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HHH is a Genius

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'm waiting to see Meltzers reaction as he was all up ons HHH talking about he wouldn't lose his smile and he's all about the job...



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Guest AndrewTS
I think Goldberg is still going to pin HHH at the end.


This is just being done because


1:  HHH can't physically work a match


2:  Micheals/Orton and Jericho/Nash would have blown and wasted alot of ppv time.


You really think Goldberg is going to PIN HHH at the END?! Unlikely, I think.


Yeah, but on 2--you do realize that the EC will still probably go on about a half hour or so, right? It's not going to be a short match.


Although it may be up much shorter. HHH needs to be eliminated, Nash can't work for very long, Jericho of course will be the first guy pinned...

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Guest Anglesault

So Let's see.


Unover, horrible Orton.

Unover, horrible Nash.

Who knows what reaction he'll get, horrible Goldberg

So-So over, horrible HHH


and HBK and Jericho.


Oh Lord this will be bad.

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Why are people complaining? Don't you see how much better the Summerslam card got tonight? Did you really want to see HBK/Orton, Jericho/Nash, and HHH/Goldberg all as separate matches? Now we've got them all together in a form where at least part of the match will be entertaining and we've still got room on the card for RVD and Booker T. I think Summerslam's gonna be sweet.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I wasn't watching most of Raw, so wait a minute: RANDY ORTON IS MAIN-EVENTING SUMMERSLAM????

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Guest Anglesault
I wasn't watching most of Raw, so wait a minute: RANDY ORTON IS MAIN-EVENTING SUMMERSLAM????



And in case you wanted to know, he's officially slipped into "Negative over"


So unover that it doesn't even register at zero heat any more

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Guest The Czech Republic
I wasn't watching most of Raw, so wait a minute: RANDY ORTON IS MAIN-EVENTING SUMMERSLAM????



And in case you wanted to know, he's officially slipped into "Negative over"


So unover that it doesn't even register at zero heat any more

This better be a one-shot deal. But still, this is pathetic.


lol at "negative heat." Goldberg's on his way there too.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I'm just going to throw in this:


I love Canadian crowds.


I love the feeling of a mass collective unit deciding "let's boo this guy". I felt it at WM w/ Hogan and the Rock, and I felt it with Goldberg and Flair tonight.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I figured they'd be booing louder than they seemed to be considering how slow-motion-y and "I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to do next Ric, you have any ideas?"-y the match was.

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What was the WWE thinking when they decided to put Goldberg/Flair in Canada anyway? Obviously the Canadian crowd's gonna cheer for Flair. They should have put Goldberg/Flair last week and put Goldberg against somebody boring this week.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I don't know why the WWE decides to do ANY angles in Canada. It never turns out the way they want. Well, cept for ONE time..

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Guest The Czech Republic

Of course, Lawler said the Canadian fans are backwards and inferior to American fans. Way to piss off your last stronghold, guys.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

For a company that loves to come up north when they are down, they sure don't like to keep that investment strong.

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Guest The Czech Republic
For a company that loves to come up north when they are down, they sure don't like to keep that investment strong.

Part of me hopes the Canadians decide to stop caring about WWE.

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They could have gotten themselves another year of good crowds in Canada if they would have just let Jericho get his win on HBK in Montreal instead of holding off until two weeks ago. They never let the Canadian heel get the win in Canada. Ever. Even when they turned Hogan, he still had to job to Rocky first.

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Guest jester
What was the WWE thinking when they decided to put Goldberg/Flair in Canada anyway? Obviously the Canadian crowd's gonna cheer for Flair. They should have put Goldberg/Flair last week and put Goldberg against somebody boring this week.

That whole thing was retarded on so many levels.


-Everybody loves Flair, so of course he's going to get cheered.

-WCW didn't have nearly the exposure of WWE in Canada, so a lot of Canadians didn't get the big deal of Goldberg

-those that do know Goldberg often think of him as "the guy that killed Bret Hart's career"

-They expect people to boo someone who attacks Goldberg (on the plus side, they finally found a way to get people to notice Orton)

-they expect Canadians to cheer HBK for making the save. HB fuckin' K.

-They expect people to boo Jericho (a Canadian) for attacking two wrestlers they hate.

-And finally, they expect people to cheer Nash for (eventually) moseying down the ring to save Goldberg and HBK and attack Jericho


And, the biggest turd in the toilet bowl, they expected Canadian fans to cheer when the lot of them were put into a clusterfuck match together


Have you ever visited Earth, Vince?

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

So now we get Nash/Jericho, Orton/HBK, and Goldberg/HHH extended for another month?



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Guest cabbageboy

Oh man I thought the same thing tonight. I'm surprised that people are happy about this, because I'm pissed. I figured HHH was gonna have to job big time to GB, but now we have a goofy Chamber match with a bunch of guys who can't even do the match properly.


By the way, yeah this means RVD gets on the PPV....and gets to be squashed by Kane.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Gee, NOBODY thought so far that maybe the Elim Chamber change was made because Fuck Goldberg didn't want to job?


You guys always automatically assume HHH, not the guy who has legal Creative Control.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

It's gonna be like this.


Goldberg pins HHH at SS

Goldberg pins HHH at Unforgiven*

HHH goes to Smackdown to marry fatty.


*The novelty of the "first match" is ruined since they already had a match at SS.


But yeah, it's Goldbergs fault. He's the one who is injured and he's the one who has to drop the title. I mean, it's not like HHH has ever used the elimination chamber to drop the belt before, right??

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If Goldberg pins Jericho in the chamber, then all that means is that there's a lot more heat on the main event at Unforgiven when HHH jobs clean like he would have anyway. I get sick of Unforgiven just being a throwaway PPV every year. This might make it actually mean something.

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Guest Askewniverse

If Goldberg pins HHH at Unforgiven, I'll be tempted to throw a cup of beer at his head.

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Guest Choken One

I'm convinced this is what Happens...(If It's the way i remember the match)



I believe they had the Match Beyond Gimmick...where no one could be pinned until all six men enter...


The Match starts with


Jericho (of Course) Vs HBK...They go 10 minutes (Change the rules) and let them tear it up for as much as they can...Then In comes Orton....Then it 3 minutes Later and Goldberg comes in...Then HHH...Then Nash. That Takes 20 Minutes to enter all 6 men.


Trips Pins Nash via Pedigree and Goes to break up a Count on Orton on Goldberg (He wants to pin Goldberg)...HHH does down...and is Injured...he lays prone...as HBK superkicks Orton onto HHH and Orton pins HHH.


HHH limps to the back under his own power...


Orton and HBK go at it for like 7 minutes as Goldy and Jericho brawl.


Goldberg spears Jericho whom leaps off the Chamber...


HBK misses a Superkick on Orton and hits Goldberg..Goldberg falls back and Jericho school Boys him...


Shawn fights Back against Jericho and Orton...


Orton Mis-comucates and Jericho gets hit with Sweet Chin Music. HBK pins him...


HBK and Orton goes at it for 6 minutes...HBK misses the SCM and Orton hits RKO for the Win.




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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I'm pretty sure this match was created b/c HHH can't wrestle a full match b/c of his groin. So they had to come up with a contingency plan so that there main event wasn't 2 minutes long and HHH didn't die in the process.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

If Orton seriously wins the title......Vince is a bigger fucktard than I thought.

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Guest The Old Me

There could be worse champions than Orton. Like Steiner, Nash or HHH.

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Guest MissMattitude

If he is to injured to wrestle Goldberg ina normal match then he shouldn't be champion.

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Guest Vyce

I like to tell myself that they won't make Orton the champ.


It's not working, though. I'm gonna go hug myself while rocking and mumbling incoherently in a corner.

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Guest Dangerous A

How about just not watching the show instead of torturing yourself if they make Orton champ?

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