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Guest nWoScorpion

Wcw fall brawl 1995

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Guest nWoScorpion

Ill go over the Pre-show for anything meaning stuff.


-Recap of Hogan/Luger from nitro earlier that month. hogan got up from the Torture Rack and was ready to win. Taskmaster, Zodiac, Shark, Meng & Kamala come in and attack. Savage & Sting come out for the save.


-Commentary: Dusty Rhodes & Eric Bischoff (pre-nWo)


-Eddie Guerrero Vs. "Das Wonderkin" Alex Wright

This is obviously a dark match that is televised. Niether of these guys i liked at the time.a German vs. a Spaniard. Lockup. Armbar by Eddie to a head scissors. Wright escapes. Full Nelson and snapmare by Eddie to a rear chinlock. Snapmare by Alex to a armbar. Firemans Carry back to the armbar. Back suplex by Guerrero and a scoopslam followed by a moonsult over the ropes. European Uppercut and dropkick by Wright. Side headlock and shoulderblock. Edlow by Eddie for 2. Rhodes teaching Bischoof some moves. Dropkick blocked by Wright and a spinning heel kick conects. European uppercut and belly to belly suplex. Test of Strength. Eddie winningand Wright fights out with a monkey flip. Both men with some leap frogs. Eddie to a sidearmbar. Spinning Backbreaker gets 2. Rare Face/Face match here.Powerbomb from the Razors edge position gets 2. The gory special reversed with a sunset flip for 2. Back Suplex gets 2 by Wright. Eddie with a suplex on Alex over the top but Eddie hurt his knee. Wright wins via referees decision to stop the match at 6:34. Good act of sportsmanship by Alex Wright. Alex would become Berlyn in years to come.Was on the verge of ***, but ill go **1/2.


-Some chumpstain with The Taskmaster & Dungeon of Doom. Forget this niether men are understandable. YES NO YES NO YES NO...YES! Kamala: uyhuhuyuhuhh!


-Fall Brawl 95 Commercial featuring the hogan/Fungeon of doom fued. The Giant was supposivly andres son. What happend to him?!! Hes double the weist size. Vader went A.W.O.L or in otherwardsw, jumped to WWF. Luger is now on teram Hulkamaniacs. a few clips of a OLD luger/flair match.


-Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) Vs. American Males (Marcus Bagwell & Scott Riggs)

Another Face/Face match. Worst theme ever. Just keep saying American Males. While the match takes place we cut to the back.


-Mr. Nobody is with "double A" Arn Anderson.


Sags & Riggs lockup. Sags with a fury of punche sin the corner. Bagwell gets order dout of the ring. Riggs dropkick and hiptoss. Sags with a necksnap to counter. Knobbs in. Double clothesline, and out comes Sista' Sherri. Bagwell in with a dropkick. Knobbs slugs away. Another dropkick and a series of arm drags into a armbar by Buff. Col. Parker comes out. Double shouldertackle by the American Mades. Knobbs knocks over Riggs. Nasties work on Riggs. Knobbs misses a cornersplash and Bagwell in. Dropkick tov both men. Body press to sags. Riggs in goes flying out of the ring. Pumphhandle slam to Bagwell by Sags. Dick Slater knocks Knobbs out with his boot and riggs gets the win at 7:31. *. Not even close to being good.


-Mean Gene Interview with The Hulkamaniacs.



September 17, 1995

Ashville, North Carolina

Civic Center


Commentary: Tony Schavonie & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan


-Opening Match:

-#1 Contenders Match for United states Championship:

Johnny B. Badd Vs. Flyin' Brian Pillman


Johnny B. Badd: Marc MEro (WWF)

Brian Pillman: Brian Pillman (WCW-ECW-WWF)


