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Has anyone of heard of a game for the SNES called E.V.O.?  It's an RPG where you are an animal and you go around killing other animals to earn experience and if you get enough you evolve into a higher species.  I think on the box it has a picture of a bunch of dinosaurs and different animals busting out behind a big E.V.O. logo.  I want this game.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Yeah, it was an interesting, if quirky, RPG-type game.  I played on emulation a couple years back - it didn't really captivate me, but it had a cool concept.

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Yes, I remember renting that game once. I'm not exactly sure I played it though. Probably one of those times when I rented Rock 'n Roll Racing along with it, and just played that.

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Your best bet really would be eBay. None of the sites I have come across that claim to sell 16 bit games are reliable. You see a game on their site you have been looking for, you call up, "No, we never had that game." Ugh...

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Guest Dace59

It's one very strange game.. go rom hunting, I think it was pretty rare in cart form.

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