Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted July 28, 2003 (edited) WWE Vengeance! Live From Denver, Colorado July 27, 2003 - Sunday Night Heat Match: Ultimo Dragon vs. Kanyon: Lockup and Dragon with a standing side headlock, and flips through a big boot with a leg sweep. Series of martial arts kicks and spinning heel kick gets two. Kanyon catches Dragon with a throw to the mat and plants him with a face buster for two. Back Breaker gets two again. Slam by Kanyon and he knees the back of Dragon for two. Dragon comes back with chops and a twisting cross body from the second rope. Kanyon catches him in a second with a fall away slam for two. Kanyon tries a Samoan drop off the top rope, but Dragon reverses with a powerbomb. Ultimo with a boot to the head and drop toe hold, and proceeds to kick Kanyons ass, literally. Dragon with a martial arts kick to the sternum and the float over reverse DDT for three at 4:04. ** Pretty decent for a Heat match, and at least they're still pushing Dragon over people who aren't cruiserweights. - WWE United States Championship Tournament Finals: Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero: Pre-Match Ramblings: For Those who don't Remember the tournament results were: Round 1: Benoit def. Rhyno, Eddie Guerrero def. Ultimo Dragon, Billy Gunn def. John Cena, and Matt Hardy def. Rikishi. Semifinals had Benoit def. Hardy and Guerrero def. Gunn. Both men had been best friends since debuting in the WWF as the Radicalz, but that all changed when Eddie confessed he lies, cheats and steals, and beat down Benoit to drive the point home. The Match: Benoit is pissed off still from Thursdays attack. Eddie hides in the ropes for the beginning of the match, Eddie lockup and takes over Benoit with a hammerlock, but Benoit fights free from it with elbows and a vicious shoulder block. Armbar by Eddie back in the ring, and Benoit flips through into a full nelson. Eddie drop toe holds and tries a headlock but Benoit reverses into a wrist lock, and that's reversed into a headlock and Eddie with a shoulder block. Benoit wins a test of strength so Eddie kicks out and sweeps Benoit off his feet and applies a wristlock. Eddie with some chops and a hurricanrana. Both men trade off a series of pin reversals and trade arm drags, with Benoit going to the outside. Eddie with a headlock take over and prevents Benoits reversal several times. Eddie goes for a tombstone, but Benoit reverses with a shoulder breaker and applies the crippler crossface! Eddie makes it to the ropes though and goes outside, so Benoit connects with a suicide dive! Back inside Eddies shoulder meets the buckle and Benoit with a slam. Second slam and Benoit applies a half nelson. Benoit school boys Eddie and nails a stiff chop. Eddie catches Benoit with a back elbow and connects with a top rope hurricanrana! Big Back suplex by Eddie gets a two count and he stomps a mud-hole in Benoit and applies an armbar. Benoit with a series of shoulder blocks and chops in the corner. Benoit sets Eddie on the top rope and comes off with a Back Super-Plex!! That only gets a two count. Rolling Germans by Benoit, and he follows it with the crossface. Eddie makes it to the ropes, so Benoit nails a back breaker for another two count. Guerrero comes back with rolling suplexes, and comes off the top rope with a Super-Plex!!! Eddie goes for a frog splash, and Benoit moves out of the way at the LAST possible second! Benoit with a powerbomb gets two and he applies the crossface again. Referee gets in his face, and we get a referee bump. Eddie clocks Benoit with the US Title belt, and connects with the frog splash...and that's only for two! Eddie is pissed and nails the referee with it, and fakes being knocked out...but the referee is completely out, so it doesn't work. Benoit catches Eddie in the crossface but no referee. Benoit goes for the swan dive headbutt, and connects....on the referee!!! Eddie Guerrero is slick as hell. Here's Rhyno...and he turns on Benoit with a Gore. Eddie is shocked, so he finishes it with the frog splash for the win and title at 22:12. ****1/2 - Indecent Proposal Match: Billy Gunn (w/ Torrie Wilson) vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia): Pre-Match Ramblings: It's obvious Noble will win, because it's going to set up an angle on Smackdown with Noble/Torrie a la Chyna/Mark