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Guest Deebo

Using Process of Elimination

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Guest Choken One

Let's not concern ourselfs with that...


I'm still expecting HHH to leach off of Kane and have him be #4...


Hell...I say they just stick to the present format...


adding a 4th guy makes ZERO sense to the format of the group

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Guest Shaved Bear
Here is my question


Since Goldberg has creative control why can't he just go "Put Me over Or I walk"?


And I believe Vince can't fire him because Goldberg has that Creative Control clause...


Didn't he learn from Hogan?

because Vince would give Goldberg a pair of sneakers and tell him to be on his way

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Guest jester

Here's my analysis, in order of who I think is most likely to win from least:


Orton: Yes, I believe they could be this stupid. In fact, I could see them doing a repeat of that elimination match where Orton pinned the Dudleys--sell it so that other wrestlers do all the work (which will be the truth, even in the non-kayfabe sense), while Orton runs away. Then Orton sneaks in for the pins when backs are turned. Orton brags about all the legends he killed within one match (actually, guys like Nash are more of a myth than a legend, but roll with it). HHH gets pissed at Orton, turns face. They real trick will be to see how Orton can move around the elimination chamber with the commentators humping his leg.


Goldberg: probably one of the last two to join the match, because he can't work the full match, plus he'll need to play into the finish probably, even if he doesn't win. Also, keeping him out until late builds "anticipation." If he starts early, the WWE probably has given up on him.


HHH: The reasons people say he will lose the belt are that he's had it too long, and he's injured. When have these reasons ever been grounds for yanking HHH off the air, or making him job? He'll start late to disguise the injuries. We might even see a fingerpoke of doom if Orton and HHH are last.


Jericho: The one guy I want to win. But if he is given a win over Nash in hair vs. hair, I can't see him getting two high profiles wins in a row, especially over clique members. He will probably start the match so he can carry Nash and the other Roid Gorillas. Also working against Jericho


HBK: Unlikely to go over, sincer he was the winner of the first elimination chamber. Likely to start the match early to help Jericho with the wrestling portion of the match. Amazing how the guy whose career is supposedly over is the second best worker in the match.


Nash: Possibly the one choice more insane than Orton. The guy makes Hogan look like Rey Mysterio, and I haven;t seen great crowd reactions or good promos. Plus he's been booked to look like Chump #45 against HHH.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

First 2: HBK and Y2J


(Start it off with the two best workers in the match)


Next: Flair


(Mini-Match with Michaels, double team on Michaels)


Next: Nash


(Nash goes straight for Jericho, evens the odds).


Next: Orton


(Orton goes straight for Michaels, Evolution begins to dominate)


Next: HHH


(Evolution continues to dominate, HHH taunts Goldberg)


Final: Goldberg


(I'd suspect that Evolution would tamper with his cage and keep him locked in. Evolution proceeds to eliminate HBK -orton- Nash eliminates Jericho- Goldberg busts out of the cage and eliminates all 3.)


Really, this is the only way it can go.

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Guest Goodear

Flair isn't in the match and I'm pretty much resolved that's a good thing. He's starting to become uncomfortable to watch in that whole Kurt Angle has a broken neck kind of way.

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Guest Shaved Bear

im sure vince mcmahon has a pirhana like team of lawyers, and he could say something like, Goldberg left me in a situation where he was either hurting the company of personal gain, which is in violation of the contract (asuming vince was smart enough to put a similar clause in) and lets face it, writing wise, hes an ass, but business wise...he might not be too smart, but im sure he has lawyers that write them up well...but the idea of Goldberg in court makes me laugh

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Guest Choken One

Yeah good point but think about this...



I'm pretty sure Vince has had his field team DIGGING AND DIGGING for anyone loophole since Backlash bombed...


They would've canned him once they found one...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

*does math*




Flair will end up getting in there anyways...




So take Flair out, put Orton in. Then Nash. Then HHH. Then Goldie.

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Guest Imarkout4chrisdaniels

A couple of things I see happening in this match...........


-Goldberg pinning HHH around the middle of the match


-Spear into one of the glass cells (possibly a missed one)


-Orton getting at least one pin, probably on Michaels


-Jericho winning (after the missed spear by Goldberg?)

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Guest Sakura

Crips is going to retain. The injury isn't that serious. He will be the last in, win the match and then rest up for another month and not defend the title until Unforgiven.

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Guest papacita

I already said this in another thread, but I think the best options for the match would be HBK or Goldberg. If they intend on giving Jericho on a strong run with the belt, they should put it on HBK and allow Chris to CLEANLY beat him to win the belt in the third and deciding match of their feud (I'd rather have Jericho win it in a more meaningful match in order to give his reign and the belt itself a little more prestige). If they're putting the belt on Kane in the future, put the belt on Goldberg.

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Guest CanadianChick

I haven't done this yet, so let me give it a shot:


-Orton: As much as people think that he's getting it around here, I don't see it happening. To me, he's just one of six guys. His role in the match will probably to help out Triple H and fight with HBK alot. He's not getting the push of the century that Brock was getting when he won the title, so I doubt very highly that he will win.


-Nash: Again, he's just one of six guys there. There's nothing to really say about him other than he won't get the title because of his awful feud with HHH last ppv. That was just awful. God awful.


-HBK: Personally, I just think he's there to go bump happy. I don't see HBK winning, but then again, I didn't see HBK winning last time either, though I should have. It's pretty stupid to put the title on someone who doesn't wrestle regularly though.


-Goldberg: Normally, I would say that Goldberg would have one of the best chances of winning. But because of them changing the match from one-on-one to a 6 way Elimination Chamber match, not so much anymore. If the McMahons think that Goldberg's tenure with WWE hasn't been successful, than the chances of Goldberg winning the title have decreased quite dramatically.


-Jericho: Jericho's going to have his work cut out for him to help make this match decent, with the HBK helping him out of course. If Jericho does indeed win the hair vs. hair match, than his possibility of winning increases. If he's booked to look strong, there's no reason why he won't win. Except for...


-Triple H: I personally don't think that this injury is very severe. I don't doubt it's seriousness, but if he can work a match (even if it's not a one-on-one match) he'll probably be as good as new soon. So I don't think Triple H is losing.


In conclusion, Nash has the least chance of winning, followed by Orton, followed by HBK, followed by Goldberg and Jericho (same chances IMO) with HHH having the best chance of winning.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Hmmm, I dunno . . . I'll try to warp my brain into WWE CIGOL . . .


- HHH . . . Have Nash turn heel on HBK or Greenberg at the end and lay down for HHH to end the match.




- Orton . . . With HHH eliminated by Greenberg, it can come down to him, Greenberg, and Nash and we'll replace HHH with the 2nd Ever Third Generation Superstar in the first scenario.


- Goldberg . . . Vince is getting old and his memory is probably slipping. If Billy can show Vince a 5 minute music video of himself destroying WCW jobbers 30 minutes before match time, Vince may forget about that little misunderstanding. What misunderstanding?


- Kevin Nash . . . If he doesn't pass out in the phone booth they'll have him locked in for the first 20 minutes of the match, he might have a chance.


Yeah that's about it . . . oh yeah, The Paragon of Virtue, Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, Man of 1,004 Holds, and Leader of Jericholics Worldwide . . . Chris Jericho will also be supplying entertainment for the Main Event. He's got as good a shot as Ralphus to win this thing.

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