Who is the heel here?!!? 3 matches in a row with all the men getiing popped. Mero is at the end of his WCW run. His gayness has lowerdquite a bit since 1991-1992. Michael Buffer!! Brian Pillman weighs in at 226 3/4 lbs. and former Tag Champion as Hollywood Blonds and former L-HW champion. Badd weighs in at 238 1/2 pounds. former WCW Tevelision Champion. Lockup. Handshake. Armdrag by Badd. Weist lock by Pillman reversed by Badd reversed to an armbar by Pillman. Badd with a reversal and Pillman reverses with a hiptoss. Headlock takeover by Pillman. Shoulderblock and a seris of leap frog manueavers. Both go for a dropkick at the same time. Lockup. Armringer by Pillman. Badd with the flippin reverse with an armdrag. Armbar by Badd. Pillman is a former Cincinnati Bengal if you didnt know. snapmare by Brian and a headlock. Heenan thought Giants footprints was a Yeti's. Pillman with a clothesline for 2. Armbar by Pillman. snapmare but Badd fights back with a manihistral cradle for 2. Armbar again by Badd. Drop toe hold and a pinning combination for 2. Snapmare and reverse chinlock. Sign says Bobby "the Brian" heenan for president. Badd gets caught with a spinning head scissors and victory roll for 2. Chinlock by Pillman. Armdrag and headlock by Badd. Pillman backbreaker for 2. boston Crab by Brian. Chop! Spinning backbreaker for 2 by badd. Legringer by Badd gets 2. Surferboard type finisher by Pillman. Both men in a shoving match. Elbow by Pillman. Eye-rope rake by Pillman. Mero with some punches of his own, Pillman bails. Badd through more punches their then Mcneely did his fight with Mike Tyson (the guy who ws knocked out in 1:29 of round 1 3 times). Badd gets tossed out. Pillman with a bite. Pillman eats buckle and badd with a legdrop over the top rope for 2. Rear chinlock by Badd. Pillmn fights out and both men tackle each othe rin mid  air. Pillman is dazed. Headbut by Pillman knocked both men down. Badd eats buckle and a boot to the midsection. Bad gets booted to the floor. Badd suplexs Pillman from the inside of the ring to the floor. Moonsault onto Pillman on the floor. Pillman dropkick in midair for 2. Sit down powerbomb by Badd for 2. Tombstone Reverse Piledriver by Pillman for 2. Tornado DDT reversed by Badd for 2. Modified Abdominal Stretch. Pillman breaks out with a neckringer. Another version of the abdominal stretch by Pillman. Face slam by Badd and the tutti Fruity for 2. Pillman clothesline off the ropes for 2. Backslide as the bell sounds. The time limit has expired. Sudden Death overtime! Takedown by Pillman and he connects with a shoulderthrust. Mero with some heavy shots. Chops and slaps being echanged, Irish whip by Pillman into the barricade. Pillman off the top rope and both go for a dropkick and are both out. Sleeperhold by PIllman. Bad fights back and gets his own sleeperhold. Backsuplex counters. Both men are down again. Pillman sets up badd on top. Suplex block and mero with a sunset flip for 2! Powerbomb reversed with a huricanrana by Pillman for 2! Chop! Crucifiz reversed for 2. Hurricanrana off the top rope by badd for 2!! Spinning DDT by Pillman for 2. Pillman gets buckled and tossed off the top onto the railing. Moonsault over the ropes onto Pillman. Over the rope moonsault and Pillman gets the knees up for 2. Suplex onto the top rope by Pillman. Suicide Dive by Pillman lands on Badd and both men are down again. Pillman misses a dropick and gets crotched for 2! Crossbody Press gets the pin for Badd at 29:06. Whata opener. The best one since Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart at WW Wrestlemania X. easy ****1/2 match. Couldnt go all the way cause their really aint history between these two and was just a throw together. But damn it was good.  


-Mean Gene Interview with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair


-Cobra Vs. "Pitbull" Sgt. Craig Pittman

Cobra would gain more fame as nWo's Sting. Pittman disappeared in a few months i think. The cadet would later be Prince Iaukea (sp?). Pittman comes to the ring from the top of the arena. Too bad he didnt have the accident that Owen Hart did. Pittman chokes out Cobra with his bullet vest. He punches him a bit. Throw to the outside. He kicks his ass on the floor. Pillman irish whiped into the buckle. Pittman dodges a dive off the top and locks on the Code Red (arm lock) for the submission at 1:24. What a jip from the opener huh? DUD, no wait, -**. Thats for pissin me off.


-Video of Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff who cliams he aint wonderful no more. Oh no! Not Gary Spivey! Of the Psychic Comanions Network!! Orndorff rules. WTF is he wearing? Fast Forward Time.


