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Guest Riley

Heya Guys!

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Guest Riley

Heya Everyone, its been a while since I've talked to all of you! And probably most of you I haven't talked to... but its good old Bobby Riley, still commentating the excellent matchs of the SWF! I was just checking in to see how everyone enjoys the fed, because some of my fondest memories are the nights waiting up late to see if my match was going to get the nod or not. I've been feeling nostalgic lately, and its good to see that the fed is still going strong, and may I say, there is an abundance of talent here! I can't tell you how much the SWF will help you develop your writing skills which is going to be a big asset in a lot of different futures.


I was just dropping by to see how everyone is enjoying themselves, maybe get a summary of whos hot and whos not :)... Please, I'd love to know how you guys are enjoying yourselves out there! Ohh and for those of you who care, a cool website to check out is www.summitcitywrestling.com and look under Bios for the Commish! Feel free to leave a post on the board! And no, its not an E-Fed :).


I hope to read up about the recent occurrences here in the SWF! Talk to you all soon.

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Guest crusen86

If you are really Riley, my name is Cyclone Comet.


How sad, pretending to be somebody else in order to whore your website. :|

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I find this suspicious and I didn't even know Riley. In fact, it hasn't been that long ago that Riley was active in the fed as a different character. And what would that character have been? Huh, "Riley?"

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Guest Muzz

You're not Outcast...


*Pulls off mask*


Why, it's old Mr. Withers, the amusement park owner!

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

If that's actually Bobby, then hey. Can you believe they made me champ of this joint? And if you're NOT Riley....welll, same statement, I guess.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I promise you that it's Riley. I talked to him on AIM and he showed me this about three weeks ago.

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Guest Riley

Hah, funny how no one believes me! To answer your question, the other character I was active as was Lerrin Breggan!? Is that sufficient to appease your inquiries?! Strangler, thats great! I also hear Thoth got the belt... Man I should bring out the old commentator to whup some good old fashioned SWF booty. Who did you job out to win the belt Strangler? 'Cause obviously you're the only one that wants to fill me in on anything going on around here! hah

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Guest Ace309

Good ol' Bobby Riley.


we've been keeping this joint going pretty well recently. Not to toot my own horn, but I just finished up a reasonably good-length World Title reign, soiled only by my loss to Thoth. ;) Justice and Rule ("Judge Mental" William Hearford and Ejiro Fasaki, also JL commentators) just ended their record-breaking tag title reign with a loss to the Unholy Trinity's tag team of Va'aiga and Dace Night. The JL's ebbing and flowing as it always is - sometimes it's jumping, sometimes it's absolutely dead.


And through it all, Suicide King is trying desperately to put us back in our midcard cages. He sits up late at night, sobbing and trying to figure out exactly how he can job us all out simultaneously.


Oh, and Ash doesn't suck anymore.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Tom had the belt for a few months (he beat me in a 2/3 falls match in there at one point), then Thoth took the belt from him, then I took the belt from Thoth. Right now, the fed is in kickass shape. And make a comeback. Always room for more.

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Guest Ace309

He does not. He's a manifestation of our collective unconscious, obviously.


Pfft. Canadians.

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