Henry, minus ugly chick and fat black guy. Still, this might be good, but judging by past sexual relationship storylines, it's going to be a miss. The Match: If Noble wins, he sleeps with Torrie, and he's brought a case full of sex toys and such, the pervert. Gunn nails a big boot on Noble outside, and heads in the ring with a super sized one arm slam and a series of mounted rights. Front face slam by Gunn, and he MISSES a corner dive hitting the post. Noble with a one legged drop-kick and a plancha, and Gunns knee might have blown out (fakely). Noble with another drop-kick and heads back inside with a sit down splash on the knee of Gunn, and he applies a long grapevine like submission. Gunn catches Noble with the One-and-Only and a hip toss into a Brain buster for two. Fame Asser misses but he nails a diamond cuter for two. Noble connects with a top rope DDT, but Nidia prevents the win by putting Gunns boot on the rope. Nidia & Torrie proceed to slap Noble...a lot, and Gunn throws him back inside only to have his knee taken out again. Torrie is pulled onto the apron, and Noble runs Gunn into her and rolls him up for three at 5:01. *3/4 - APA Invitational Bar Room Brawl: Participants: The APA, Nunzio, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire, Spanky, Doink The Clown, Brother Love, The Brooklyn Brawler, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, Orlando Jordan, Kanyon, Funaki, The Easter Bunny, Conquistador #45, Conquistador #47, Tough Enough 3 Winners John & Matt: Pre-Match Ramblings: This is unique, as you can see most of the Velocity crew and a few comedy characters are inserted to get them on the PPV. Brother Love knocks the APA calling them good little quire boys, and pretty much gives a long, over drawn prayer. The Match: I'm not sure how to call the elimination's here but I'll try my best. Brother Love takes out Both Conquistadors with a bar stool (0:01). Brawler makes his once a year appearance tonight. The Bashams throw Spanky off the bar table through another table to take him out (0:15). Tough Enough 3 Guys aren't around so I declare them gone (0:30). Palumbo takes out Jordan with the bar door (0:50) and Palumbo eats a stool from Faarooq (0:55). Brawler throws Doink threw the window (1:10) O'Haire nails APA with pool sticks, and Funaki keeps drinking. Moore is sent into a mirror by Love (2:20) and he smashes O'Haire with a glass vas with flowers (0:25). Nunzio is sent air born by Basham Brothers into the alcohol stand (2:33) and Bradshaw throws the Bunny threw a window (2:47). Matt Hardy puts Danny Basham & Kanyon and himself threw a table (3:40) in the mean time Faarooq, Doug Basham and the Brooklyn Brawler are taken out (3:30-35). Johnny Stamboli was eliminated earlier too. Funaki passes out drinking (3:58) in a hilarious spot. Brother Love tries a sneak attack, but Bradshaw puts him out of his misery with a beer bottle to the head for the win at 4:29. No Rating, but Comedy/Entertainment wise, its ***1/2. - Jamie Noble is backstage fondling...something, while drooling over his over soaked Playboy of Torrie Wilson. - WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Worlds Greatest Tag Team © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. & Billy Kidman: Pre-Match Ramblings: Judging by the men in the match you know how it will be. Mysterio & Kidman won a fatal four way tag to get this shot, and basically won tag matches for the past few weeks to set them up as contenders, even though they have no issue with the ex-Team Angle. And might I add, I think the name of Haas/Benjamin is a little on the stupid side, but hey, whatever works I guess, right. The Match: I'm hoping this will be a pretty good match. Shelton wrestled Mysterio to the mat to open the match, but he makes to the ropes. Mysterio connects with a big boot and whips threw a hip toss and hammers on Benjamin and connects with a head scissors. Kidman in with a basement drop-kick for two, and does a head scissors of his own. Benjamin with a knee lift and a neck snap backwards. Haas school boys Kidman for two and applies a headlock. Kidman catches him with a flying clothesline for two and chokes him on the second rope. He misses a sit down splash and Kidman hammers away, and Mysterio springboards in with a guillotine drop-kick for two. Haas catches Mysterio with a Bubba bomb like move and