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Guest wildpegasus

Bret's got a new column up

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Its cool that he still watches WWE and has something positive to say about the wrestlers, as opposed to many ex-wrestlers that have left the company that either do not watch at all and if they do, tear it to pieces as some sort of comfort that when they were there, it was good.

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Guest eiker_ir

Bret Hart’s Calgary Sun column for August 2, 2003


A few weeks back I woke up in the middle of the night with my fingers

locked together dreaming that I had Kurt Angle in a side head lock.

Just before I came out of it I can remember focusing on a patch of blue

canvas much like I used to do every night. When I did snap out of it I sat up

with a smile and said out loud, “Wow! I just had my first ever dream about

returning to wrestling!”

I often wonder if my departure from the WWF and subsequent concussion

and stroke had turned out differently whether or not I might still be lugging

my wrestling bag into dressing rooms all over the world to go out there and

play hero for millions of fans. I certainly don’t begrudge name wresters like

Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or even Mick Foley for still needing

wrestling as much as wrestling needs them.

I remember from the earliest days of my career telling myself that I

would never overstay my welcome and hang on too long. The choice was taken away

from me so I’ll never really know how I wold have felt. But there’s a part

of me that will always be a fan.

Every now and again I turn on wrestling to see who impresses me and if

there’s anyone else that I might find myself twisting in a headlock while I

sleep. The wrestlers that most impress me today are, of course, Chris Benoit,

who gave me my last dream matches for real and Chris Jericho who I regret I

never had the opportunity to put in a sharpshooter.

I think, pound for pound, Ray Mysterio is the greatest high flying

wrestler I’ve ever seen.

Another wrestler with a solid. hard-hitting style that has impressed

me is Rhyno. When I used to wrestle I liked wrestlers that really threw you

into the ropes, who weren’t afraid to lay it in. He seems like one of those.

I know I’m partial but I can’t help but sing the praises of the Canadian

wrestlers. Two exceptional stand outs that come to mind are Edge and Lance

Storm. Lance was a young prodigy of my brother Keith and I like to think that

Edge was a prodigy of mine.

There are many wrestlers that my dad would have referred to as

“magnificent specimens” - such as Superstar Billy Graham, Hogan, and Psycho Sid, but

the wrestler that fits the bill now with the most impressive physique along

with having an athletic wrestling style is Brock Lesnar. Now there’s a head I

would like to have squeezed!

One of the best wrestling matches I’ve seen in years was the classic

bout between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner at Wrestlemania XIX. My impression at

the time was that the WWE was finally going back to wrestling and getting

away from far fetched storylines .

Wrestling’s best when it’s portrayed as believable, where the title

belts not only mean something to the fans but to the wrestlers themselves. I tip

my hat to many of today’s young stars who are working hard to restore realism

and storytelling to the matches in an industry that, at least for a while

anyway, forgot where it came from.

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Guest PhantMan

at least bret is at peace with himself. damn, was he good back in the day...

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Guest Steviekick

If Bret never left/got injured, Im sure he'd still be wrestling. Even though it wouldnt have been at his peak, but Angle/Hart would have been a classic.

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Guest the 1inch punch

hopes and prays for Bret at WM XX to meet these guys


even if its just to cut a speech, say goodbye, maybe even present the world title to the winner of the main event, i dont care, i want him there

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I agree with a Bret appearance in any way for WM. That would be badass and make the event even more memorable.

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Guest AndrewTS

I agree with the article in the last wrestlecrap mailbag--Bret shouldn't return until Vince has turned things around, instead of offering a lot filth like he does now.


He could start by firing Torrie and Sable.


Shockingly, Bret doesn't mention one of his students there--you know, Test?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I doubt Bret will ever come back. Some wounds never heal and the guy is too "old school" to be able to deal with the shit that's being presented to us today. Unless he comes down and is being used to put over Benoit or some actually talented wrestler, I doubt he'd be able to bring himself to come back.

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Guest rawmvp

Great Article by Bret that shows me that he is willing to let bygones be bygones by reflecting on the more auspicious circumstances about wrestling, as opposed to the crude business that screwed him at SSeries 97. Makes me think he might have attended the Calgary house show last night.


Moreover, I disagree with his assessment that Lesnar vs. Angle is the best match of the year. Someone needs to send him a tape of Benoit vs. Angle from RR 2003 ASAP.

Edited by rawmvp

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Guest godthedog

he's been really high on that angle/brock match. which leads me to believe he missed the angle/benoit rumble match and all the smackdown six stuff from last year, which makes me sad. someone send this man a tape.

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