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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

What Code has the President did Bush violate now..

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I hate it when I cant get a title of a thread right..dang it..




George W. Bush has hit controversy as a picture has surfaced showing the president signing a well-wisher's hand-held American flag--a violation of the Federal Flag Code ?


According to the statute, "[t]he flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."


The President was meeting and greeting supporters on July 23, 2003 at Beaver Aerospace and Defense in Livonia, Michigan where the alleged transgression occured.


A side note about the flag flap: "Any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America, set forth herein, may be altered, modified, or repealed, or additional rules with respect thereto may be prescribed, by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, whenever he deems it to be appropriate or desirable; and any such alteration or additional rule shall be set forth in a proclamation."


Drudge Report


So yeah. You would think of all the people who would know the rules about the American Flag, that the President would be one of em. I guess we'll find out that he's allowed people to sign the flag and do whatever they want with it now since he's the one with the power to change rules about the flag. I bet sometime soon they'll play the theme song to Dallas instead of Hail to the Chief when he comes out for press conferences..

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I saw this last week.


Here, let me save you a few replies.


Powerplay: Oh, please. You guys are all blowing this out of proportion, grasping for straws! There's nothing wrong with this, God dammit, and you need to get over it!


kkktookmybabyaway: Oh my God, when Does the 2004 ballot come Out? Put me Down for a vote for Howie! El oh El!...


Vyce: Sorry, I can't be bothered to care enough about this... I'm sure there's something wrong with it, but I won't shed a tear.


I don't care.


Murmuring Beast: Start the impeachment hearings now, God dammit!!


Cancer Marney: You blithering moron, the President can do whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants. If you had more intelligence than a squirrel suffering from brain hemhorrages, you'd realize that. Shut up, you dumb piece of rat stool.


There, you can lock the topic now.

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Guest Vern Gagne

The President doesn't have time to think about what he's signing. He see's a little flag, in front of him and he signs it.

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Guest NoCalMike

Yah, I am sure this was done in good faith. Just an "oops" moment. I love the "replies" though, hahaha.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Yeah I agree with No-Cal, this is more of a goof on Bush's part than anything.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Two things, both from Eric Alterman's blog, which describe the liberals' behavior (and mine, granted) when it comes to nailing Bush.


It's ADD.


       Hey Eric, it’s Stupid. I think I know what’s wrong with the respectable left. They have Attention Deficit Disorder. There is so much wrong with the Dubya administration that they can’t focus. There’s Niger! There’s Medicare! What’s that over there - Head Start and AmeriCorps! Turn around - new overtime pay rules! Etc., etc. The Dems need a mantra to help them focus. Here’s some suggestions, but better minds than mine could easily improve on it. “Deficits matter still - your kid’s credit card bill. Safety matters - from cops on the street to guarding the air fleet to inspecting your meat.” Jesse, get over here, your party needs you.

       I think he’s being unfair in using that crowd as a stand-in for “the left,” but he makes me ask why the more respectable left refuses to call Dubya on his utter hypocrisy on Iraq (citing Rwanda and human rights to answer pre-war critics and then dragging his heels on Liberia, stonewalling on the Congo and dropping the ball entirely on Zimbabwe)? My guess is that they see a conflict with calling for intervention while at the same time going after Dubya about WMD intelligence. There needn’t be - calls for humanitarian action in Africa can be accompanied by saying “and unlike Iraq, our intelligence is good!” or some such. But so far they sound just like Jude Wanniski without the supply-side stuff.

       Finally, I thought Andy’s shot at you on your French anti-semitism column was unfair, though I agreed with a part of it. Given that you clearly state that there exists a strain of anti-semitism in French (non-immigrant) society and are only talking about the increase in anti-semitic acts, the charge that you are giving them a pass doesn’t fly, even with the stray reports of lax French government response to some of that. The last part needed qualification, even if it’s quite a stretch NOT to infer the qualification and think that you were blaming the victims/targeted, so to speak, for not being sufficiently anti-Likud. If you had said “give Chechnya more autonomy and terrorism will go down” I doubt anyone would accuse you of supporting *those* suicide bombers! But since there are so many Cockburnites who would do just that when it comes to Israel (indeed, remember Pat Robertson when Don Wildmon had that “WASSERMAN IS A JEW” picket for “The Last Temptation of Christ” and Robertson wouldn’t condemn it until the ADL condemned the film?), you should have stated the obvious. And all that said, you *do* have a soft (read: blind) spot for the French!


And Eric's response...




My problem: The Administration makes it too fucking easy to criticize.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire
The President doesn't have time to think about what he's signing. He see's a little flag, in front of him and he signs it.

The same could be said for a declaration of war too.


BTW: Tyler- best/funniest post ever! :lol:

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Guest Vern Gagne

Was that meant to be a joke or where you serious?


Not looking at what he signs means autographs. Things like novelty flags, or pictures.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I wanted the "I don't care" response, b*tch.


Oh, and I did laugh at your post, Tyler...

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Guest Vern Gagne

Tyler was right about the "I can't wait to vote for Howie in 2004 posts you've been making.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

It was just a joke -- I'll abort it before the limbs grow fingers and toes...

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Guest JMA
I saw this last week.


Here, let me save you a few replies.


Powerplay: Oh, please. You guys are all blowing this out of proportion, grasping for straws! There's nothing wrong with this, God dammit, and you need to get over it!


kkktookmybabyaway: Oh my God, when Does the 2004 ballot come Out? Put me Down for a vote for Howie! El oh El!...


