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Guest ShooterJay

OAOAST "The Revolution"

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Guest ShooterJay

Starting on next week's IntenseZone and HeldDown episodes will be the opening brackets of the First Annual OAOAST "Revolution" tournament. The finals will take place at "AngleSlam: The Screams of No Reply," with the winner receiving the brand new "Revolution Trophy" and another prize to be determined. The field will consist of either 8, 9 or 12 competitors depending on the amount of sign-ups we receive. Current champions cannot enter, this is for beltless OAOAST members only.


IntenseZone members, sign up here!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Might as well enter and declare myself the WINNER now.

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Guest y2jailbait

eh, why not? Sign me up, even though I already have a match for Angleslam. We'll work it out for the tourney match.

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Guest ShooterJay

Right now, we have four on each show, sign-ups close Saturday at 8pm

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Guest ShooterJay




"mystery entrant"





Winners face off week before AS:SONR. Winner of that match faces off against the HD finalist at SONR.

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Guest y2jailbait

So, Shooter, can you pm me some info on the mystery opponet so I can maybe work some of my current angle into the match. I'm assuming your writing this match right?

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I need to use Jailbait in what I'm writing, so I guess it'll be double duty for him this week.

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Guest y2jailbait

Tag match right? Yeah, I was thinking the tourney match could hold off until next week. But I guess it's all really up to Jay and what he wants to do.

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Guest ShooterJay

Well, we could run Reject vs. Bizarro instead if either are up to writing it- it really doesn't matter how that match goes- whereas I have specific ideas for Jailbait's match.


So Eskimo/Jailbait- do what you have planned for this week.

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I have a match to write for this week's IZ already that I haven't even started on.


I'll see what I can do. Shooter if you could PM me who's winning or who needs to win in the match that would be great.

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