-WCW-Television Championship Match:

The Renegade (c-w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. Diamond Dallas Page (w/ Diamond Doll & Max Muscle)

Renegade is dead, DDP's career dead. His ring atire has Diamonds on it. Muscle looks like a roided Ed Leslie. Page needs to drop the full body suit. Renegade sucks! DDp attacks with some elbows and russian legsweep for 2. Headbutt no sold. DDP walks nito the post. <snoring> DDP eats buckle and side headlockby "Warrior" Atleast he wasnt in war games. DDP gets dropped on his face. Clothesline by "warrior" gets 2. Warrior misses a dive and gets hung up in the ropes. DDP with a choke on the top rope. snapmare across the top rope by DDP gets a 10 by Diamond Doll.

Renegade gets tossed out. Knee to the midsection. Sunset flip is blocked for 2 and a counter gets 2. Clothesline by DDP for 2. runnig shoulderthrust by DDP. 2nd one misses and he gets posted. Both men block punches but Warrior with a kick to the mouth. Clotheslines by Renegade. He gets a axhandle off the top for 2. DDT by DDP! Jimmy plays cheerleader. 2 count for DDP. Nice Edge impersonation. Diamond Cutter reversed and a roll up gets 2. Warrior irish whips DDP into Muscle and powerslam gets 2. Diving clothesline to Muscle by renegade on the floor. Diamond Cutter by DDP with help from Muscle for the 3 and the Television Title at 8:07. *1/2. Barely for DDP's work. Diamond doll is tired of DDP and turn to Booty Man and becomes the Booty Babe in mere months.


-WCW-Tag Team Championship Match:

"Dirty" Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck (c-w/ Col. Parker) Vs. Harlem Heat (booker T & Stevie Ray) (w/ Sista' Sherri)

God this match is torture to watch i think. Booker T starts with Slater. Lockup. Booker clothesline. Slater drop toe hold and chinlock. counter to an armbar by Booker tag to Stevie. double team. Scoop Slam by Stevie and elbow drop for 2. choke in the corner. Booker tags in. Side kick to the midsection and a headlock. Buck with a tag and starts choking T. Armbar reversed but gets some kicks in, Headlock follows. Headlock by Stevie and booker with kneelifts and Stevie tags in. Choke by SR. Reverse chinlock to Buck. HARLEM ax kck by Booker and a reverse chinlock. Buck with a shoulderblock and walks into a hiptoss. Knee drop by Bookerman for 2. Stevie in. Slater in. Slug fest. Stevie with a choke and 10 punches of doom stopped at 4. Inverted Atomic Drop and elbows by Slater. Neckbreaker for 2. This match sucks. Nervehold by Stevie. Boot to the back by Buck and Booker goes out. Clothesline by buck. Booker gets stompedby Slater. and they work him over. Booker gets sent into Dicks boot. Time to Fast Forward, sorry. Piledriver by Slater for 2. Buck with a choke and chucks booker over and out. BTW, that is a DQ in WCW until around 1997 (tossing opponent over the top rope.) . Booker with some punches to buck but misses a scossior kick. Backsuplex by Dick for 2. Swinging neck-breaker gets 2. Boston Crab by Dickerman. Stevue hot tag slam to both men Powerslam to buck for 2. booker in and works on slater. Eblow by book. Double punch to him. Parker & sherri kiss inb the 2nd ring. Stevie misses a charge. NAsties knock out slater with his own boot and stevie gets the pin at 16:49. Sherris hair is nappy. Matc was around **. Harlem Heat is mad at Sherri, same for the other 3. Sherris got a nice ass but shes  BUTT ugly. New Tag team champions Harlem Heat.


-WCW interaction Calling Card of Hulk Hogan.


-Halloween Havoc promo for October 29, 1995.


-Highlights of Flair/Anderson breakout. Satrted when Vader beat BOTH Arn & Nature Boy in a handicap match. Anderson later refused to help Flair cheat. Flair has been more obsessed with Hulk Hogan then his friends. Anderson and flair started to get into verbal confrontations, leading to their match at Fall Brawl.