Vyce: Sorry, I can't be bothered to care enough about this... I'm sure there's something wrong with it, but I won't shed a tear.


I don't care.


Murmuring Beast: Start the impeachment hearings now, God dammit!!


Cancer Marney: You blithering moron, the President can do whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants. If you had more intelligence than a squirrel suffering from brain hemhorrages, you'd realize that. Shut up, you dumb piece of rat stool.


There, you can lock the topic now.

Wow. That sounds exactly what each respective poster would say. You've saved me a lot of time. ;)

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Guest Tyler McClelland
It was just a joke -- I'll abort it before the limbs grow fingers and toes...

Again, I don't really care if you do it as long as you still contribute to the argument. It's your opinion -- as unscientific and unwarranted as it may be -- and you have a right to express it.

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Guest Vyce

I find it ironic that people will bitch about the man signing a flag, and yet it's perfectly okay for someone to burn it.


Tyler: Pretty good impression of me.


Are you up to posting some "replies" from people who are NOT conservatives (other than Best, of course).

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Well, it's easier to do you guys since you have a form reply each. The problem with doing liberals is that they all say the exact same thing, so it kinda sucks for the replying matters.

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Guest Powerplay

I believe that one was from the "OMGODZ BUSH BEINGZ TEH CALLINGZ OUT IRAQIZ!#$*()*!" thread, right Tyler? Mine, that is. By the by, that's one of the more clever posts I've seen in a while. Congrats ther, Tyler :D.

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Guest godthedog
I find it ironic that people will bitch about the man signing a flag, and yet it's perfectly okay for someone to burn it., of course).

i'm sure if the president was burning a flag, they'd be up in arms about it too.

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Guest Powerplay
I find it ironic that people will bitch about the man signing a flag, and yet it's perfectly okay for someone to burn it., of course).

i'm sure if the president was burning a flag, they'd be up in arms about it too.

But you see, the only reason they'd be up in arms against it is because it was Bush. This isn't about the flag code, but just another way to find fault in Bush somehow. Again, my quote above is exactly what I think about this.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I, for one, would object if Howard Dean burned the US flag on purpose. :P

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Guest JMA

Every President faces the type of thing Bush does. From Carter, to Reagan, to Bush Sr., to Clinton. They all faced the harsh and partisan critisism Bush faces. You need VERY thick skin to be President.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
Again, I don't really care if you do it as long as you still contribute to the argument. It's your opinion -- as unscientific and unwarranted as it may be -- and you have a right to express it.

It's a message board -- most of our opinions are unscientific and unwarranted...

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Guest Cancer Marney
Here, let me save you a few replies...


Cancer Marney: You blithering moron, the President can do whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants. If you had more intelligence than a squirrel suffering from brain hemhorrages, you'd realize that. Shut up, you dumb piece of rat stool.

Wow. That sounds exactly what each respective poster would say.

Hardly. I take my flag quite seriously and if the President did sign one he made a mistake. And the person who gave it to him to sign made at least as great a mistake. But there is no indication of any intentional disrespect offered to my flag or my country, and as Vyce has already implied, I'd rather see someone signing a flag than burning it.


Also, I wouldn't have misspelled "haemorrhages."

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Guest Goose749

wait... those little hand-held flags are REAL AMERICAN FLAGS???


...well, lock me up and send me off to a federal penitentory, considering how many of those I've defiled in my lifetime.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Also, I wouldn't have misspelled "haemorrhages."


Actually, you just did.

Actually, I didn't do anything of the sort, you ignorant slob.


hemophilia, haemophilia, haemorrhage, hemorrhage (nn.)


The spellings beginning hemo- are American; the haemo- versions are chiefly British.

- Bartleby.com


I was educated in British (and American) schools in the former colonies and I use the spellings I grew up with. Stick your pride in your shoe and shut your mouth. Tip: subsequently, try breathing through your nose.

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Guest Tyler McClelland
Also, I wouldn't have misspelled "haemorrhages."


Actually, you just did.

Actually, I didn't do anything of the sort, you ignorant slob.


hemophilia, haemophilia, haemorrhage, hemorrhage (nn.)


The spellings beginning hemo- are American; the haemo- versions are chiefly British.

- Bartleby.com


I was educated in British (and American) schools in the former colonies and I use the spellings I grew up with. Stick your pride in your shoe and shut your mouth. Tip: subsequently, try breathing through your nose.



How am I a slob, you narcissistic little bitch?


I didn't know the British spelling of the word... and this makes me a slob?




Pardon me for not flying to Britan and asking them how they spell the word.


If you want to be a prissy, arrogant piece of shit, do it to someone else.

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Guest Cancer Marney


How am I a slob...


I didn't know the British spelling of the word... and this makes me a slob?


Pardon me for not flying to Britan and asking them how they spell the word.

I would indeed pardon you if that's what it took. But it doesn't. What it actually takes is a basic understanding of the history of your own language. You don't have even that, yet you think you're qualified to lecture me on my spelling? You're a joke. And yes, an uneducated slob.


If you want to be a prissy, arrogant piece of shit, do it to someone else.

I'll do whatever I want to whomever I want. As for being a prissy piece of shit, you're the one who decided to be snotty with me. Don't whine because your ass was handed to you on a silver platter; it's unbecoming.

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