Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted July 30, 2003 SIDE NOTE: After reading my original review, I couldn't help but think of it as crap, as it was written two years ago as my first ever recap, plus it was originally written by hand. also it was pretty half assed, so I decided to redo some of my earlier recaps/rants to make them up to better standards. Plus the spelling and grammar was terrible, and was a pain in the ass to spell check. Also, I'd appreciate feedback for those who read this, as it helps me change my style and try to be better. WWF SummerSlam 1993 Live! From The Palace; Auburn Hills, Michigan Monday; August 30, 1993 Quick Results From 1993 Summerslam Spectacular: 1.) Yokozuna def. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan in a Grudge Match after the Banzai Drop (8:14) 2.) Razor Ramon def. Blake Beverly following the Razors Edge (6:10) 3.) The Smoking Gunns & Tatanka def. Barry Horowitz, Brooklyn Brawler, Reno Riggins when Tatanka pinned Riggins (7:04) 4.) Shawn Michaels def. Bob Backlund in a Intercontinental Title Match (6:13) 5.) Marty Jannetty def. Duane Gill with the Fyling Fist Drop (3:20) 6.) The Steiner Bros. def. Money Inc. in a Steel Cage match for the Tag Team Titles when they both escaped the cage (17:54) - The Commentators for Summerslam are Vince McMahon & Bobby Heenan. We immediately go to the opening match. Heenan quickly corrects McMahon that FOUR Titles are on the line, including the King of the WWF title. - Summerslam Opening Match: Razor Ramon vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase: Match Background: Being 1993, this is hard to remember, but here we go. Razor Ramon had recently lost to "The Kid" (later dubbed the 1-2-3 Kid) on Monday Night Raw, which was the biggest upset ever on RAW. Anyway, everyone poked fun at this, including the Million Dollar Man and I.R.S Ted Dibiase made some disparaging remarks about Ramon not being good enough to scrub his toilets, but offered him a job as a servant anyway, which rightfully, pissed off Razor, and lead to his face turn, and from there he wouldn't look back. Several weeks ago, Dibiase challenged the 1-2-3 Kid to a match, and thanks to Ramons distraction, The Kid rolled up Dibiase for another upset. Ironically, this is Ted Dibiase's finally WWF match, due to a nagging back injury I presume. I find it funny that when the nWo debuted in WCW, Dibiase was the money man and Hall was a member, which means he probably sold out, even though McMahon said he'd never sell out. Sure Vince. The Match: Ramon is wearing pink for this match, which just looks a little queer on him, but isn't as bad as the banana yellow. Did Dibiase EVER wear the white trunks again after Summerslam 1992? Just wondering because he wore the white tux, but still wore his black trunks. Dibiase with a sneak attack and he drives the knee into the back of Ramon. Dibiase with a series of knife-edge chops in the corner. Irish Whip is reversed and Ramon catches him with a back drop followed by the fall away slam. Ramon sends Dibiase outside and still has his vest on. Lockup and Dibiase brings Ramon into the corner with a knee lift and chops. Ramon whips Dibiase to the buckle and connects with a series of clotheslines, with a third sending Dibiase over the top rope. Ramon sling shots Dibiase back into the ring while Heenan tells Vince to give him $50 for him to smile. Dibiase pulls Ramon face first into the turnbuckle and chokes him on the ropes. Heenan keeps calling Razor the "Domestic Bad Guy". Dibiase chokes Ramon some more while Heenan declares "After the match Ramon can drink some servesa, and the 1-2-3 Kid can have a some ovaltine, and they can compare the evening." Dibiase with a back breaker gets a two count. Irish whip and Dibiase with a clothesline and that gets two. Snapmare by Dibiase and he applies a reverse chinlock. Ramon busts out but runs into a knee of Dibiase. Snap suplex by Dibiase and he nails a second suplex, setting up for the Dream. Ramon blocks with an elbow and nails a clothesline, knocking them both down. Ramon eats buckle and is sent to the outside. Dibiase unties the turnbuckle in the corner and tries sending Ramon into it, only to have it backfire, and Ramon rams HIM into it instead. Ramon quickly nails the Razors Edge and that's good enough for the pin at 7:29. ** Match was decent, but was lacking a smoother pace, as Dibiase resorted to a few rest holds that dragged out a little too long. Good win for Ramon who had just turned face, by defeating one of the most over heels in recent WWF history. - WWF Summerslam Hotline! Dial 1-900-420-SLAM. The call costs $0.99 a minute. Listen in on the live conference call! You must be at least 18 years old or have parents permission before calling. Sponsored by Titan Sports inc., Stanford, CT. We Quickly go to the hotline with Bret Hart & The Undertaker, and some retard fan asks Undertaker about JAKE ROBERTS & HULK HOGAN. You can guess what happens as we quickly cut back to the ring. - Todd Pettingle (son of Sean Mooney, grand father of Craig DeGeorge, father of Michael Cole) is at ringside with the Steiner Brothers mother and sister. There sister is a complete idiot, by calling Rick by his real name (Rob) breaking kayfabe. This is pointless until Jim Cornette interrupts to introduce his tag team that is better late at night than David letterman. - WWF-Tag Team Championship Match: The Steiner Bros. © vs. The Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette): Match Background: This is a hard one to explain, because I frankly don't remember much. The Steiners had recently defeated Money Inc. for the Tag Titles at several house shows, which opened the door for Jim Cornette to try and add more gold into his camp, so he challenged the Steiners on behalf of the Bodies I believe, and was of course, accepted. I think this is the Heavenly Bodies WWF debut, but I might