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Guest MideonMark

Eddy increases ratings in Latino areas

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Guest MideonMark

It's often difficult to get a good idea of which wrestlers make a positive impact in the ratings, but there is a trend developing on Smackdown that indicates Eddie Guerrero is such a wrestler.


Three of the four markets with the highest Hispanic viewership of the top ten cities (LA, SF and Dallas – Houston being the exception) have shown bigger than normal ratings over the past few weeks.


By normal standards, it wouldn’t make sense that Guerrero's segments would be the highest rated in the show, as they are not positioned as such, but instead it is attributed to the success of his character in recent weeks.


It will be interesting to see how WWE features Guerrero in the next few weeks on Smackdown to capitalize on his new ratings drawing power. Many times, Vince McMahon will look to push those with strong ratings earning potential.


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest Choken One

And it's ALWAYS Mideon Mark doing this shit...


Look before you post...

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Guest MideonMark

Well Jesus, excuse fucking me. Maybe he actually should have put Eddy's name in the title of the thread, I don't read every thread here ya know.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

I woulda thought ratings news would flick a light switch for ya. Relax, and next time make sure you check out other threads that look most likely to be the same thing at least. I learned the hard way, got my ass flamed, and I deserved it for clogging up the folder.

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Guest The Old Me
Well Jesus, excuse fucking me. Maybe he actually should have put Eddy's name in the title of the thread, I don't read every thread here ya know.

wah wah. :bonk:

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Guest Choken One

Also...Johnson just goes ahead and opens threads with spoilers without giving notice...

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Guest Choken One

well the thread lost it porpose the second it was posted...


Which means It's my fucking duty to post whore it out and make it as far from the intended meaning as possible...


And Johnson bashing is an good old standby.

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Guest MideonMark

Ok now that this thread has now become officially useless, I'll use it to apologise for doing this(I ALWAYS do it according to Choken One, even though in over a year as a member of the boards, this is I think the 2nd time Ive done this). Read the other threads before posting, ok got it, seem logical enough, I guess.


Again sorry, if theres a mod on, feel free to delete this thread.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Who cares.....I saw this thread before the ratings one anyways....since it has Eddy in the title.

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Guest Choken One

If you want MONSTER ratings...


Ya gotta go for Mysterio Vs Guerrero...

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Guest D'Lo White

They need to bring Essa Rios back and turn him back into Papi Chulo.


Hispanic Pimp vs Latino Heat is MONSTER ratings.

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Guest Choken One

Make it

A four way


Put in the Hispanic Kid (Mysterio) and bring in the "Hispanic" outlandish abusive father figure (Konnan)...


And HAMMER it to the crowd with the four common Hispanic Sterotypes..


The other being the Stoner ala Cheech.


That brings in Colon....Or Juvi.

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