whips him hard to the buckle. Powerslam by Haas gets two, and Benjamin tags back in with an extra high press into the sky for two. Rear Sleeper hold by Benjamin but Mysterio fights out and connects with a hurricanrana and basement drop-kick. Kidman in and he drop-kicks everyone and back drops Haas. Sky High Spine Buster gets two for Kidman. Mysterio trips up Benjamin, and goes for the 619 and Benjamin returns the favor. Mysterio with a springboard sit down splash. Haas is sent outside, and Kidman with a top rope Shooting Star Press onto both men!!! Holy Shit chants erupt. That only gets two back inside. Kidman on the apron hammers Haas, but is whipped into the steel post by Benjamin. Benjamin applies a branch submission, and turns it into a bow and arrow. Kidman falls on top of Benjamin for two. Haas in to lay the smackdown on Kidman and whips him to the buckle. Surfboard hold by Haas in the corner, and Kidman fights back with elbows and tosses Haas threw the ropes. Hot tag is teased, but referee doesn't see it. WGTT Pull Kidman back to their side of the ring and double suplex him for two. Powerbomb by Benjamin gets two. Kidman blocks a second with a face buster. Mysterio gets the hot tag and somersault drop-kicks Benjamin and nails a stiff enziguri. Haas goes over the top rope and Mysterio springboard sunset flips Benjamin for two. Springboard DDT gets another two count. 619 connects on Haas, and Mysterio with the West Coast Pop but the referee isn't looking and Benjamin knocks Mysterio out with a big boot, but that's only getting two. Kidman helps spring board Mysterio to the top rope for a hurricanrana on Haas! That only gets a 2.99 and the crowd doesn't like it. Mysterio tries another hurricanrana, but Benjamin makes the blind tag and comes off the top rope with a doomsday device like maneuver into a Powerbomb, and that's obviously good enough to finish Mysterio at 14:52. ***3/4 Match was Hot, and kept a nice pace. No blown spots, and nothing was really repeated. - Summerslam 2003 Commercial. It's a JAWS Parody, as Brock Lesnar rushes into the ocean and F5's the shark from the movie. High-larious. - Stephanie McMahon vs. Sable: Pre-Match Ramblings: This is either gonna be good or really bad. Both women have had a few matches in the past that broke **, so maybe they can perform another miracle here. Stephanie is basically REALLY pissed off at Sable sleeping with her father, and she isn't too much fond of him either. So we get the crazy bitch who wants revenge on the skanky bitch and here we go. The Match: Sable keeps running from Stephanie, and Stephanie keeps catching her. McMahon with a selection of forearms in the ring and Sable comes back with a few slaps and chokes. Sable makes Stephanie eat buckle and connects with a series of kicks to the ribs. Sable introduces her to the mat and kicks her around and does her grinding bit. Stephanie school girls her for two, and Sable slaps her around some more. Stephanie catches Sable with a back elbow and mounts her with punches. Stephanie throws Sable around by her hair for two. Outside Stephanie goes for a chair, but the referee takes it away so she obliges to nail a series of forearms, and heads back in the ring. Stephanie with a nasty slap and makes Sable eat canvas and slaps her around some more. Mr. Perfect Neck Snap by Stephanie and she kicks Sable in the BUTT a few times. Stephanie chokes away on Sable in the corner and tries ripping her top off to a huge pop. Sable fights her off and the referee tries helping her cover up, so heres A-train to steam roll over Stephanie, and Sable has no idea what happened, so she simply covers her for three at 6:25. *1/4 Did it's purpose and was kept short. - The Undertaker vs. John Cena: Pre-Match Ramblings: This seems to be thrown together with no real purpose. Cena defeated Rookie Orlando Jordan several weeks back, and Undertaker came down to chase off Cena and gave his respect to Jordan. Cena took offense, because last year Undertaker did the same for him, then left him for nothing. Cena cut a few bitter raps on Undertaker, one being in a graveyard, saying he's full of more crap than a super-sized be pan. Other than that, they had one confrontation a few weeks ago, which may suggest Undertaker has another nagging injury. The Match: Undertaker decides to walk to the ring for once. Cena tries beating