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Clunkers of Final Four In Rumbles

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Ok...in the old Match Of The Year thread, the following quote was given by Choken One...


Just about every final four has a clunker OR someone who had NO right to be there


Now, keeping in mind the time period, who was being pushed and such...I'm going to list the final fours of each Royal Rumble since 1988 to 2003. Pick out the person or people who would fit Choken's quote there.


1988: Jim Duggan, One Man Gang, Dino Bravo, Don Muraco

1989: Big John Studd, Ted DiBiase, Akeem, Rick Martel

1990: Hulk Hogan, Mr. Perfect, "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Hercules

1991: Hulk Hogan, Earthquake, Brian Knobs, British Bulldog

1992: Ric Flair, Sid Justice, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage

1993: Yokozuna, Randy Savage, Bob Backlund, Rick Martel

1994: Lex Luger, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Fatu

1995: Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, Crush, Lex Luger

1996: Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Kama, British Bulldog

1997: Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Diesel 2, Undertaker

1998: Steve Austin, The Rock, Faarooq, Dude Love

1999: Vince McMahon, Steve Austin, Big Bossman, D'Lo Brown

2000: The Rock, Big Show, X-Pac, Kane

2001: Steve Austin, Kane, The Rock, Billy Gunn

2002: Triple H, Kurt Angle, Mr. Perfect, Steve Austin

2003: Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Kane, Batista

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Guest chirs3

1999: Vince McMahon, Steve Austin, Big Bossman, D'Lo Brown


Well... one out of four ain't bad...

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Guest bob_barron

88- No one

89-Rick Martel and Akeem


91- Knobbs

92-No one



95-No one


97-Diesel 2


99-Bossman, D-Lo

00- No one

01-Billy Gunn



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Actually, Faarooq kind worked since The Rock was still there.


Remember, Faarooq was still leader of the Nation at the time, and Rock and Faarooq were starting a mini-rivalry there.

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Guest Angle-plex
1997: Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Diesel 2, Undertaker


I thought the final four were Austin, Hart, Taker, and VADER? Wasn't Vader in the final four PPV the next month?

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Guest bob_barron

Not really- Faarooq was a nobody then and was just meandering in the midcard. Rock could've eliminated him earlier.


Hence- He was a clunker

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Guest bob_barron
1997: Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Diesel 2, Undertaker


I thought the final four were Austin, Hart, Taker, and VADER? Wasn't Vader in the final four PPV the next month?

No- The final 4 was Austin, Diesel, Taker (or Vader) and Bret.


Austin illegally eliminated Vader, Taker and Bret which is why they were in the final 4 match.


Diesel was eliminated by Bret

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Guest CanadianChick

1988: Not exactly sure, can't remember pushes and such.

1989: Akeem

1990: Hercules

1991: Brian Knobs

1992: No one.

1993: Rick Martel

1994: Fatu

1995: Crush

1996: Kama

1997: Diesel 2

1998: Faarooq

1999: Vince McMahon, Big Bossman, D'Lo Brown-Ouch, three of them.

2000: X-Pac

2001: Billy Gunn

2002: Mr. Perfect

2003: Batista

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1997: Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Diesel 2, Undertaker


I thought the final four were Austin, Hart, Taker, and VADER? Wasn't Vader in the final four PPV the next month?

Actually, Taker and Vader were eliminated about the same time.


I'm just going by this for my listing...and it says Diesel 2 was in the ring after Taker and Vader were eliminated.

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Guest Aero

1988: One Man Gang

1989: Rick Martel

1990: Hercules

1991: Brian Knobs

1992: Sid Justice

1993: Bob Backlund

1994: Fatu

1995: Crush

1996: Kama

1997: Diesel 2

1998: Dude Love

1999: D'Lo Brown (ONLY because I find it hard to call the actually winner a "clunker")

2000: X-Pac

2001: Billy Gunn

2002: Mr. Perfect

2003: Batista

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Guest Retro Rob

It looks like the 1992 Rumble had the strongest Final Four ever. Literally ANY ONE of those guys could have walked away with the title.

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Yeah...I'm surprised more people haven't said that Crush was the klunker for the 1995 rumble.


I mean, before that he was MIA since...King of the Ring 1994, where he and Yokozuna teamed up to try take the Tag Titles from the Headshrinkers.

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Guest bob_barron

He was feuding with Luger and was an upper midcard heel.


How is that a clunker?

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Wasn't Tenyru in the final 4 one year?


1988: ??

1989: Akeem

1990: Hercules

1991: Brian Knobs

1992: No One

1993: Rick Martel

1994: Fatu

1995: Lex Luger - Wasn't he basicily done anyways?

1996: Kama

1997: Diesel 2

1998: Faarooq

1999: Vince McMahon, Big Bossman, D'Lo Brown

2000: X-Pac

2001: Billy Gunn

2002: Mr. Perfect

2003: Batista

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Guest bob_barron

Tenryu did pretty well in the 94 Rumble but did not make the final 4

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He was feuding with Luger and was an upper midcard heel.


How is that a clunker?

Hmm...must have forgotten about that.


At least it was Crush rather than Adam Bomb.

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Guest Gatornibs

1988: Don Muraco

1989: Rick Martel

1990: Hercules

1991: Brian Knobs

1992: PERFECT 4 (But I'll go with Sid?)

1993: Bob Backlund

1994: Fatu

1995: Crush

1996: Kama

1997: Diesel 2

1998: Faarooq

1999: Big Bossman

2000: X-Pac

2001: Billy Gunn

2002: Mr. Perfect

2003: Batista

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Something I find funny about those that pick Backlund as the Clunker for the 1993 Rumble:


Backlund was just starting his "big" comeback push...and lasted from number 2 to the final four.


...heck, he was actually one of the final 3, looking back.


And for 1998...remember that Bossman was a member of the coporation at the time...and was trying to help McMahon eliminate Austin.


Would you rather it have been the newly debuted Test?

Edited by ChrisMWaters

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Also...error with the 1992 Rumble Final Four...


Savage technically eliminated himself from the Rumble to beat up Jake the Snake Roberts...yet they let him back in.


So if you didn't count him, it would have been either Roddy Piper or Rick Martel (they were eliminated at the same time) in his place.

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Guest bob_barron
Also...error with the 1992 Rumble Final Four...


Savage technically eliminated himself from the Rumble to beat up Jake the Snake Roberts...yet they let him back in.


So if you didn't count him, it would have been either Roddy Piper or Rick Martel (they were eliminated at the same time) in his place.

How is that an error if they let him back in?

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Also...error with the 1992 Rumble Final Four...


Savage technically eliminated himself from the Rumble to beat up Jake the Snake Roberts...yet they let him back in.


So if you didn't count him, it would have been either Roddy Piper or Rick Martel (they were eliminated at the same time) in his place.

How is that an error if they let him back in?

Because they changed the rules mid match.


Earlier...Bossman accidentally eliminated himself when Flair ducked (without pulling the ropes) a Bossman body splash...and they counted it as an elimination.


Yet, when Savage does it, they let him stay in...

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Guest DawnBTVS

1988: Don Muraco

1989: Rick Martel

1990: Hercules

1991: Brian Knobs

1992: Perfect Final 4

1993: Either Randy Savage(Announcer at the time IIRC) or Rick Martel(Wasn't doing much till the IC Title thing with Ramon)

1994: Fatu

1995: Crush

1996: Kama

1997: Diesel 2

1998: Faarooq

1999: D'Lo Brown...at least Vince hated Austin's guts and wanted to screw him

2000: X-Pac

2001: Billy Gunn

2002: Mr. Perfect

2003: Batista

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