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Guest Choken One

Sean O Haire

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Guest Choken One

After last night's amusing and somewhat entertaining APA Invitational Brawl...


Only One person really came out looking GREAT and No that wasn't Bradshaw or Brother Love.


It Was Sean O Haire.


It starts with him just sitting at the bar grinning like crazy and he slowly pulls up and he stalks the bar...


THEN WHAM! Rips the coat off and rubs his hands and laughs and goes all Bruce Lee on everyone and showing his charisma...He hops on the Bar and breaks out the cue sticks and is all "C'mon fuckers" and wops them to pieces...and the people at the bar were cheering for it...and then he just disappeared.


The whole thing had that fight scene from The Crow vibe working with SOH jumpkicking every one in sight and rolling over the bar...


Spanky was also a highlight for that segment.






Yes...Just another thread to spread the greatness of Sean O Haire.

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Guest MideonMark

Yeah, O'Haire was pretty good in the brawl, best thing he's done since coming to the WWE(that and getting his ass kicked by the WWF guys during the Invasion angle).


Spanky was very funny dancing on the bar, wearing a suit(which was also funny for some reason) and bowing his head in prayer during Brother Loves part.


I'd have preferred if Funaki had won thought. Just have Funaki sitting at the bar getting drunk, completely oblvious to whats going on around him, have everyone laid out but at the end Funaki is still drinking and is declared the winner.

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Guest God Junior

Funaki was the only remotely amusing thing in that 'match'.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Spanky and Funaki are the team of the future. It's a total throw-back to the Funak and Crash day where Spanky is the goof and Funaki is the straight man. Funaki has good facial expressions as does Spanky, and it could work real well w/ vignettes and shit.


Their name?








...The jury is still out.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I honestly thought that the bar room brawl was funny and very entertaining. Although I thought it was kind of a cheap way to put over Bradshaw though. It would have been better had someone else won.


***Bradshaw sucks***

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Guest Choken One

I'm sick of this Funaki Love.


He is only funny once in a blue moon...He's short and Japanese and he speaks broken english (kayfabe wise)...what's so fucking funny about that.


Although Yes...I'd perfered he win by just sitting there the whole time oblivious there was even a fucking brawl...

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Guest Choken One
I honestly thought that the bar room brawl was funny and very entertaining. Although I thought it was kind of a cheap way to put over Bradshaw though. It would have been better had someone else won.


***Bradshaw sucks***

I just hope this doesn't become his "GIMMICK" match ala Jeff and his Ladder or Taker and his HIAC/CASKET...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They've pushed Funaki twice.


Once with "indeed" and Once with "Numbah 1 announcah"... BOTH got over with the crowd only to have it pulled.


Oh, and he can actually WRESTLE, unlike the shmuck that's the subject of this thread.

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Guest evilhomer

SOH was one of the only things I liked in the brawl. He was one of the few guys in it that actually did something worth noticing.


With the piece of shit that the entire thing was, would it really have killed them to let someone else go over. They could have even done it in a way to put the APA over. Let them pound the shit out of each other then fall together leaving Funaki as the only one left. Speaking of which, why was Bradshaw the winner when Simmons was still left standing also? That was one I didn't get.

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Guest Trivia247

Brooklyn Brawler actually didn't look that bad either.


Lombardi should get a raise

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Simmons had already been drilled and on the floor but got up and helped Bradshaw win.

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Guest CanadianChick

Damn, I think I want to see the APA thing for comedic value. Anyone have a link of some sort for a video of it?

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Guest Choken One

Good! C.C will LOVE the SOH spots...


My only problem with SOH? Purple Tights...

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Guest Lord of The Curry

It's good to know that your problem doesn't lie with SOH's sub-par ability in the ring.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I haven't gotten the tape from my uncle yet, but it sounds like Choken has given the world more of a reason to follow our example of O'Haire fandom. Hopefully he came off as a badass for a reason and not to job to Bradshaw on Smackdown.

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Guest Choken One

Oh he was a bad ass indeed...


Think of Brandon Lee in "The Crow" only with Cue Sticks instead of Guns.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Oh he was a bad ass indeed...


Think of Brandon Lee in "The Crow" only with Cue Sticks instead of Guns.

::marks out::

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Guest BionicRedneck
Damn, I think I want to see the APA thing for comedic value


It wasn't comedic. It was shit and utterly pointless.

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Guest Choken One
Oh he was a bad ass indeed...


Think of Brandon Lee in "The Crow" only with Cue Sticks instead of Guns.

::marks out::

even better...



He did it with a Cocky Ass Grin...

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Guest Anglesault
My only problem with SOH? Purple Tights...

Goes with the S and M coat.

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Guest Choken One
My only problem with SOH? Purple Tights...

Goes with the S and M coat.

S AND M coat? It's a leather Trench coat...Edge wears the same thing

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Guest CanadianChick

I hate SOH's attire. The coat would be okay if he didn't wear shorts (come on , the bare legs underneath the trench coat is pretty strange) and if he didn't button it up. It looks stupid that way.

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Guest Choken One
I hate SOH's attire. The coat would be okay if he didn't wear shorts (come on , the bare legs underneath the trench coat is pretty strange) and if he didn't button it up. It looks stupid that way.

This has been FASHION WEEKLY from Yours Truly...Canadian Chick.

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Guest Zack Malibu
I hate SOH's attire. The coat would be okay if he didn't wear shorts (come on , the bare legs underneath the trench coat is pretty strange) and if he didn't button it up. It looks stupid that way.

This has been FASHION WEEKLY from Yours Truly...Canadian Chick.

LOL, that was pretty funny.


That could be CC's gimmick...fashion critiques for the roster on every PPV! Dames' Diatribes are gonna have some competition!

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Guest CanadianChick

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until I get the Triple H's attire. Ditch the purple Trips!

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Guest Choken One
I hate SOH's attire. The coat would be okay if he didn't wear shorts (come on , the bare legs underneath the trench coat is pretty strange) and if he didn't button it up. It looks stupid that way.

This has been FASHION WEEKLY from Yours Truly...Canadian Chick.

LOL, that was pretty funny.


That could be CC's gimmick...fashion critiques for the roster on every PPV! Dames' Diatribes are gonna have some competition!

I thought gimmick was


"Cute Chick that the guys drool for"

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Guest Zack Malibu
I hate SOH's attire. The coat would be okay if he didn't wear shorts (come on , the bare legs underneath the trench coat is pretty strange) and if he didn't button it up. It looks stupid that way.

This has been FASHION WEEKLY from Yours Truly...Canadian Chick.

LOL, that was pretty funny.


That could be CC's gimmick...fashion critiques for the roster on every PPV! Dames' Diatribes are gonna have some competition!

I thought gimmick was


"Cute Chick that the guys drool for"

That's no gimmick. That's reality, baby!

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