down Undertaker to start, but he's thrown into the corner by the neck and Undertaker goes old school on his ass. Cena is sent outside and Undertaker hammers him some more and throws him into the barricade several times, and rams his back into the steel post. Guillotine leg drop by Undertaker and he follows it up with a series of elbow drops and stiff rights. Cross armbar on Cena by Taker and he hammers away sending Cena outside. Back in the ring and Undertaker goes old school walking the ropes for a clothesline to the neck, and it still gets a pop. Chokeslam from Hell, and Undertaker pulls Cena up at two. Cena reverses the Last Ride and nails a big DDT, and starts to untie the turnbuckle outside of kicking Takers ass. Undertaker tries a splash in the corner and connects, but a second makes contact with the exposed steel and Cena tackles him to the outside, and starts hammering away on Taker and rams him into the barricade. Back inside Cena with some boots to the midsection, and Taker is bleeding from the mouth. Cena with a series of shoulder thrusts in the corner. Undertaker comes back, but misses a boot, but DOES nail a clothesline for two. Dragon sleeper is applied, but Cena is in the ropes. Cena with a vicious spine buster, but that only gets two. Both men trade rights, with Undertaker taking the advantage and nails a lunging clothesline. I Have a feeling Undertaker came into the match hurt, since he usually gets higher elevation on that clothesline. Undertaker blocks the F.U and nails a big boot and leg drop for two. Undertaker chokes away on Cena, so he comes back with a shot to the midsection with the chain he wears around his neck. Cena with the F.U! That only gets two! Cena takes Taker to the corner with some mounted punches, but he forgot about Wrestlemania X-7 finish, and Undertaker casually grabs him and plants his carcass with the last ride for the three count at 16:01. **3/4 Pretty good match considering it had Mediocre Cena and aging Undertaker. - Zach Gowen vs. Vince McMahon: Pre Match Ramblings: For those who don't know who Zach Gowen is, I'm going to leave you in the dark, because him/McMahon has been the main focus of Smackdown for a few months now. With Hulk Hogan's departure, causing McMahon v. America to be canceled, McMahon centered his aggression on Gowen, and made this match. Gowen wrestles with one leg, but does wrestle with his prosthetic at times. Good ovation for Gowen as we get the instructions for the match. The Match: Gowen opts to start the match without his prosthetic leg. Vince McMahon wins the lock ups, but does nothing on offense from there, but Zach wisely covers up anyway, unlike most people. McMahon with a go behind take down and a hip toss followed by a full body slam. Gowen rolls through a McMahon rush, but he runs into a clothesline. McMahon with a series of shoulder thrusts in the corner to Gowen. Gowen back drops him outside and nails a basement drop-kick and connects with the Asai Moonsault!!! Leg drop by Gowen to the back of the head, and he springboards for another leg drop for two! Gowen catches another attempt of a drop-kick and applies a leg-bar. McMahon works the leg STUPIDLY, since it's not believable unless Gowen just crawls around the ring. He rams Gowens leg into the steel post a few times. Single-leg Boston crab by McMahon. Gowen kicks away at the knee of McMahon and nails a boot to the chest and catches him with a running drop-kick. Gowen crawls on top of McMahon and hammers away at him, and returns the favor by pulling McMahons crotch into the steel post, and rapping his leg around the post a few times. Gowen with a top rope Bulldog, but McMahon pulled a Jackie Gayda on it. Gowen goes to the second rope with a missile drop-kick and comes off the top rope with a Moonsault!! That only gets two! McMahon gets a chair, but the referee prevents using it, so he eats it. McMahon tries setting it up, but Gowen drop-kicks it into the side of the head, and McMahon is bleeding all over the place!!! McMahon has already stained the ring in about 6 seconds. Gowen wails on McMahons ass with the chair and goes upstairs again, he comes off with a Corkscrew Moonsault...but McMahon rolls out of the way and quickly covers..for three?! Well, that was odd. Time of the match was 14:02. ** Could have been better if not for the gay ass working on the