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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Anglesault

I've been running a Benoit/Edge feud for my WWE title. I had a ladder match main eventing Summerslam, and Benoit lost after a big bump. My little message thingie told me that Benoit got hurt. I almost had a heart attack.


Luckily, he only had a month long broken nose, and since it's August 23 anyway, He'll only miss one show.

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I've been running a Benoit/Edge feud for my WWE title. I had a ladder match main eventing Summerslam, and Benoit lost after a big bump. My little message thingie told me that Benoit got hurt. I almost had a heart attack.


Luckily, he only had a month long broken nose, and since it's August 23 anyway, He'll only miss one show.

Whew... Lucky you Anglesault. That's just pulling it out.


My worst case scenario was Jonny C getting injuried in my UCW Diary (CHECK IT OUT~! LINK IS IN THE SIG) and he was gone for two months of action screwed up my tag divison for a little while. But I got over it.

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Guest Anglesault
Los Guerreros vs Spanky and London.


Match Background: None.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Spanky goes down. Eddie uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Chavo Guerrero. Los Guerreros whip Spanky into the corner. Eddie Guerrero whips Chavo Guerrero in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Covers for a quick two count. Second rope flying axe handle, Spanky goes down. One day, Chavo might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Spanky pushes out of a Chavo Guerrero hold. Super kick by Spanky. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Spanky and Paul London. London crushes Chavo with a running senton. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Paul London hits a rolling kick on Chavo. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. London drops an elbow...but Chavo Guerrero moves out of the way. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Chavo tags out to Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero kicks the leg, knocks London down, and goes to work on it. Tag between Paul London and Spanky. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Yakuza come running down the aisle with chairs! Eddie and Spanky continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Akio slides in and blasts Spanky with a chair to the head! Akio climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Eddie Guerrero has Spanky down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Frog Splash! 1....2....3. Yakuza signal for the STO! From the crowd come World's Greatest Tag Team, and they look ready for action! They slide in and start brawling with Yakuza! It only lasts a few moments before World's Greatest Tag Team find themselves in trouble though, and wind up being knocked out of the ring by Akio and Sakoda.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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I'm pretty bored with my game...my TNA is killing the WWE and I got about 20 guys over in the 90s.


CM Punk is my heel 18 month reigning champ. he turned heel on Cabana and took the belt from him. Breaking up The Gold Bond Mafia.


My tag champs are The Heartbreak Juniors, Spanky and London...they've been champs for 5 months after beating Christian Youth (Christian and Reckless Youth)


The best part is just coming up with new tag teams. I have Siaki and Killings togther, Michale Shane and Mike Sanders, AJ Styles and Lance Storm, Chris Hero and Ace Steel, And I broke Christian Youth up and made Fallen Youth (Reckless and Daniels). I even got The Hotshots up to Upper Midcard level.


The only little cheat I did on the game was turn off Japan commitments for my guys...don't want to build up guys only for them to leave later...which is what American Dragon did cause I forgot to change his.

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Okay, I've got a serious problem.


I put on matches that should equal good final ratings - at least in the eighties - but instead, I can't break out of the seventies.


For example, my crowd reaction may be 86, and the match quality is 95.....and I can't get above a 75 overall.


It does this for EVERY MATCH.


And some of the angles.


What the fuck is this? A glitch? Corrupted files?

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Guest ToddRoyal

Best guess is one of three things.


a.) You have horrible referees. Upgrade them.


b.) You have horrible announcers who are ruining the matches. Upgrade them.


c.) Your production is too low.


Try fixing these things and it should help your overall ratings.

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I'll get a random show like that every now and then...the quality and crowd usually average the overall, but maybe once every 6 or 7 shows they overall will be noticably lower then the other two

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Guest ToddRoyal

That's a bug built into the game. It's so every once and a while there will just be "one of those nights" where nothing clicks. It's REALLY annoying, especially if it lands on a big show, but it's realistic I guess.


If it happens EVERY show, however, you've got other problems- most likely one of the ones I listed above.

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Best guess is one of three things.


a.) You have horrible referees. Upgrade them.


b.) You have horrible announcers who are ruining the matches. Upgrade them.


c.) Your production is too low.


Try fixing these things and it should help your overall ratings.

I'm the WWE.


I'm currently at 99% GLOBAL.


As far as refs, announcers & production goes, I basically can't go any higher than I am.


If it's a bug, I may be screwed, because it happened on not one but TWO shows.


I'll play again tonight, but if it happens on a third.....there may be a serious problem here.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

umm, I have the top five up now. Scoops will be up later. My next show will not do good ratings wise, because it's mostly a "Showcase" card with Punk and Styles to bring up the starpower.

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Fuckin' Paul London!


London, Jimmy Rave, and Joey Matthews have all married daughters of Jerry Jarrett and got pay boosts and creative control.


I changed London's gimmick from Blue Chipper to Franchise Player (Which makes more since now that he's part of the Jarrett family). It was a bad call and he's losing overness because of it. BUT instead of letting me do a double change and just taking the hit in overness he vetos the gimmick turns with his creative control.


So mainly I have to keep him off of tv long enough to be able to change his gimmick. Same thing happened to Jeff Jarrett with creative control and I eventually stopped using him, he's been at zero moral for well over a year now.


