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Guest BAR


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Guest BAR

I recently bought the Misawa 5* Bouts comp and it featured a Misawa/Kawada match I've never seen before.


I'm pretty sure it's from around '96 or '97. The finish is Misawa finishing Kawada with a German Suplex, it runs around 30 minutes.


Sorry about not giving much detail as I haven't watched the match through yet.

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Guest Dangerous A

That sounds an awful lot like the 7/29/93 Triple Crown match that ended with Misawa pinning Kawada with a German.

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Guest BAR

Really? I'll give some more detail after I'm through watching it. Thanks.

Edited by BAR

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Guest BAR

Okay, here's a rundown of the last few minutes...


Kawada hits a brainbuster followed by a submission. The crowd is off the hinges. Misawa is just hanging on and gets his foot on the rope. Kawada proceeds with a back suplex which Misawa gets up from rather quickly and knocks Dangerous K down with an elbow. Misawa falls down shortly afterwards.


They exchange elbows and both men try various moves until Misawa knocks him down again with a front dropkick. Kawada is out of it as Misawa applies a Tiger Suplex for the 2. Misawa hits two germans but Kawada gets up and hits a kick to the face. Misawa hits another tiger suplex, Kawada is down. Another 2 count on the german. Misawa tries for the Tiger Driver but Kawada retaliates but Misawa knocks another elbow for two and finishes Misawa off with the final german. The MI-SA-WA chants echo.

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Guest Dangerous A

After being corrected, I believe the match you are speaking of the Misawa/Kawada TC match,6/6/97.

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Guest BAR

Thanks, Dangerous A. I thought it was from around '97. I'd never heard of this match before. Does anyone rate it?

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Guest Coffin Surfer

6/6/97 is pretty bad for Misawa/Kawada standards. Though keep in mind, their worst is better than most people's best. It has some brilliant moments, but it also has alot of really stupid ones.


The match starts off great with the well done strike exchanges, and Kawada buliding towards a submission with the arm work.


Another good moment is the super hot Triangle Choke spot, that got a bigger pop than any of the head drops. The reason why it worked is that the fans already knew that Misawa was capable of kicking out of the Powerbomb, Stretch Plum, and Backdrop Drivers, but they had no idea if he could escape the Triangle Choke. It's such a tragedy that the rest of the match wasn't that smart.


Sadly the rest of the match is mindless head dropping, shitty transitions, and odd selling. Kawada does some good stuff at the very end, but that isn't enough to redeem the rest of the match.


Their matches in 92, 93, 94, 95, and even the 97 Carnie Draw are all much better than 6/6/97.

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Guest BAR

Thanks, Coffin Surfer. I was going to get a comp of the two. As I've only seen two of their matches but went for Champion Carnival 1995 instead.


Pretty expensive: £20, 3 tapes. But, I've read some reviews and the final is supposedly a classic and there's alot of good stuff leading up to it.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Stay clear of the commercial release comp of Misawa/Kawada where they leave out alot of the matches, and the ones that are there are cut to pieces. For Misawa/Kawada singles matches, you need to have a comp made that has the following matches:



10/21/92-This is when they were still partners, so the hate isn't quite here yet, but you can still sense it starting to build(especially in the shocking opening spot). A nice, long, well built match with some must see surreal selling by Kawada at the end.


3/27/93-A fun low key match that manages to stay fast and hot without going overboard on the spots.


7/29/93-A much slower, but smarter match than their previous one. Very important to the overall fued.


94 CC-I haven't seen it yet, but I hear it does a good job of leading into 6/3/94.


6/3/94-Enough has been said about this one.


95 CC-Slow start, but one hell of a final run where they flip flop their usual formula to masterfully swerve the crowd.


7/24/95-20 minutes of bombs. It's wild and spot crazy, but they also manage to incoroprate some great transition and selling to keep it from becoming a spot fest.


97 CC-Probably their last real great match.


97 CCF-A total squash, but it's important to see Kawada's first win, even if it is tainted.


5/1/98-Better than the 97 Carnie Finals, but still lacking. Once again, it's important to see Kawada's first clean singles win.


Forget about the rest of their post 97 matches.


The 95 Carnies is also a good tape to get. Alot of great stuff from Taue and Kawada.

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Another good moment is the super hot Triangle Choke spot, that got a bigger pop than any of the head drops. The reason why it worked is that the fans already knew that Misawa was capable of kicking out of the Powerbomb, Stretch Plum, and Backdrop Drivers, but they had no idea if he could escape the Triangle Choke. It's such a tragedy that the rest of the match wasn't that smart.

I just rewatched the match today, and I take that part back. That spot wasn't nowhere near as hot as I remember it, in fact, most of the heat can be credited to the Brainbuster.


It was still a smart spot, but in all their late 90's glory, the fans didn't care.

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