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Guest Korrosive

The adventures of Bradshaw

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Guest Korrosive

One day at the age of 10, Bradshaw was walking down the street and seen a dog. Bradshaw was a very nice young boy and was very friendly. The dog was going wuff wuff so Bradshaw walked up to the Germand Sheppard and said..."HI MISTER DOGGY, LET ME PET YOU". Bradshaw goes right up to the dog but the dog wants no part of Bradshaw and proceeds to maul him to the ground. Bradshaw is rolling on the ground screaming like a referee in a locker room who just got threatened with rape. After about 10 minutes of agony and being bitten from head to toe...the dog left. Bradshaw was in really rough shape. His ass was bleeding..his body was bleeding. From that day forward, Bradshaw was extremely terrified of dogs. He was more scared than the average viewer during a Big Show match. But Bradshaw had a plan to overcome his fear. A plan that would hurt wrestling viewers across North America


To be continued.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Was it a French Poodle? That'd explain his last few columns.

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Guest Downhome

Never in my life have I seen a more intelligent post here in the WWE folder.

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Guest Deviant

The number of posts that gets responses of "I can't believe you wasted your time writing that" these days is starting to get insanely huge...

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
Never in my life have I seen a more intelligent post here in the WWE folder.

If you were refering to my ?! post, then all I can say was that after reading the initial post I was at a loss for any actual words to say and I still am...


Actually, I feel bad for the dog..

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Guest Downhome
Never in my life have I seen a more intelligent post here in the WWE folder.

If you were refering to my ?! post, then all I can say was that after reading the initial post I was at a loss for any actual words to say and I still am...


Actually, I feel bad for the dog..

I was refering to the original topic, not your post. :D

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Guest ndzen

the story of bradshaw


part 1.5


Bradshaw would pretend to be stan hansen but with only 1% of stan's actual talent!!! (dun dun duhn!!!)

After that, he would dye his hair a stoopit shade of blonde.


to be continued

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Guest Kotzenjunge



Joking aside, this is truly a... different direction for weirdness in this folder.

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