be forgetting a few Superstars of Wrestling or Wrestling Challenges to be 100% accurate. The Steiners are wearing their Navy blue and Gold ring attire, the team colors of Michigan University. Jim Cornette is selling a neck injury he worked in SMW, and Tom Prichard appeared to be selling an injury of his thigh because it's bandaged pretty good. The Match: The Bodies continue tonight's tradition by sneak attacking the Steiners and throwing Scott outside and lay Rick out with a double suplex. More hammering on Rick and they nail a flap jack. Scott has roid rage and whips both men into the corner and monkey flips Del Ray. Hip toss on Del Ray and Rick with a clothesline in the corner. Scott With an over head release belly to belly suplex on Prichard followed by a tilt-o-whirl slam on Del Ray. Really hot opening sequence there. Scott & Prichard officially start. Scott with a gorilla press slam and Steiner with a cheap shot. Del ray in gets caught in a press slam as well and Scott applies a front headlock on Prichard. BIG Heel heat for Cornette. Prichard with a side headlock on Rick, and he gets caught with a vicious clothesline, as does Del Ray. Scoop slam on Del Ray and they go outside. Cornette goes crazy on the camera man screaming "We're trying to conduct some secret strategy here! You want me to have an aneurysm?!". Armbar on Prichard by Rick and Scott in with an inverted atomic drop to both men. Prichard catches Scott with a bulldog to take over the advantage. Prichard nails an enziguri and throws Scott outside, where Del Ray nails a senton splash on Scott!! Scott is sent back inside and Del Ray comes off the top rope with a double axe handle and some nasty dancing. Del Ray pulls out the DDT Rock made famous 6 years later on Scott. Drop toe hold by Del Ray and Prichard with a knee drop to the back of the head. Del Ray tags back in and nails a super kick for two. Prichard back in and he lays in some shots to the ribs and chokes him across the top rope, and Cornette with a cheap shot with the tennis racket. Del Ray with some choking and Prichard is back in again to do nothing. Del Ray in trying another DDT but he's caught with an over head belly to belly suplex. Prichard prevents a hot tag, but is caught with a double under hook slam, and Rick makes the tag and he goes nuts on Del ray and nails everyone with Steiner Lines and Scoop slams. Drop-kick by Scott to both men and Rick comes off the top rope with a bulldog on Prichard for two! Scott with mounted punches but he's dumped. Rick with a powerslam on Del Ray, and Prichard nails him with the tennis racket, and Del Ray covers for...two! Del Ray goes upstairs for a moonsault, and nails his partner by mistake! Scott with the Frankensteiner and Rick covers for three at 9:29! ***1/2 Great match. The middle portion seemed to drag a little, but still, crowd was energetic due to the hometown Steiners, and detested Cornette beyond belief. So far, PPV is pretty good. - Backstage, is the Debuting Joe Fouler (a Sports Caster from the Minnesota "Screaming" Eagles. I don't know who, but McMahon said it). Shawn Michaels & Diesel are there with him, and Michaels simply declares himself the greatest intercontinental champion of all time. Diesel looks like a gay biker in his early stages in WWF. - WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match: Shawn Michaels © (w/ Diesel) vs. Mr. Perfect: Match Background: This goes back to Wrestlemania IX, when after Luger attacked Perfect, they got into a brawl outside where Michaels came in and laid a beating on Perfect. Fast Forward a few months (yup) on Monday Night Raw, when Shawn Michaels defended his Title against the returning Marty Jannetty. Mr. Perfect came out to prevent Michaels to leave, and caused a good enough distraction to have Jannetty roll him up for the second upset of the night (the first being Kid/Ramon). Michaels then debuted his new Body Guard, Diesel, at a house Show in New York where he retained the Title with the help of his new body Guard. The main problem with this match was the hype of being a Classic, BEFORE The match ever happened which made the match IMPOSSIBLE to give fans higher expectations than already, and Mr. Perfect was once again suffering from back problems, limiting his in ring work. I wouldn't call it a classic, but it was still a pretty good match, so lets get to it. Sadly, this would be Mr. Perfects last in ring action on a WWF PPV until 10 years later when he returned at the 2002 Royal Rumble. The Match: Quite a bit of talking there, huh? Shawn wasn't the work-rate king here like he would become, so don't expect a great match. Can you believe Diesels finisher at first was the freaking HEART PUNCH? Thank God that didn't get over. This is the battle of the "Greatest Intercontinental Champions". Mr. Perfect gets a nice pop on his way out from the Auburn Hills crowd. Lockup and Shawn with an armbar, putting Perfect to the ground. Perfect with a hammerlock and Snapmare to return the favor of being a jerk. Michaels with a standing side headlock. He reverses out of a back drop but is taken down with a heart attack like clothesline. Slam by Perfect and he drives the knee into the shoulder of Michaels and applies a hammerlock. They reverse the hold a few times until Shawn applies a headlock and walks the buckles to take him over, but misses a series of elbows, and both men are back to their feet. Heenan mentions that "Both these men have shown more moves than a disco go-go dancer", prompting McMahon to chuckle. Perfect takes Michaels into the corner and lays in some knife-edge chops. Michaels nails Perfect with a back elbow, and tries a fake out moonsault, only to be caught with a huge clothesline for two. Perfect applies an armbar and is backed in the corner by Michaels, who unloads a series of shoulder thrusts. Michaels comes off the top rope only to be caught in an arm drag, followed by