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Gert T

Question for those in law.....

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Hey I got some legal questions. I was awaken at about 4:30 am from my friend calling me from the police station telling me he had just got arrested for DUI, and wanting to bail him out of the county jail. I went down and bailed him out at about noon the next day.


He's got three charges against him: DUI, possesion of marijuana, and not wearing a seat belt. A couple of questions.


If he plans on just pleading guilty should he hire a lawyer? The lawyer wants 750 bucks up front so I don't know what his total cost will be.


He told me he had 3 oz. or grams of pot on him. (Sorry I don't know my pot unit of measurements :D ) What will he get for that tyoe of possesion?


He actually got pulled over in a White Castle drive-thru so his seat belt was off to get his wallet, should he contest that, or focus on the other two charges?


Thanks legal beagles.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I'd say contest the seatbelt, since not much can happen in a DRIVE-THRU, and sometimes you need to take off your seatbelt for a moment.

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Guest The Czech Republic

If you've got a DUI and possession charges against you, you're essentially fucked. Never mind the seatbelt.

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big difference between 3 oz and 3 grams buddy.

Well it was the smaller one, and I'm glad I didn't just guess!


OK, I just found out it was 1/8 if that helps?

Edited by Gert T

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Guest Beavis
OK, I just found out it was 1/8 if that helps?

Well, that's not a whole lot so they shouldn't get him for attempting to deliver, like they could if it was a larger amount.


Get a lawyer.

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Guest ILiveUnderABridge

my boy gotz popped with a half oz and he only got probation.so y'all should be cool.

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