday.

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Guest Choken One



Back up...


run this by me again


"For example I once told a guy in a Brock Lesnar shirt"


Such a Guy exists?

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Guest Steve J. Rogers


Back up...


run this by me again


"For example I once told a guy in a Brock Lesnar shirt"


Such a Guy exists?

Well from the way the guy acted/sounded seemed like he just thought it was a cool shirt and wouldn't know Brock Lesnar from Brock Pemberton (an obscure New York Met baseball player from the early 1970's, I have this rentetivness for Met minutae what can I say)



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Guest Choken One

Was it the one that said


F5 on the Front with the Brock Skullish Logo on the back?


Who would buy a shirt that said F5 without knowing the meaning?

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
How's downtown Montreal? I've flirted with the idea of living there for a little while someday.

Seemed intresting, I think we wandered into the Greenwich Village portion as well.


Our first reaction was that it seemed very much like Boston, Mass but then it took a turn more for Seattle or Vancouver (according to my sister and brother-in-law who went to school in Boston and have spent time in those two West Coast cities)



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Guest Choken One

mmm...What does Montreal and Boston have else in common?


Oh I know...Intense LOVE for Scott Steiner.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
Was it the one that said


F5 on the Front with the Brock Skullish Logo on the back?


Who would buy a shirt that said F5 without knowing the meaning?

No, I think the first one that ever came out with just that big tattoo that Brock has on the front and "THE NEXT BIG THING" on the back

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
mmm...What does Montreal and Boston have else in common?


Oh I know...Intense LOVE for Scott Steiner.

Cities with damn fine taste for good alcohol

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Guest Choken One
Was it the one that said


F5 on the Front with the Brock Skullish Logo on the back?


Who would buy a shirt that said F5 without knowing the meaning?

No, I think the first one that ever came out with just that big tattoo that Brock has on the front and "THE NEXT BIG THING" on the back

Then that makes sense...



THE NEXT BIG THING could be anything so I could see why some non fan would pick that up not knowing what it refered to.

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Guest jester
mmm...What does Montreal and Boston have else in common?


Oh I know...Intense LOVE for Scott Steiner.

Also, hockey teams that are a shadow of their former selves.

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Guest Choken One
mmm...What does Montreal and Boston have else in common?


Oh I know...Intense LOVE for Scott Steiner.

Also, hockey teams that are a shadow of their former selves.

Or the English Language.



SERIOUSLY! Why can't you Massholes say your fucking "r"'s?

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Guest Choken One

Ummm...Thank Laz for that one.


I believe he coined the phase. or he is the one that showed it to me...


Hell...John cena called them Massholes once.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
Did you venture on to St. Catherines street??

I wouldn't know, we drove past St. Catherines though

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Is there any other reason to go to Montreal except for St. Catherines street? I'd much rather live in Boston.


Sam Adams owns Molson!

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Guest pappajacks
Don't they speak french there?


If So...No Dice.

The city of Montreal is the most bilingual city in the world.


The Province of Quebec is 80% French and 20% English. But, most of the francophones live in rural areas, outside of the big city.


The city of Montreal itself is 55% French, 45 % English.


It used to be 80% Anglo, 20 % Franco a century ago, but many Anglo Montrealers moved to Toronto and Western Canada while more Francophones from rural areas decided to move in the big city.

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Guest pappajacks
Is there any other reason to go to Montreal except for St. Catherines street? I'd much rather live in Boston.


Sam Adams owns Molson!

Crescent street and the strip clubs in Montreal makes it worth it.


And yes, many people compare Boston to Montreal.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The term "Massholes" is just a New Englander term. Hell, even some Rhode Islanders consider themselves Massholes, ditto for some New Hampshirians...considering both states suck huge balls compared to MA.


Hey, you forgot another thing Boston and Montreal have in common: a love for a good product. Remember, RR03 was in Boston.

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Guest pappajacks
Hey, you forgot another thing Boston and Montreal have in common: a love for a good product. Remember, RR03 was in Boston.

What about the St-Patrick's parade?


Montreal is known to have one of the biggest St-Patty's parade in North America.

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