another, and that gets two. Perfect with another armbar, and Michaels whips him off, only to be caught trying a drop-kick and getting sling shotted over the top rope to the floor. Perfect gives chase, but Diesel causes a distraction, and Michaels with a stiff fucking super kick to the jaw. Michaels off the apron with a double axe handle to the back, and we are sent back inside where Michaels drives the knee into the back of Perfect, and drops a series of elbows. Whip to the buckle is sold stiffly and Michaels continues the pounding on the back. Whip again to the buckle, and Perfect collapses to the canvas. Back breaker submission hold by Michaels, a move he RARELY used as a face, hell, he rarely used this move at all. McMahon says Perfect never submitted in his career, even though he did submit to Bret Hart at Summerslam 1991. Perfect fights his way to his feet and catches Michaels with an AWESOME running drop-kick, following by a back drop. Running knee lift by Perfect and he nails an inverted atomic drop for two. Perfect with a stiff slap to the chest followed by a forearm to the face, and he covers for two. Irish Whip and Hennig with a back slide. Heenan misnames Perfects finisher as the Super-Plex, then corrects himself, then corrects himself again calling it the Dumby-Plex. Both men to their feet and Perfect connects with the Perfect-Plex!!! Diesel pulls Perfect off though at two. Perfect hammers on Diesel outside, and catches HBK off the apron with a fist to the midsection. Diesel from behind whips Perfect into the steel steps, and the referee counts him out at 11:20. *** Perfect comes in and attacks them both are the match, but is laid out by Diesel and his big right punch. Well, this wasn't the classic they said it would be. The match was pretty slow paced at times, and had a foggy ending, especially for a match that was supposed to end the feud. Still a good match, but it's not worth any more than that. - We are backstage with Joe Fouler and the 1-2-3 Kid, who really REALLY REALLY sucks, and can't cut a coherent promo, and even admits it, that he's too nervous to talk. Well that was waste of promo time that could have been given to Bret Hart. Ha Ha. - 1-2-3 Kid vs. I.R.S: Match Background: Um...None Really. 1-2-3 Kid had pulled off several impressive wins since debuting, including one against I.R.S' former tag team partner, Ted Dibiase, so I'm guessing he want's his shot to prove that he can beat this Kid. The Match: Heenan calls McMahon Tuxedo Breath when he says Kid can beat I.R.S. Lockup and I.R.S takes Kid to the corner, and applies a headlock and nails a shoulder block. Kid with a spinning heel kick gets two out of nowhere. I.R.S with a knee lift and a BIG back drop. 1-2-3 Kid comes back with a drop-kick for two again. I.R.S quickly nails a spinning elbow on the Kid, and throws him over the top rope to the floor. I.R.S nails him in the chest with a forearm to send him off the apron again. I.R.S sling shots Kid back in but he lands on his feet and quickly school boys I.R.S for two. I.R.S with a whip to the ropes and nails an elbow to which Heenan says "He hit him so hard he just knocked three zits off his face." I.R.S with an elbow drop for two and applies his extra strength abdominal stretch. Snapmare by I.R.S and he applies a reverse chin lock. Kid comes back in the corner with his traditional martial arts kicks, and comes off the top rope with a moonsault, that gets two! Armbar into a mahistral cradle by the kid gets two! Irish Whip, and Kid catches him with a front Enziguri for two! Irish Whip again, but this time I.R.S nails him with the Write Off (Flying clothesline) for the pin at 5:43. *1/4 Pretty decent for a Superstars match, but wasn't something to put on PPV. Heenan uses his Brain-Cam with some awful artistic explanation to I.R.S' write off. - At ringside Todd Pettingle is with Bruce & Owen Hart. Stu & Helen were supposed to be there, but Stu had reconstructive surgery on his knee, because Lawler "Shook" him up, causing him to twist his knee out. Owen looks like such a tool here, especially with that tie he is wearing, and Bruce Hart always looks like a dork. - Before the match starts, Lawler comes out, limping on crutches and has his knee bandaged up with an ice pack taped onto it. He gives an explanation about being in an awful terrible accident that was caused by a crazy blue hair old lady, and the doctors advised him not to wrestle, even though he practically begged them to give him the nod to compete. So he recruited someone to take his place...his Court Jester, Doink The Clown! Heenan makes reference to stampede I think, but I wasn't listening to him greatly. - Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Doink The Clown: Match Background: None. See the Previous Paragraph. The Match: Doink comes out with two buckets, dumping one with confetti on one part of the front row, then dumps a bucket of water on the Hart brothers, pissing them off, and Bret comes out to beat the crap out of him. Referees have to prevent the Brothers from attacking Doink since they are guests and not permitted to be near the ring area. Bret throws him in the ring and hammers him with rights and sends him outside with a clothesline, while he still has part of his jacket on. Bruce with a cheap shot, and Bret continues the punishment and nails a clothesline. Bret sends Doink into the ring post and we head back in the ring where Bret continues the beating. Heenan is breaking down in tears about Lawlers story of saving 40+ kids form a recked bus. Bret whips Doink to the buckle and sends him to the outside. Doink with a shoulder thrust and eye rake. He heads to the top rope, but gets posted, and Bret pulls him off by the hair and drops him flat on his face. Boot to the face and Bret with a series of elbow drop. Owen is annoying me at ring side. "If Bret were your son, would you be angry?". Bret continues to bring