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Lil' Bitch

SummerSlam card is a mess

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3 Hours. 8 Card Slots. One's taken courtesy of HHH / Goldberg. That's one for RAW. RAW has 3 left while SD has their four. Too many people and feuds and not enough time or space for all this to happen one night so some will just be regulated on RAW / SD broadcasts which means many Superstars will miss on WWE's 2nd biggest PPV of the year.




RAW side:


Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels


Kane vs. either RVD / Shane / or the Undertaker (according to recent reports)


Dudleyz Vs. La Resistance for the World Tag Titles


Smackdown side:


Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship


Guerrero vs. ? for the US Title


Benoit Vs. Rhyno


Mysterio Vs. Kidman for the Cruiserweight Title


Teaser Matches:

Booker T Vs. ? for the Intercontinental Championship

Undertaker Vs. John Cena Part III

TWGTT Vs. APA for the WWE Tag Team Championship


So basically, we're looking at a SummerSlam with NO Booker, Jericho, the Undertaker, or RVD since Shane has a better chance of making it to PPV!

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Guest Space_Cowboy

The WWE will just do what they always do, put the Raw Tag on Heat, dump the cruisers entirely, give like 5 minutes for all the matches other than matches involving the World Titles or the McMahons, and bingo, it all fits.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

My Predictions



HHH vs. Goldberg


Jericho vs. Nash


HBK vs. Orton


Kane vs. RVD




Angle vs. Lesnar


Taker vs. Cena


Benoit vs. Guerrero


Misterio vs. Kidman (or Ultimo)

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Who says it has to be only 8 slots? Booker has to be there (of course in saying that he probably won't) against like fucking Test or Christian again. La Rez/Dudleyz is heat fodder, possibly an opener. Seriously, fuck RAW anyway. I'm only going in for Rey/Kidman, Benoit/Rhyno, Brock/Angle & Eddie/whoever (Tajiri maybe). Jericho/Nash won't be good. Jericho isn't THAT good. Plus: Nash might break himself. Haas/Benjamin Vs whoever (APA is top unfortunately, thanks to no face teams on SD!) will be there because the SD titles are the real titles. Kane/Shane is fine by me, providing Kane goes over.


Big Show is as yet unaccounted for.

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Jericho IS that good and shouldn't be feuding with aging assclown, Kevin Trash.


***Big Show is as yet unaccounted for.***


Let's hope it stays that way...

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Jericho is awesome, but it's Nash, the Froglegged Workrate Killer. no way it breaks ** unless Chris eats Benoit, Ultimo, & half of Eddie to gain their wrestling powers.


Steiner/Test 2 is the worst possiblility as far as i'm concerned.

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Oh, my bad, I didn't see what you meant by that the first time = P

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Guest Gatornibs

Here are my predictions



Goldberg/Triple H (Boo)

Booker T vs Chris Jericho IC Title

Kane/Vince vs Shane/RVD in a NO DQ

HBK vs Orton



Kurt vs Brock for World Title

Benoit vs Rhyno vs Guerrero for US

Mysterio vs Kidman

WGTT vs Ultimo/Tajiri

Cena vs Undertaker (Remember when Taker fought Mabel and the casket was all spray painted with gangsta stuff? I hope it's a casket match but only BETTER)


Sunday Night Heat

Dudleys vs La Resistance


That sounds like a great card in this mark's opinion, but how the hell would you put it in order? Here's what I think they would do thinking from a vince perspective ( a bad one at that)


1.Dudleyz/La Resistance



4.WGTT vs Ultimo/Tajiri

5.HBK vs Orton


7.Benoit vs Rhyno vs Guerrero

8.Kane/Vince vs Shane/RVD


10.Goldberg/Triple H (Obviously the main/main cuz of H's power)

Edited by Gatornibs

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Well, it's obvious that the Summerslam card's gonna be crowded. For that reason, they're gonna need a lot of multi-man matches to fit people on the card. Here's how I see it:


World Title: HHH © vs. Goldberg

WWE Title: Kurt Angle © vs. Brock Lesnar

Kane vs. Stone Cold- No holds barred

US Title: Eddie Guerrero © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri- Fatal four way elimination match

Chris Jericho and Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash

Undertaker and Zach Gowen vs. Big Show and John Cena

IC Title: Booker T © vs. Christian vs. Scott Steiner vs. Test

Cruiserweight Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Kidman

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Guest spiny norman

I thought this was going to be a Raw PPV, but are some of them still going to be combined PPVs? I can imagine Wrestlemania, probably Royal Rumble, any others? Or am I thinking too far into the future?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Kane/Vince vs Taker/Shane


All you have to do is get Shane over to Smackdown and convince Steph to let RAW have Taker to settle family issues. Move someone from RAW over to SD (no idea who).


This works because Taker has no one to wrestle other than Cena/O'haire/Big Show on SD and if they move him to RAW he can fued with Kane for a couple months.


Im still not convinced that they'll blow Lesnar Angle at Summerslam. But I think they have more of a storyline for the afformentioned tag match then they do having Lesnar wrestle McMahon as has been rumored. And everyone's gonna bitch if that happens cause it will inevitably mean Lesnar/Vince and Angle/Show. No one wants to see Angle vs Big Show as the main event from SD.


So after all that you get:



HHH vs Goldberg HW Title

Booker T vs Test or Christian IC Title

La Resistance vs Dudleys Tag Titles

Kane/Vince vs Taker/Shane

HBK/Nash vs Jericho/Orton




Angle vs Lesnar WWE Title

Eddy vs Hardy or Cena US title

WGTT vs ?? (Probably APA) Tag Titles

Mysterio vs Kidman Cruiser Title

Benoit vs Rhyno

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
I thought this was going to be a Raw PPV, but are some of them still going to be combined PPVs? I can imagine Wrestlemania, probably Royal Rumble, any others? Or am I thinking too far into the future?

the major 4 PPVs are Split (Royal Rumble/Wrestlemania/Summerslam/Survivor Series)

The rest alternate.


