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Guest Choken One

Sean O Haire

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Guest AndrewTS
I fail to see the fault with his intro package, (in the suit, with white background) which I actually thought was an ad for a talk show, it was so professionally done. I still don't understand why people are incapable of reviewing his character potential objectively, I never said he was a good worker, but the gimmick was sound until they saddled him with Piper.

There was no problem with the video packages, but when he had to do it on TV live, he couldn't pull it off, like AS has pointed out many, many times. I don't see why they couldn't have had him practice the role until he was more comfortable in it. Maybe he's just a lousy actor.


Saddling him with Piper was supposed to overcome his weakness in mic skills, but they made Piper the center of attention. SOH became just some goon standing in the background stroking his goatee and occasionally attacking a Samoan or something. It was bound to fail and I don't blame SOH for that sucking complete ass.

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Guest Choken One

Just to keep the SOH alive...


What are your particular favorite SOHisms?


Me? I'm inclined to say the "Adultry" or the "Religion" rants...

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Guest Zack Malibu

I liked the Gambling one he gave us here when he did a dark match on RAW the night after the Rumble.


Here is Providence, RI, btw. He did it because there's constant talk of a casino in RI, and we have two up the road in CT.

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I'll probably get flamed for this, but I think Sean O'Haire has a great theme if you can get past the 5 Come Ons in the beginning of the song.


I really dig his current gimmick, but they made him suck by working WWE style. He was great back in the ol' WCW days...

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Guest BionicRedneck

I tell you, this "O'Haire is good but it's the WWE style" shit is starting to annoy me.


*NEWSFLASH* Sean O'Haire has always sucked.


I don't mind people being fans of his for his look, music, gimmick or "coolness" but, C'mon people, lets not lie.

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