the pain, and goes to chase Lawler, and Doink from behind clotheslines Bret in the aisle and slams his face into the steel steps. Heenan with more great lines "You know why Stu & Helen never considered divorce? Neither one of them wanted custody of their ugly kids". Doink goes to the top rope with an axe handle to the back of the neck and stomps on his face. Doink with a knee breaker and he wraps Bret's leg around the ring post. Doink applies a modified STF and quickly applies the Stump Puller. Doink stomps the face of Bret and slams him. Doink goes to the top rope, but meets knees in the groin going for the whoopy cushion. Bret back up and he pounds on Doink. Fist to the midsection followed by the Russian Leg Sweep. Bret comes off the second rope with an elbow drop and applies the Sharpshooter! Lawler quickly runs in the ring and bashes Bret with his crutch for the DQ at 8:56. **3/4 Lawler continues the beating while the Brothers of Bret keep trying to run into the ring like idiots. Lawler leaves the ring, only to have Jack Tunney come out and order him to wrestle Bret, or be suspended without pay. - King of the WWF Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler: Match Background: Lets go back to the King of the Ring from June 13 of the year. Bret Hart had defeated Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, and Bam Bam Bigelow in one night to win the Inaugural (PPV version) King of the Ring tournament. Jerry Lawler wasn't too happy, and proceeded to destroy Bret on the Ceremony podium. Lawler would then resort to insulting Bret Harts family, a tradition he kept up until Bret Harts final days in WWF. Plus, the previous incidents of the last 15 minutes can be figured into this, which would mean Bret Hart would win the match. The Match: Bret comes to the aisle way for Lawler and quickly attacks him, bringing him back to the ring. Bret nails Lawler with one of Doinks buckets, and I noticed Bill Alphonso is the referee. Headbutt by Bret and he bites Lawler. Big right by Bret and he nails a back drop. Bret with a leg drop, and a headbutt to the midsection. Bret continues hammering on Lawler and they head outside, and Bret nails him with a crutch across the back. Back in the ring and Lawler tries running, and nails Bret with his crutch and chokes him with it. Lawler REALLY looks like he's forcing Bret to give him some oral sex, which is not a pretty site to imagine, let alone see. Lawler wraps Bret in the ring post and nails him with a crutch again. Bret is sent into the turnbuckle a few times, but comes back with a well timed low blow, and the straps are coming off! It's time to go to school. Bret lays a shit kicking on Lawler in the corner, who also loses the strap. Back drop by Bret, and he nails a back breaker for two. Bret with a jumping piledriver (Lawlers signature move) and comes off the second rope with an elbow drop. Bret signals for the sharpshooter, and it's locked on. Jerry Lawler submits to the sharpshooter!! (6:34) *** I didn't see him say I give up. Lawler got screwed. Bret of course, won't release the Sharp Shooter, so a bunch of officials and referees come in to pull him off, but he won't, and even his own Brothers can't stop him. Bret finally releases the hold after 4 minutes, which is a REALLY long time. The officials reverse the results of the match, awarding the match by Disqualification to Jerry Lawler. Heenan has an orgasm in favor of Lawler, who is unable to walk out on his own power. He gets stretchered out, holding one arm in the air, signaling he's number one. - Ray Rogeau is at the superstar Hotline with Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and I.R.S. Some snot nosed kid asks Shawn if Marty Jannetty was ever a challenge for him, and he stays in character and declares he threw him out the window...literally. - Ludvig Borga must be in New Jersey, which looks like the shitiest alley I have ever seen. Ludvig Borga wonders how Luger can be proud of crumbling buildings, filth, and pollution He wonders how can anyone love a country full of high school drop outs on welfare, can be proud of it. Borga = Environmentalist of the Year. - Marty Jannetty vs. Ludvig Borga: Match Background: None. Oh wait, Marty Jannetty did do a sorry ass job at making fun of Borgas name calling him "Ludwig Borgan" or some crazy shit. Borgas theme (which WASN'T the Mounties you idiots) is I think the Finland national anthem is pretty cool. Borga is undefeated here, so they throw him a pretty over guy to get him more over. The Match: Jannetty mouths him off, so Borga drives a punch to the kidneys and hammers away at Jannetty's mid-section. Jannetty never takes off his shirt for some reason. Whip to the buckle and Borga with a clothesline. Headbutt by Borga, and he nails a succession of knee lifts on Jannetty in the corner and clubs him across the neck. Big press into the air and he nails a hook to the midsection on the way down. Borga with a lifting choke and sends him in the corner and pounds him some more. Jannetty with a boot to the gut but is nailed with an uppercut. Whip to the buckle, but he misses a splash and Jannetty with several clotheslines, but he runs into a clothesline of Borga. Headbutt by Borga. Jannetty tries a sunset flip but is punched in the head. Borga with a bear hug, and Jannetty does all he can to break free. Jannetty tries a slam, but no dice, and he runs into a clothesline with the 360 sell job. Jannetty tries another sunset flip, and Borga punches the ground. Two super kicks by Jannetty, and he comes the top rope, but is caught in a cross body attempt and is slammed down hard. Borga calls for the end and locks on the Torture Rack for the submission victory at 5:14. 