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Guest HVilleThugg

Promo from Empire Feds...

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Guest HVilleThugg

In case you don't know, I was challenged by some dude name Codair over on Empire Feds. I'm facing him this Friday, with RPs starting today through Friday. Here's my first attempt ever at an RP and it's over at Empire Fed.



PROMO: Let The Ass Whoopin’ Commence


“Are you crazy man? You can’t get back in the ring.”


Damien McKinney, known the world as the Hville Thugg, sits on the end of his weight bench with his cell phone attached to his ear and a towel over his shoulder. His shirtless chest glistens with sweat as the big man appears to be in pretty good shape despite being out of wrestling for such a long time.


(HVT) – Yo, what are you talkin’ about bro?!? Of course I can…and I will. I can still wreck anybody that steps to me cuz…and this Codair dude don’t wanna see me. Please!


(Phone) – But what about your neck? I mean, what about…


(HVT) – F*** dat yo! Broken neck or not, I ain’t lettin’ some p**sy ass beeatch talk s**t and not do something about it. I’m the Hville mutha f**kin’ Thugg yo…I will straight wreck his s**t. Believe dat!


(Phone) – It’s your funeral dog. I mean, I know this dude ain’t s**t, but he’s been wrestling. You have a career ending neck injury…Chuck broke your neck man…You can’t just jump back in the ring after that. What did Dr. Pinkston say?


(HVT) – Don’t matta what she said man…I’m doin’ this. Besides, what you worried about…I’ll be in there for 5 minutes tops…that’s all it’ll take for me to split this dude’s grill and teach him not to ever step to the Thugg. I ain’t backin’ down from this….so you might as well stop talking about it.


(Phone) – Fine man…whatever. Just, be careful out there…ok?


(HVT) – Yeah…sure man….whatever. Anyway, let me bounce…I gotta finish lifting…


(Phone) – Aight man…holla.


(HVT) – Peace.


Thugg flips his phone shut and slides it into the side pocked of his army pants. He reaches back with his right hand and touches the scar on the back of his neck…he remembers it like it was yesterday. He remembers the cut…the incision…They thought he was out…but the gas hadn’t taken effect yet. The memory floods his brain quickly just as it has many times since the surgery…



Thugg was laying face down on the canvas, his neck burning with pain the likes he felt only once before…the first time they broke his neck. He knew it was coming…he knew Bo wouldn’t just stop…he knew the final blow was on the way. It didn’t matter though. He did the unthinkable…he actually returned to wrestling after having his neck broken by the same man 6 months prior. Was it a mistake? Here he was, laying on the canvas, as vulnerable as a 7’2” beast can ever be, about to have his neck snapped again. Was it worth it? He thought about everything he’d done since joining the federation in 2000. The SJL world title…the SWF ICTV Title…the SWF World Title…twice…he’d done it all. He thought about what he would do if they couldn’t help him this time…what if they couldn’t fix him this time…what would he…




…and it all went black!


Thugg pulls his hand away from his neck and shakes his head. He will not let the memory of his injuries haunt him. He will not let it stop him from what he must do in just 4 days. It may not seem like much of anything to most…but to him, it’s everything in the world. It’s the chance to show everyone that he’s still got it. It’s a chance to prove that the federation he helped build is dominant. It’s his chance to show exactly how “thug” he is. And it’s his ultimate revenge against the man that put him out of wrestling, not once, but twice.


Thugg lays back on his bench and grips the bar rightly with his gloveless hands. He measures out space between his hands as to get a balanced grip on the bar. After staring at the bar for a moment, Thugg lifts the weight from it’s holder with a grunt. His mind swirls as he brings the weight down to his chest and then back into the air. It’s hard to keep his mind from wandering these days, but right now, all he can think of is pain. His pain. His family’s pain. And the pain he will cause Codair on Friday!



He thinks he can step to me? Please! Codair better run…he better run fast…YOU better run! You don’t wanna get in the ring with me boy…I crush little s**ts like you everyday. I’m gonna eat you up and spit you out you little runt. I’m giving you your chance right now…call this off, and you might live. Cause once you step in the ring…damn a bell, damn a ref, damn a match…it’s gonna be war! And I promise you, it’ll be a way you cannot…will not win!



Rep after rep, Thugg continues to drive the weight up and down with a viciousness not seen in him for years. His “Thugg Life” tattoo on his abdomen distorts with every repetition and his neck begins to give a slight twinge, but Thugg continues to press like a madman.



I’m coming for you! You thin you can stop it?!? You think you can stop 400 pounds of pissed off black man lookin’ to make you into his personal bitch?!? Think again…you can’t stop it…you can’t stop what’s coming for you. No one can stop me…nothing can stop me. There’s only one way this can end…there’s only one way this WILL end…with you…on your back…with my foot in ya ass! You’ll learn like so many others…you’ll know…but the time I’m through…if you f**K with HVT…when you f**k with the SWF…I will…









With that, Thugg drops the bar back into it’s holder with a loud clang. He shoots up to a sitting position, grabs his towel, and starts to wipe his face.






Thugg jumps up and storms off out of view, leaving nothing behind but his fear. He’s ready…ARE YOU?!?





Go over to Empire and root me on. Here's the link:





Da "go help a brotha out...or at least go peep it and tell me what ya think" H

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