-Mean Gene Interview with "Double A" Arn Anderson


-"The Enforcer" Double A; Arn Anderson Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair:

Andersons theme rules. AA is the clearc ut face of the match. I was watching Body Slam last night, and flair was SOO younger looking. Pillman, American Males, Bubba rogers, Col. Parker, Eddie Guerrero, Alex Wright are a few of the wrestlers watching from ringside. Lockup. Flair headlock and shoulderblock, runs into a AA drop toe hold and he mocks Flair.

Test of strength tease. Arn with a headlock, shoulderblock. He shoves down flair and gets  a slap in. Shoulderthrust reversed and Anderson with a stomp session to the arm. Slap. Headlock to armbar by Flair reversed into a hammerlock by Anderson. Drop to hold and headlock reversed with another hammerlock. Stomp to the shoulder. Armbar by Anderson. Modified armbar. Flair reversal into a headlock reversed by Arn into a hesad scissors and flair breaks out and nails a chop. Knee stomp takes down Double A. Chop sends him down again. Elbow by Arn, eye rake and sleeper hold, flair breaks it, but gets nailed with a knee to the back from the 2nd rope. Hammerlock-slam. flair begs and gets a boot to the stomach. Armbar by Arn. Chop by Flair, and another, Arn with a rakedown and continues workin the arm. Stomp to the aarm. He posts flair left arm several times. Armbar again by AA. HUGE Chop by Flair. Arn fights back with some fists. flair flip, he ducks an arn charge and gos spiling to the floor. double Axhandle off the top rope to the floor by Flair. This is the 1st match where the wrstlers competed in the 2nd ring. chop by Flair. Snapmare on the top rope. Stomps to the midsetion by Flair. Running Knee Drop to the forehead connects. Flair pin gets 2 twice. Arn with a kneelift and fights back with some rights. Back bodydrop gets 2 three times. Cheap shot by Flair. Kick to AA. Flair tosses arn threw the2nd rope to the floor. Chop and flair strut. Slap by Arn knocks down flair. Mounting punches. Flair suplex on the floor. Flair with a hard right "knocks his beard off". BIG Suplex by Flair. both men are down. Flair gets a 2 count. Chop by flair. Irish whip aqnd chop gets 2. Sunset flip by Arn, he dodges the punch. Kick and Flair eats buckle and an eye rake across the ropes. Flair Fli and gets hung int the buckle. Arn with sme boots to the misection and a choke. DDT blocked as flair holds the ropes. flair face first flop. flair goes to the top but gets slammed off as usual. Knee Drop by arn gets 2. 2nd rope axhandle reversed wit a slam and figure four by flair. Arn blocks the leg but flair gets it on fully. Arn turns it over and flair breaks it. chopblock by Flair. figure 4 reversed with a small package for 2. Kick to the knee puts Arn down. Heavy chop in the corner. Arn collapses on a irish whip. Pillman distracxts flair and gets  punch in, flair hits him. Pillman with an enziguri and Arn with a DDT for the pinfall at 23:03. Flair got busted with the cowboy boot. ****. Very good match with alor of psychology. This would lead to the reformation of the Horsemen. Flyin' Brian Vs. Ric flair scheduled for Monday Nitro the next night.


-Dungeon of Doom vs. Hulkamaniacs rcap from earlier during the preshow.


-Mean Gene is with Hulk Hogan, Sting, Lex Luger, Randy Savage.



There are 7 periods. The first period lasts 5 minute,s the rest are 2 minutes. One man from each team enters the first period. After the 5 minutes a bogus coin toss detemrins the heel team get the next entry. Only way to win is by Submit or Surrender (same thing) after all 8 men have enterd the ring.No pinfalls, countout, or DQ's.


-Main Event:

War Games:

Hulk Hogan (WCW Champion), Sting (US Champion), "Macho Man" Randy Savage, "Total Package" Lex Luger (w/ Jimmy Hart) Vs. The Shark, Kamala, Zodiac, Meng the Face of Terror (w/ "The Taskmaster" Kevin sullivan):