And Matthews and York were creative control bitches about putting over Hero and Steel for the tag titles.

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I had Garrison Cade and Test as my guys who married daughters, that just shit me off. I started the OAOAST as a National promotion, and soon got a tuesday night show on USA, a thursday night show on USA (which is now killing SmackDown), and a Sunday night show on NBC for christ sakes. I only started my OAOAST season yesterday, but, of course, just like TSM, Zack, CWM, and AS are the franchise players.

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I had Garrison Cade and Test as my guys who married daughters, that just shit me off. I started the OAOAST as a National promotion, and soon got a tuesday night show on USA, a thursday night show on USA (which is now killing SmackDown), and a Sunday night show on NBC for christ sakes. I only started my OAOAST season yesterday, but, of course, just like TSM, Zack, CWM, and AS are the franchise players.

Dames better be the "higher power". You know, the CEO?


Fun stuff Adam, you need to do a diary or something. That sounds like a blast.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

odd, my show, *up soon* was the worst match wise, but got the highest TV rating.

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Steve Corino's WWE debut at No Way Out 2004:


Brock Lesnar vs Edge.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the Lesnar vs Edge feud. So far, Lesnar hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Edge since the feud started. This match is for the WWE Heavyweight title.


The Match: Edge gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Edge takes a headbutt from Brock Lesnar. Edge charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Fallaway slam by Brock Lesnar puts down Edge. Edge kicks Brock Lesnar in the gut to reverse the momentum. Brock Lesnar takes a butterfly suplex from Edge. Edge hits a stalling suplex on Lesnar. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brock Lesnar fights out of a grapple. Nice piledriver on Edge. There's a two count on the pin. Brock Lesnar scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin, but Edge is out just before the three count. Edge counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Edge gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Edge. Lesnar blocks a punch. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Edge by Lesnar. Remember when that was a legit finish? Steve Corino comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Edge turns around. Steve Corino spins Edge around. Steve Corino hits the Old School Expulsion! Corino leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Brock Lesnar, Edge got pinned. Lesnar and Corino tie Edge up in the ropes, then start punching away at him until referees run down and break it up.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing! 


This is, of course, merely a continuation of my current Smackdown main angle of Edge & friends (America's Most Wanted & Ricky Steamboat) vs. "The Elite" (Brock Lesnar, AJ Styles, Joe E. Legend, Paul Heyman - and now Steve Corino)

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odd, my show, *up soon* was the worst match wise, but got the highest TV rating.

Scary, ain't it.


In my '98 scenerio, I had a debuting Bret Hart come in and work a program with World Champion Hollywood Hogan, ultimately defeating him for the belt at Superbrawl 8.


Thing is, the next night I had an 'nWo gets revenge' angle going where Scott Steiner was granted a title shot by Bischoff. The show was slaughtered by Monday Night RAW. The next week, however, featured Hogan and LUGER in the main event, and brought home the huge numbers.





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Don't you get crazy morale problems with that, Flik?


Or do you cram everyone into huge 10-Man tag matches or something?


I suppose the majority of big stars with charisma are used up in your angles, so you wouldn't hear any complaints from them, but I'd find it a little hard to elevate anyone with only 4 matches going down.



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Hey, I've never seen that message before! Granted, I'm running WCW circa 1998 and all the top stars think they are THE SHIT, but I've still to be asked by someone to find them a good manager.





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Don't you get crazy morale problems with that, Flik?


Or do you cram everyone into huge 10-Man tag matches or something?


I suppose the majority of big stars with charisma are used up in your angles, so you wouldn't hear any complaints from them, but I'd find it a little hard to elevate anyone with only 4 matches going down.



Morale problems? What's that?


All I do is take weaker guys, put them in the angles. I might end up with more matches one week, than I would the next. I always make sure that I have at least 4 and 7 a show. If It goes 7 and 4, I'm ok with that too. As long as it builds up.


Besides, most lower/midcarders are happy to be on ONE of my TV shows if ever. My top guys I want on my shows, day in, day out.

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RaveX 24 is OUT~!


RaveX 24


Banners And Logos


Pics 10


This is brought to by Lightning Flik's Server Of Good Will. Since JT is having issues via his own hosting site.



Side note, does anyone know where i can get some good Scenarios?

No one's made any 4.2 ones (that are actually worth your time). You'd have to convert any info from 3.0 or lower.


Which would really, really, really suck.

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Guest El Satanico

I wonder why no one has made Scenarios for 4.2, when there were scenarios for the 3 series all over the place.


Is there a difference between the 3 series and the 4 series that makes it harder to make scenarios?

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I wonder why no one has made Scenarios for 4.2, when there were scenarios for the 3 series all over the place.


Is there a difference between the 3 series and the 4 series that makes it harder to make scenarios?

There is the Monday Night Wars scenario where i got my Ravex from, i'm WWE and i'm getting my ass kicked by WCW. One funny note, one of the wrestling news site has the heading


Goldberg: Greatest wrestler alive today?


I didn't even read the rest.


And of course, we have John Cena requesting a fued with Triple H.


What a genius Cena is. :(

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