1/2* Decent way to get Borga over, but to put him on a PPV for a squash is a waste of time really. - Survivor Series commercial, coming Thanksgiving Eve, only on Pay Per View. - Rest In Peace Match: (a.k.a. No Holds Barred) The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez (w/ Harvey Wippleman): Match Background: This goes back to the Royal Rumble PPV earlier in the year. Undertaker had cleaned house of the ring, until a mysterious 7'8" giant came to the ring, and eliminated him with ease, and to add insult to injury, laid him out with a chokeslam. At Wrestlemania IX, Undertaker tried to get his revenge, but before he could finish off the Giant, was put out with a cloth soaked with chloroform. That wouldn't stop him as he sat up and returned to ring side to take Gonzalez down. Back in June of the year, Giant Gonzalez and Mr. Hughes did a sneak attack on The Undertaker, stealing his urn, and putting his manager Paul Bearer out of commission. Too bad the Giant Gonzalez is an awful worker, and Undertaker isn't God. The Match: Expect something short in this department, as Gonzalez knows two moves and keeps control for most of the match. Undertaker attacks quickly with rights and chokes him in a mounted position. He chases Wippleman off the apron and runs into a Gonzalez big boot. Clubbing rights by Gonzalez and he nails a head BUTT. Irish Whip and Undertaker ducks a clothesline with one of his own, followed by another, but he runs into a forearm by Gonzalez. Undertaker sits up and is quickly thrown to the outside. Gonzalez gives chase and they trade shots until Gonzalez rakes the eyes and rams his head into the ring apron and steel steps. Gonzalez with a BIG chair shot to the Undertaker. Back in the ring and Gonzalez prevents Undertaker from grabbing his urn. rights to the back of the head by Gonzalez, and Undertaker comes back with his own throat thrusts and goes for the urn again, but no go. Whip to the buckle by Gonzalez, and we hear the bells toll, and it's Paul Bearer!!! He has a black wreath with him. Wippleman goes to attack and Bearer puts him down with a clothesline to a big pop!!! Bearer goes for the urn, and finally recovers it to a huge ovation. Gonzalez slams Undertaker, but is distracted by Bearer. Undertaker sits up and chops down Gonzalez and nails a few clotheslines, and heads to the top rope and comes off with a flying clothesline to put Gonzalez down, and he wisely covers him for the three count at 8:03. 1/2* Wasn't as terrible as some say, but it was far from being good. After the match Wippleman gets in Gonzalez face, only to be laid out with a chokeslam, and have the wreath planted on him afterwards. - Joe Fouler is with Jim Cornette, Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. Cornette calls the referees bias during the Tag Team title match. He can list off as many fractions as Rick and Scott Steiners police record. He guarantees the same won't happen to Yokozuna. Cornette says the biggest surprise is Joe's employment. Cornette was on for this one. - The Smoking Gunns & Tatanka vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Head Shrinkers: Match Background: For all I remember in this one is Tatanka and Bam Bam had something going earlier in the spring when Bigelow attacked Tatanka in the locker room area, and proceeded to cut off some of his red hair. As for the Gunns & Shrinkers, maybe to get a few more tag teams on the card. The Match: Tatanka has his war paint on for this match. The heels get triple clotheslines on the faces and Bigelow hammers on Tatanka and puts him down with a shoulder block. Tatanka ducks a clothesline and puts Bigelow down with a drop-kick. Back drop by Tatanka and he chops away on Bigelow, and we get a double cross body press, putting both men down. Billy Gunn and Fatu trade rights with Billy winning it until Fatu nails a super kick. Billy with a front face DDT and comes off the top rope with a reverse bulldog. Fatu with a shoulder tackle and Samu in and they plant a double headbutt. Samu flap jacks Billy onto the top rope and he lands outside, where Afa gets a cheap shot. Samu with a super kick, and Bart tags in and hammers Samu, and comes off the ropes with a cross body for two. arm drag and hammerlock by Bart Gunn, and he jumps into a Samu elbow. Samu catches him by the hair for a face slam. Bigelow in with a headbutt to the midsection followed by a drop-kick (!) for two! Fatu in with a huge powerslam. Samu tags back in and they rake the eyes of Bart. Samu bites Bart in the forehead and chops him in the corner. Fatu in and they nail a double head BUTT. Bigelow in and he nails a shoulder block and rams Bart into both heads of the Head Shrinkers. Bart slams Fatus face into the canvas, and Fatu is back up with a clothesline. Snapmare by Samu and Bigelow & Fatu lay a beating in on Bart. Headbutts all around and Bigelow and Samu with a back elbow. Bigelow misses an avalanche and Tatanka tags in with a clothesline and chops to the Shrinkers. Tatanka with chops to Bigelow and he slams him! Tatanka with a DDT, and he heads to the top rope and nails a HUGE cross body press for two. Bigelow hammers on Tatanka and sends him into the buckle, but Tatanka Native-Americans up but is put out with an enziguri. Samu off the second rope with a headbutt for two. Bart in and he eats a Fatu superkick. Heres Billy to make the save and Bigelow sends him to the outside. Tatanka is whipped into the buckle and Bigelow with an avalanche. Triple Headbutt, and all three men go to three different corners for head butts, but Tatanka moves out of the way of all three at the last second. The Gunns take out Fatu and Bigelow, and Tatanka school boys Samu for three at 11:16!! ***1/2 Holy crap, that was a good match! I didn't expect that from THESE guys, well Bigelow is good and so was Tatanka, but not the other four. - Joe Fouler is with Hank Carter, the Lex Express Driver. Why won't he be allowed to be in the arena to watch? He's also a hillbilly by calling Luger the greatest "Rassler". Luger has been touring the country to visit people. He's no Hulk Hogan. - Some Japanese