leg, since it would make the match impossible to finish. Crowd gives Gowen a standing ovation except for some of the assholes who don't know any better. It's mostly cheers though. - WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Brock Lesnar © vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show: Pre-Match Ramblings: Another triple threat headlines Vengeance, but all I'm worried about is if it will be good or not. Brock/Kurt have this best friends who are getting pissed off at each other storyline, and Big Show is in their so its not Brock v. Angle, and because he's big and fat, which allows him a free pass into the main event. Angle gets the better ovation says I, but the crowd doesn't count in my or McMahons eyes. The Match: I'm hoping Angle wins here, or anyone besides Big Show. The faces go for Brock but he connects with a double clothesline and sends Angle outside. Brock hammers away on Show but is caught with a Chokeslam already, but for two. Angle hammers on Big Show, but the tides are turned and Show slaps him around. BUTT shot by Show followed by a clothesline. Angle hammers away but gets caught on a cross body. Angle reverses into an ankle lock but Show shrugs him off and nails a big boot and leg drop, but Brock breaks the pin at two. Brock hammers Show and shoulder thrusts him in the corner. Second rope forearm by Brock and he goes for an F5, only to be nailed with the final cut for two. Angle goes crazy on Show with trash can lids, and Brock joins the fun and they take him down with a double shot. Double suplex is blocked, and Show suplexes them both. double Chokeslam is blocked and Angle & Brock Chokeslam Show! Brock covers for two, and Angle and him go face to face. Brock with a vicious clothesline, and he nails the F5 on Angle! F5 to Big Show by Brock, but the pin is broken up at two. Brock & Angle brawl outside and Show drops a leg across Lesnar as soon as he comes back in the ring. Show with a headbutt and some stuff in the corner. Brock blocks a super-plex, and nails a RUNNING POWERBOMB ON THE BIG SHOW!!! The crowd went wild for that one, I tell you what. Brock covers, and Angle breaks the pin with a chair shot, and he BLASTS Brock right in the face with the chair, and covers Show for two. Outside Angle takes Big Show and he eats his own chair thanks to a big boot. Angle blocks a Chokeslam and Angle Slams Big Show threw the announce table!! Brock & Angle do a staredown a la Austin/rock at royal rumble 2001. Angle hammers Lesnar with a series of roundhouse rights but Brock takes over with a knee lift and his own clubbing rights. Brock with a type of F5 sends Angle over the top rope to the floor. Brock is whipped into the steel steps and is reintroduced to it a few times by Angle. Rolling German suplexes by Angle and he nails the extra strength release somersault German suplex!!! Angle Slam is blocked and Brock with a spine buster for two. Brock applies a tazmission type submission on Angle. Show breaks the pin and covers both men for two. Double Chokeslam connects, and Show covers Brock for two. He covers Angle now, but Brock makes the save. Angle pounds Brock with rights but is whipped to the buckle. Brock posts himself and Angle applies the Ankle Lock!! Angle Slam to big Show!!! Angle Slam to Brock Lesnar! Angle covers! 1....2.....3!!! Angle wins the title at 17:30!!!! **** Awesome match, thanks largely to Angle, and second place to Brock Lesnar. Angle finally wins the title clean. Great Match. Final Thoughts: Thank God I decided to get this show at the last minute! Two 4-star matches, a 3-star match and several candidates for 3-star matches. Overall, a very entertaining show with something for everyone. A classic one on one in Benoit/Eddy, the Bar Room Brawl for cmedy/entertainment, Tag Titles in a hot spot fest and actual wrestling. Easy Thumbs up, and High Recommendation to Order the Replay. Feedback is Appreciated. Edited July 28, 2003 by nWoScorpion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Muzz Report post Posted July 29, 2003 Very good review I must say, and I didn't know Funaki was eliminated by passing out, that must have been gold. I didn't get to see the show, and what I read keeps me informed and excited about seeing the show, so if a review can do that, then it's a job very well done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites