Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted April 1, 2002 -Your Hosts are Michsel Cole & Tazz -None Title Match: Jazz (womens champion) Vs. Molly Holly: Irish whip to the corner by Jazz but gets backdropped onto the buckle and stomped. Snap of the hairby Molly gets 2. Both women roll out. Chop ny Molly and posts' Jazz. Crossbody blocked and powerslam by Jazz for 2. Jazz works the boots on her. Series of jabs. Mike Tyosn hook gets 2. Superplex by Jazz gets 2. Kick to the gut. Molly trys getting in some offense but Jazz stops that. Cruxifix blocked and its changed to a sunset flip by Molly for 2. Jazz knocks Molly out and legt drops her for 2. Powerslam by Jazz and she goes up top. Splash but Molly gets the knees up and rolls her up for 2. Elbows by Molly and a bridge for 2. Molly with chops, Jazz with a clothesline off an irish whip. Dropkick missed by Molly. Half Boston Crab to a modified STF and Molly taps out at the 50 mark. Nothing bad here, especially for womens matches. **1/2 sounds good to me. -WWF Live. Monday in Albany, Tuesday in Rochester, yata yata. <commercial break> -WWF Draft Moment: The #1 Pick for WWF Smackdown is The rock. What a surprise!! (sarcasm rules) -Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Lance Storm: Talk about demotion. Lance a former upper mid-carder in WCW, now working S2H on Heat. Lockup. Both men go for a go behind takdown. Lance with a armbar reversed by Scotty into a headlock. Storm irish whip, Scotty with a shoulder block and a spinning huricanrana. Scotty connects with a thrust kick, snapmare and dropkick to the face for 2. Lance wth an elbow and he posts Scotty. Irish Whip and a knee to the sternum. Sweet Leg drop gets 2. It would make my day to see Hogan wrestle on Heat. looooooong Stalling Suplex on S2H for 2. Headlock by Mr. Personality. Scotty Scotss up, and gets caught with a knee and eats buckle. Scott with a series of rights stopped by a Storm kneelift. Irish whip,to the corner, Lance gets a boot up, and walks into a powerslam putting both men down. Lance up first. Both men exhange rights. Elbow by Scotty and a clothesline. Irish Whip and a back body drop. Face buster dodged, but gets caught the 2nd time. W-O-R-M! Is that suppose to get pin. Baseball slide sends Lance to the barricade. Shoulderthrust and a backsuplex reversed with a sunset flip for 2. Small Package gets 2. Lance up and gets a Stiff Thrust Kick for the 3 at 5:36. Nothing bad here niether. ***. Storm with a not so big win over Scott Taylor. -WWF Forceable Entry CD schilling. <commercial break> -Replay off Brock Lesnar destroying Rikishi. -Edge Vs. Goldust: Decent Pop for goldust turn to boos. This guy still has one of my favorite ring entries. Edge should start coming through the crowd again. Cause i cant stand listening to his theme for so long. Especially since its Rob Zombie, one of my least favorite singers. Goldust with some stiff rights. Edge battling back with some of his own and he runs into an inverted atomic drop. goldust off the ropes into a Edge flap jack. Series of leap frogs by goldust ended with Edge dropping a fist on him. Back Body Drop by Edge and a charge goes south as he spills to the floor. Sick bump into the guarding wall. Clothesline off the top rope gets 2. Snapmare and bionic elbow to the throat gets 2. BUTT bump by goldust gets 2. Does that thing have a name!? Choke by Goldust. Stiff irish whip to the corner gets 2 for goldust. Edge with a neckbreaker off an irish whip and a 2nd. Clothesline and spinning heel kick gets 2. irish whip, goldust with a stiff right to the face. Curtian Call reversed with a necksnap for 2. Chinbreaker by the golden one followed by a clothesline. 2nd rope superplex by goldust gets 2. Goldust sets up Edge for the Shatterd Dreams. Edge with a low blow and spear for a 3 count to end a decent match. Time of the match was 5:30. I think it disserves **1/4. 3 good matches on Heat in a row? -Commercial for the new Raw is War. <commercial break> -Dudleys are drafted into different shows. -Recap of Tough Enough 2. Since I dont like it that much ill let you watch yourself. Dudleys are special guests. Nevermind, ill do it. Danny has NO character. Danimal? What a dorkchop. Hes like Vanilla Ice cream. Danny is cut. Snow stood in front of Alicia for about 1 minute without anyone saying a thing. -WWF Draft Moment: Ric Flair picks Undertaker -Oh My God this was funny: Kane gets all Rock & Hogan. IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOUR READY! Kane goes nuts! Kane posedown!! Im a lkane-a-nite!!! Kane just about murders nWo on smackdown. -WWF-European championship Match: William Regal © Vs. Tajiri (w/ torrie) Regal armbar reversed by Tajiri. Reversed again by Regal reversed a thrird time by Tajiri. Sheesh. I didnt know these dudes were midgets. Legtakedown. Tajiri up with a headlock. IKick to the knees and thighes. Shoulderblock by Willie. Monkiey flip by Tajiri. Regal gets booed too much. Modified Chin Lock. Tajiri with some lighitng quick punches and kicks. Takeodwn by Regal and shots to the head. Snap Suplex gets 2. Boot by Tajunior to the face. Stiff kick to the ribs and the tarantula! Another stif fkick and Octopus stretch. Rol Up gets 2. Elbow off the ropes by Tajiri. Irish Whip. Monkey Flip blocked. Underhook Powerbomb gets the 3 count for Regal at 4:27. not bad, not great either. *1/4. Not a bad show for Heat, nothing notable either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted April 1, 2002 I think you ranked these matches way too high, but it was still a decent heat. Dames - Gets ***** Every time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted April 1, 2002 Not only is Lance Storm a former WCW upper mid-carder, he's also a former ECW main eventer, dammit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted April 1, 2002 Oh God, how could you rank Tajiri vs. Regal under Jazz vs. Molly?? The Tajiri match was by far the best match out of them all. Shitty finish, but the rest of the match was great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted April 1, 2002 I thought the finish was fine with Tajiri - Regal. He shouldn't have to use the knucks on every opponent and the guy needs a new finisher, so I liked it. Dames - Power of the Post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted April 1, 2002 I feel the double underhook bomb looked a bit weak. I would have preferred it if he used the move as a set-up for a submission like Dean did a few times. Not to mention the spot came off very anti-climactic and routine compared with the rest of the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheDames7 Report post Posted April 1, 2002 If he had slapped on the Regal Stretch, I agree that it would have been better. He just needs to establish some signature moves, IMO. He has the Cobra neckbreaker....and thats it other than the Stretch. Dames - Will Stretch You Share this post Link to post Share on other sites