guy sings guessed it, Japanese National Anthem to a chorus of boos. Randy Savage (Decked out in his Red White and blue attire) comes out with Aran Neville to sing the national anthem of America. Waste of ten minutes there. Anthems are for the START of shows, not the end. - WWF-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Yokozuna © (w/ Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) vs. Lex Luger: Match Background: This all started at King of the Ring when Yokozuna defeated Hulk Hogan, the future savior of WCW, and driving him out of the WWF. On July 4th, they held a special Body Slam challenge on board the U.S.S Intrepid, where numerous WWF Superstars and other sports Athletes attempted to slam Yokozuna. All failed (thanks to booking it that way or Yokozuna dead weighting people who had the chance) until a helicopter landed, and out came the THEN Narcissist Lex Luger. Luger entered the ring and attacked Yokozuna, and eventually slammed him (cheaply) and celebrated among the ones who couldn't. This set up a face turn, as Luger toured America in his Lex Express hoping to persuade Tunney to give him a title shot (selfish bastard) by visiting cities around the country, visiting sick children and other people. Once the match was made, Cornette explained that this was a one shot deal, and if Luger didn't win the title tonight, he wouldn't get another shot again. Another clause was that Luger had to wear a band around the forearm he had a steel plate in, so no cheating was allowed from him since he was a good guy now. Luger was pushed harder than possible, and everyone was positive he'd walk out with the title after this show. The Match: Luger gets a pretty good ovation, considering the hype he's gotten. They go face to face and Luger does some mouthing off, or explaining a spot. Fuji sneaks up behind Luger and Yokozuna tries attacking only to have Luger dodge and hammers away on him. Running back elbow by Luger. Yokozuna tries a slam but its reversed and he elbows him. Luger plays possum and Yokozuna misses a leg drop. Luger kicks the leg from under Yokozuna and kicks the middle rope into his groin, putting Yokozuna down. Luger nails his jumping elbow for the first time in years for two. Yokozuna catches him with another slam, and again, Luger moves out of the way this time it was an elbow drop. Luger pounds Yokozuna in the corner and stomps a mud-hole in him. Yokozuna is sent into the turnbuckle and Luger nails the running clothesline, and mounts him for ten punches. Luger runs into a Yokozuna elbow and Yoko with some choking in the corner. Luger blocks a salt attack and again hammers away at Yokozuna, knocking his ponytail out. Slam attempt doesn't work and Yokozuna nails a super kick. Yokozuna throws Luger to the outside and chokes him with the tassels from his ring attire. He stopped wearing those after a while. Yokozuna splashes Luger against the ring post but misses a chair shot. Luger fights off Yokozuna and throws him back inside. Luger comes off the second rope with a double axe handle, and comes off the top rope again with another, Luger goes up for a third time and nails a flying forearm for two. Clothesline to the back of the head by Luger gets two again! We get a double clothesline spot and both men are down. Yokozuna nails Luger with his salt bucket and eventually covers him for two. Chop by Yokozuna and he rakes the back of Luger. Belly to Belly suplex by Yokozuna, and that gets two. Yokozuna chokes Luger across the second rope and nails an awesome back suplex for two! Snapmare by Yokozuna and he applies the Vulcan nerve pinch. Luger starts to "Lex-Up" and drives the elbow into Yokozuna midsection. A Slam attempt is blocked and Yokozuna falls on top of him for two. Leg Drop connects, but only for two! Yokozuna drags Luger into the corner for the banzai drop, but Luger moves out of the way at the last second, and both men are down. Luger with an elbow and a roundhouse right. Yokozuna keeps stopping him, and Luger keeps fighting back. Yokozuna bites Luger, or tells him a spot, and chops him in the corner. Corner Avalanche misses, and Luger with a slam!!!!! Luger nails Fuji off the apron and rips off the arm band, and nails the running forearm, sending Yokozuna to the outside!!! Jim Cornette is sent to the floor by Luger, and Yokozuna is counted out at 17:55! Luger wins the match, but not the title. That was pretty dumb, but still, this match was WAY too good than it should have been, and giving it *** isn't an error. The Steiners, Tatanka and Randy Savage celebrate with Luger while Red, White, and blue balloons drop from the rafters. I guess the point of this was that it was thought no one could beat Yokozuna, and the fact that Luger won was good enough of a reason to celebrate. - Afterwards, a music video of Lex Luger plays with the Lex Express song from the Anthology CD. Various clips of Luger touring America visiting people, with inserted clips from the match that just happened This also played during the end of the Pre-Show, which I didn't bother to mention. Final Thoughts: 1993 is one of my favorite years for some reason that I can't explain. Summerslam had plenty of good-great matches, and a few quick squashes, but nothing that dragged on for too long. The title match was probably Luger and Yokozunas best 1 on 1 match ever in the WWF, the 6-Man Tag was Surprisingly good, Bret carried two men to near *** matches in different matches, the Tag Title match was great, the Intercontinental Title match was good (but disappointing) and the opener was good. That's good enough for me to give this a thumbs up and a Mild Recommendation, probably the best PPV of 1993 (Unless you count Bret Harts miracle work of working an hour at King of the Ring and having two *** and a ****+ match in one night) Now, to compare the two, heres my original review as a special bonus... ::SHUDDERS:: Summerslam 1993 The