special stipulation says IF the Hulkamanaics win (are you fucking kidding me?) "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan must face Hulk hogan. Zodiac ways in at 271 1/2 pounds from Yin & yan. Shark wieghs in at 508 pounds form the Great Barrier Reaf. Kamala weighs in at 381 pounds, from Uganda. Meng weighs in at 315 pounds, from South Pacific Island of Tonga. Sullivan weighs in at 240 pounds from Iron Gates of faith. From Sarasota florida, weihing 235 pounds, Randy Savage. From Venice Beach, California, weighing 261 pounds, Sting. From Chicag, IL, weighing 269 1/2 pounds, Lex Luger. From Venice Beach, California, Hulk Hogan. LETS GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE! Sting starts with shark. shark attacks Sting and gets some shots in. Forearm to the midsection. snapmare and he walks on his chest. shark bites stings arm in the corner. Sting dodges a charge and unloads some rights. Sting with a dive across the two top ropes with a clothesline. Slam by Sting puts Shark down. 2nd slam doesnt work. shark with a bearhug.  Sting beats his way out. shark goes for the dive into the other ing but gtes hung up. Sting gets some kciks in in the middle of both rings. Sting gets caught in a dive and slammed. Sting hangs up Shark on the ropes sending him to the mat. Sting with boots to the knee.Knee tackle sends him down. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock at the 10 second mark. Heels win coin toss (no shit) and Zodiac enters. Sting uses the roof to get some kicks on zodiac. Slam on Zodiac and scoprion death lock, broken by shark. FAT elbow. Elbow by Zodiac. Leg Drop by shark and a fist drop byZodiac, followed by a choke hold and double suplex. Shoulderblock sends Zodiac down and shark puts the boots to him. Savage enters next Savage attacks both men. Kick to Shark, Axhandle to Zodiac, punchs to shark, Boston Crab to Zodiac. Meng & Sullivan working on Stings arm from the outside. Savage slugs out withboth men. He chokes Shark over the rope. Sting attacks shark amd rakes the face of Zodiac. Savage with some shots to the midsection to Zodiac and a knee to the gut. Axhandle to Shark. Meng & Kamala attacking Savages leg which is hanging out of the cage. Sting with an elbow to Zodiac. Kamala in. Thrusts to Sting and a punch. foot choke. Savage with mounted punches on Zodiac. Shark with an atomic Drop. Axhandle by Kamala to stinger. Zodiac with some chops to Savage. Kamala headbutt to Sting and Avalanche & Zodiac work on Savage. Sting with some shots to Kamala and he knocks him down. Shark with a choke and kamala with some free shots. Luger in. Clothesline to Zodiac. Double clothesline to Kamala & Shark. Savage & Luger throw Zodiac into the cage. Elbow. hogan mocking him saying "yes, no'. Axhandle to Zodiac by Luger, he eats buckle. Sting clothesline to Kamala. all 6 men in1 ring. Luger eyeraked by Zodiac. Foot choke by Zodi'. Slam by Luger on zodiac, clothsline misses and hits Savage. They go at it and sting trying tobreak it up. Meng in. He attacks Sting. Kick to Luger, chops to all 3 men. HEadbutt to Savage, kick to luger, the loudest NONE world champion. Shark tosses Savage to the 2nd ring. Kamala chokes Luger with his shirt and eats buckle with a big AAAH!. Zodiac and Meng work on Sting. Choke to Luger by Meng, screaming like hes being stabbed to death. thrust kick by Meng to Luger. shark tosses Savage into the cage. Kamala works on Sting. Hogan in! Powder to Meng! Power do Kamala! Powder to Zodiac! Choke and punches to Shark. Kamala gets some punches by Hogan. Chops and pucnhes back and forth on Zodiac. Luger goes to work on Kamala. Eyerake by Hogan to Zodiac and he eats buckle. Savage & Sting toss Meng into the cage. Hulk clothesline to Shark. Hogan eye rake to Zodiac. hogan works on Him while the others are ocupied with the hulkamaniacs. Hogan tosses Zodiac into the cage several times and finishes the match with the Camel Clutch at 20:00ish. I erased the time, oops. **1/2. NOT TOO bad, but still, look at the talent. Only 2/8 of them were still good workers.


-Hulk Hogan Vs. "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan:

Hogan pounds on him before they enter the cage, and proceds to lay an ass kicking on him. Giant co mes to the ring and beats the shit out of Hogan before the Hulkamanaics return, ending the show. DUD. at around 3:00


Show started off great, then went into a downward spiral, but recoporated for the final 2 matches.


Mild Reccomendation to watch.


"Hollywood" Scorpion

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