Split Summerslam

RAW gets Unforgiven

Smackdown gets No Mercy

Split Survivor Series,

RAW gets Armageddon.

Split Royal Rumble

Smackdown gets No Way Out

Split Wrestlemania

RAW gets Backlash

Smackdown gets Judgment Day

Raw gets Bad Blood

Smackdown gets Vengeance


Or at least thats how it should go if they follow pattern, or until they decide to end the brand split or the Brand Only PPVs..

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Guest bort

HHH vs Goldberg HW Title [6 min]

Booker T vs Test [10 min]

La Resistance vs Dudleys Tag Titles[heat]

Kane vs Shane [12min]

HBK/Nash vs Jericho/Orton [20 min]


Angle vs Big show WWE Title [20 min]

Eddy vs Hardy [15 min]

WGTT vs ?? APA Tag Titles[10 min]

Mysterio vs Kidman Cruiser Title[15]

Benoit vs Rhyno [18 min]

UT vs CENA [18 min]

a-train vs lesner[5 min]


thats about 2 hours, add interviews promo packeteges and like only 1 mchman skit and thats youre ppv...i dont think they will give up the lesnar angle 2 on summerslam, i dont see angle losing the title this soon and u dont want him ton go over lesnar 2 in a row clean

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

There is no way HHH would allow a 6min title match.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Here is my version.....


Angle vs. Lesner - Main Event for the WWE Title

HHH vs Goldberg - World Heavyweight Title

Dudleyz vs resistance - Raw Tag Titles

Rhyno vs. Benoit vs. E. Guerrero - US Title

Nash/HBK vs. Orton/Jericho

Mysterio vs. Kidman - Cruiserweight Title

TWGTT vs. APA - WWE Tag Team titles

Shane vs. Kane - Street Fight

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Guest Retro Rob
Jericho/Nash won't be good. Jericho isn't THAT good.

Jericho has carried both HOGAN and GOLDBERG to their best WWE matches and he's not THAT good?

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Guest Cerebus

I remember after WM XIX someone said that they were saving Benoit/Lesner for SummerSlam. Is that off now?

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Guest nWoScorpion
Jericho/Nash won't be good. Jericho isn't THAT good.

Jericho has carried both HOGAN and GOLDBERG to their best WWE matches and he's not THAT good?

Actually I'd give the nod to Savage for best man to carry Hogan to great matches.


As for Goldberg, he sucks all around.

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Guest Retro Rob
Actually I'd give the nod to Savage for best man to carry Hogan to great matches.

Not in 2002. Savage carried the guy when he was able to walk without pain. Jericho was basically fighting a sack of shit.

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Guest Retro Rob
Could Jericho and Orton tag against HBK/Nash just to get Jericho on the card.

I was figuring that would be a Raw match to hype the PPV, whatever combination it ends up being.

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Guest Choken One
Kane/Vince vs Taker/Shane


All you have to do is get Shane over to Smackdown and convince Steph to let RAW have Taker to settle family issues. Move someone from RAW over to SD (no idea who).


This works because Taker has no one to wrestle other than Cena/O'haire/Big Show on SD and if they move him to RAW he can fued with Kane for a couple months.

Simple...Bring Hurricane and Rosey over.


Let Hurricane do the Cruiser stuff and put Rosey with Rikishi and do a Samoan Tag Team deal.

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Guest Retro Rob
Simple...Bring Hurricane and Rosey over.


Let Hurricane do the Cruiser stuff and put Rosey with Rikishi and do a Samoan Tag Team deal.

I think those two are needed more in the Raw tag division.

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Guest Choken One
Simple...Bring Hurricane and Rosey over.


Let Hurricane do the Cruiser stuff and put Rosey with Rikishi and do a Samoan Tag Team deal.

I think those two are needed more in the Raw tag division.

what raw tag team?


Hell go ahead and ship the dudleys along with them...


Just kill the raw tag titles

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Guest Zack Malibu

I would add Stephanie vs. A-Train to the card, considering what happened at Vengeance.

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Guest Retro Rob
Simple...Bring Hurricane and Rosey over.


Let Hurricane do the Cruiser stuff and put Rosey with Rikishi and do a Samoan Tag Team deal.

I think those two are needed more in the Raw tag division.

what raw tag team?


Hell go ahead and ship the dudleys along with them...


Just kill the raw tag titles

But that will not happen. So since we are stuck with a tag division on Raw I'd like to see more than two teams in it.

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Guest DarthLordOfWrestling

This is What I think



Triple HHH vs. Goldberg-heavy weight championship

Y2J vs. Nash

Kane vs. Shane(40%) or Rob Van Damn(60%)(Mabe it will be a handicap or triple threat match)

Randy Orton vs. HBK

Booker T vs Test-intercontinental championship

The Dudleys vs. La Resistance-Tag Titles



Brock vs. Vince

Kurt vs. The Big Show WWE Championship

Benoit vs. Rhyno

Rey vs. Ultimo-cruiser weight championship

Eddie vs ???Taker-US championship(Just because they can't leave him out)

WGTT vs APA -Tag Titles


Then again. This is twelve Matches and unless they have lots of squashes they'll only have about 8 or at most 10. 2 of these matches must be on heat

Edited by DarthLordOfWrestling

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Guest Zack Malibu

I still think we'll see Scary Chest vs. Hairy Chest in some capacity.

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