Palace at Auburn Hills Detroit, Michigan August 30, 1993 - Commentators: Vince Mcmahon & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Show opens with Mean Gene Okerlund narrating Lex Luger arriving at the Palace in his Lex Express, followed by the cool Summerslam theme. - Opening Match: "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon vs. "Million $ Man" Ted Dibiase: To those who don't know, this was Ted Dibiases final in ring match with the WWF and probably anywhere. Dibiase jumps Razor before the bell with boots and several knife-edge chops. Razor comes back with a modified Fall-away slam and a clothesline before he gets his jacket off! Heenan with several good jokes on Razor about he cant even scrub toilets with a toothbrush. Dibiase takes over again with a series off intentional chokes followed by a clothesline. Heenan joke #2: "After this Razor can have a cup of cerveza, and the Kid a cup of Ovaltine." Gotta love Heenan. Dibiase with a reverse chinlock as Heenan as quote #3: A good nickname for razor is the "Domestic Bad guy." Side Backbreaker by Dibiase gets 2, followed by a clothesline. Ramon reverses an Irish whip into the exposed buckle, and connects with the Razor's Edge for the win at 7:29. **1/4 Pretty good match, slow at times but Heenan's jokes livened it up. - Summerslam Hotline: Raymond Rogeau is with Bret "Hitman" Hart & The Undertaker. Some fan asks Undertaker about Hulk Hogan and Jake "The snake" Roberts, so Heenan immediately cuts back to ringside. - Todd Pettingle is with Rick & Scott Steiners mother & Sister. They accidentally reveal Rick's real name (Robert), right before Jim Cornette makes a few rude comments before announcing the Heavenly Bodies. - WWF Tag Team Championship Match: Steiner Brothers vs. Heavenly Bodies (w/ Jim Cornette): The Steiners come to the ring in their MU jackets and are wearing there navy blue and gold tights. Bodies jump the Steiners to start, using several double team moves on Rick before Scott cleaned house on them. Steiner do a nice sequence with double clothesline and several belly to belly suplexs send the bodies packing. The Steiners attack the Bodies with more suplexs so they leave to talk strategy. Del Ray makes the blind take and bulldogs Scott to take the advantage. Del Ray on the apron nails a moonsault, back in the ring a floating DDT and crescent kick gets a 2 count. Scott suplexs Del Ray to go for the tag, but Prichard stops him, double underhook suplex on him, followed by a tag to Rick sets up a pier-six brawl. Rick nails the top rope bulldog of Scotts shoulders but Prichard breaks the pin. Miscommunication between the bodies lead Scott Steiner to nail Delray with the Frankenstiener to retain the titles at 9:27. *** Decent match, especially by the Heavenly Bodies, whom I never seen or heard of before this. - Joe Fowler interviews Intercontinental Champion, Shawn Michaels and bodyguard Diesel. The following match is to decide who is the greatest intercontinental champion. - WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Perfect: This feud started back at Wrestlemania IX, but was never really established until May 13, 1993, when Perfect was instrumental in HBK dropping the title to Marty Jannetty, who mad his return to the WWF. Several weeks later Shawn won the title back with Diesels help, and here we are now. Mr. Perfect only has a few months left till he takes a 3 year absence from the ring. HBK starts with an armbar which perfect reverses into a snapmare. HBK back up lock on a headlock. Perfect escapes with a clothesline followed by an armbar and several knee drops to the shoulder. 360 clothesline on Shawn gets 2. Perfect with a top rope armdrag gets another 2 followed by a slingshot over the top rope. Diesel distracts Perfect while HBK nails a crescent kick. Several elbows and kicks to the back slow down perfect, but comes back with drop-kicks and wins the backslide battle. Perfect connects with the Perfect-plex, but Diesel pulls him outside. Perfect pounds on him and nails HBK in the ribs after an ax-handle attempt off the apron, he shoves him back in as Diesel propels Perfect into the steel steps, causing him to be counted out at 11:20. ***1/4 Pretty good match filled with action, with a cheap ending. After the match, Diesel creams him with a "huge deadly right fist" knocking him out. -Joe Fowler is with the "1-2-3" kid, who is making his Pay-per-view Debut. He pretty much rambles about having butterflies in his stomach. - "1-2-3" Kid vs. Irwin R. Shyster (IRS): "1-2-3" Kid is fresh off of 2 upset wins over Razor Ramon, including a 10,000 dollar challenge, plus a win over Ted Dibiase several weeks before this. IRS STILL has no theme song and the Kid does after 2 months, go figure. Kid starts off early with some rest holds and armbars, but IRS uses his dirty tactics like using the ropes for leverage in an abdominal stretch and a series of sleeper holds & chin locks. Kid makes his comeback with a signature three martial arts kick in the corner, followed by the spinning hell kick to the face. IRS ducks an Irish whips and nails the Write off for the win at 5:35. *1/2 Pretty dull match except for when Kid is in charge, which was a total of 1 minute. - Jerry Lawler comes to the ring "injured" and makes fun of Bret Hart AGAIN, along with a "blue haired lady" someone we all should know by then who causes a 30 car pile up earlier in the day. Jerry replaces himself with Doink the Clown in this match. - Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Doink the Clown I: You cannot believe how pissed off Bret is as he attacks Doink after he dumps water on his brothers Owen and Bruce. Bret pummels him with punches on the outside before he can take off his coat. Bret uses a series of leglocks, arm bars and other technical moves to slow down Doink. This match is pretty much all Bret till about the 6 minute mark where Doink does some long boring rest locks, including the Stump Puller. Bret escapes, mounts a comeback and locks in the Sharpshooter. Lawler comes in and clobbers Bret with a crutch DQing Doni at 9:01. *** Bret Hart match, without a doubt 3 stars. - Lawler pummels Bret until refs break it up. Before he can get to the lock room, Tunney forces him to face Bret since he was not injured after all. Short and simple, Bret beats the crap out of Lawler and makes him submit in the sharpshooter at 6:34. But, he wont let go and after 4 minutes, the ref DQ's Bret for refusing to relinquish the hold. Bret not only gets revenge, but he gets a monster face push even better then he has now. - Summerslam Hotline with IRS, Diesel, and Shawn Michaels, wow, all heels this time. - Ludvig Borga cuts an interview in a VERY slummy neighborhood "before" the event takes place. - Marty Jannetty Vs. Ludvig Borga: Lets see, Borga PPV debut, Jannetty is a fairly decent opponent, being a former Intercontinental champion, so why not use him to put the Fin over? Borga sneaks attacks Jannetty to start and Punch punch jab punch. Jannetty sunset flips but is greeted with a fist to the forehead. Jannetty goes for a drop-kick but to no avail. He goes for another sunset flip and avoids the huge punch. Borga clotheslines him to hell and forces him to submit at 5:15. *1/4. Good match, not great. - Survivor Series 1993 Promo, the thanksgiving tradition. - Rest In Piece Match: Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez: I cant explain how crappie this feud was. Gonzalez stole the urn and so on. Gonzalez punches the shit out of Taker, but nothing works, as Taker repeatedly goes for the urn in Wipplemans corner. Undertaker is literally over everything until Paul Bearer returns, clobbers Wippleman and takes back the urn. Undertaker sits up, nails 4 clothesline to knock down the Giant to 1 knee, then nailed a flying clothesline off the top rope for the pin at 8:05. -* lousy match, even for the undertaker, thank God Gonzalez left for Argentina in a few months after this. - Joe Fowler interviews Yokozuna, James E. Cornette & Mr. Fuji. Classic Cornette line "The biggest surprise is your employment." - Tatanka & Smoking Gunns Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Head Shrinkers: Currently, only Billy Gunn and Fatu are still in the WWF. I'll make this match short and sweet. First, we have Billy Gunn taking a beating by a fury of pounds by Samu, followed by a crescent kick. Bart tags in but gets nailed by a Same elbow and both shrinkers do the front face Russian leg sweep on him. Bart takes a pounding for a few minutes and hot tags Tatanka, who DDTs Bam Bam. He nails a cross body off the top rope for a 2 count but a Bigelow inziguri(!) stops the momentum. Samu nails a headbutt for 2 and a brawl erupts. Shrinkers take out both Gunns as The heels Squash Tatanka in the corner. They all go for a triple headbutt off the top, and all miss, after wards, Tatanka rolls up Samu for the win at 11:!6. ***1/2 OK match, good for the match before main event. - Joe Fowler interviews Lex Express driver Hank Carter. - Both the Japanese & American national Anthem are sung. Macho Man Randy Savage is in his USA outfit - WWF Championship Match: Yokozuna © vs. Lex Luger: This is Lugers only shot at the title as the result of a clause in the contract. Luger starts with an elbow but Yoko comes back with the usual martial arts thrusts and kicks. Luger goes for a slam, instead he eats a crescent kick. Yoko follows up with an Avalanche in the corner. Luger come back with a double axhandle and running forearm for only a two count. Yoko legdrop gets two, but he misses a banzai drop. Luger unloads with punches and clotheslines and finally scoops him up and slams him! Fuji jumps on the apron and eats a Luger fist, he rips off the forearm padding and clocks Yoko with his loaded forearm! Yokozuna falls outside and is counted out at 17:57. how cheap of a way to end a match. **1/2. After the match, Steiner Brothers, Tatanka & Randy Savage come join Luger in the celebration, as Red white & blue balloons drop everywhere. - After the match, WWF plays a Video which I believe is entitled (the song) "You are my Hero" or something Pretty good, with clips of the previous match already in it. Sheesh. - That ends Summerslam 1993. Not a bad show, so I give it a thumbs up recommendation. FEEDBACK WANTED. LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted August 2, 2003 As terrible as always, full of stuff I completely disagree with. Tatanka was good? Lex/Yoko gets 3 stars? Whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted August 3, 2003 To quote Retro Rob's review... "Aside from the lame booking at the end, this was a kick-ass show. Easily the best WWF PPV of the year and it only falls behind Superbrawl 3 as the best overall PPV of 1993. If you haven’t seen this show yet, you should really check it out. Even if only for the Lawler-Doink-Hart saga. I’ll see you guys next Friday. Retro Rob" so, whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted August 3, 2003 Lex Yoko WAS good until the ending... And that Tatanka 6 man match was great even though it just shouldn't have been. I think you should acttally watch the show before complaining. This show was very very good for it's time in the WWE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted August 3, 2003 Woooo! Christopher Daniels sig. LoL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted August 3, 2003 I've seen the show many times, and it was the best WWF show of 93..which ain't saying much. I've had this conversation about the show before, though, and my thoughts on it are expressed pretty well in this thread, so feel free to read it as my rebuttal. Regarding the review itself though, it reminded me of the bastard son of a union between Scott Keith and Dames' reviews. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites