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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Pop Culture Round-Up: SAMPLE COLUMN

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

In my ongoing efforts to provide you guys with high-quality writing, mixed with dry wit I'm giving you lucky heathen a sample Pop Culture Column. - Z.






MOVIES: I think we've all past the point where the novelty of a movie where no thought is required intrigues us, and right now we just want the summer movie season to die a horrible death. I mean, when the biggest release of the weekend is a loose remake of a 70's TV Show that was only mildly interesting in the first place; it's time to pack it in.


In addition to SWAT, FREAKY FRIDAY comes out next week. Some question why we need another remake to FREAKY FRIDAY. See, that's the kind of independant, logical, thinking that the folks at Disney DON'T need from you people. God, sometimes I can't believe this is the same company that made THE LION KING and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA.


If you want my advice, (and since you're reading this column, you probobly do) just wait for FREDDY VS. JASON next week. That'll be mindless, but at least it will be entertaining.


OLD-SCHOOL MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: KEY LARGO: Bogart was GAWD. This is just reason #4752. It's a wonderful crime thriller set in (get this) Key largo. Seriously, SEE IT.


TV: Summer is always kinda dead for TV, and this year isn't just dead: it's dead, buried, re-animated by Jeffery Combs, and then impaled by a flaming lance.


The top TV Story this week is the revelation of 24's Season 3 storyline: A biological weapon threatens LA. Hopefully this show can continue to impress this coming fall.


Nip/Tuck is decent enough, though it's too hip for it's own good. Still, the show is in its infancy, and I have confidence that they can create a niche sooner or later. Though this show makes me wonder how much longer till we see LA BREAST AND PENIS from NBC. (That was for you, Barron.)


VIDEO GAMES: NCAA 2004 is fantastic, if you're a fan of ANY kind of American Football pick this up.


I have to say that I'm thoroughly dissapointed in Pirates of the Caribbean for the PC. When will gamemakers learn that rushing development houses to get a game out in time for a movie leads to a shitty movie tie-in?


COMIC BOOKS: CATWOMAN is an enjoyable title right now, as it's managed to get a good writer (Ed Brubaker) who is doing more then just making another "bad grrl" title.


SUPERMAN/BATMAN #1 comes out this week. It's written by Jeph Loeb, and I remember when that used to mean something. The first storyline is Batman and Superman taking down Luthor's presidency. Sorta like batman should've done ON HIS OWN after the "Bruce Wayne: Murderer" plot linked back to him.


Remember, I like you to think I read your feedback. So SEND IT IN. Maybe, just maybe, your nearly coherent praise and adjulations will be showcased in a later column.



Till Next Week, Keep the Faith...



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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Decent enough column. I'm just curious a bit as to why there's no commentary on summer music releases and/or goings on.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Decent enough column. I'm just curious a bit as to why there's no commentary on summer music releases and/or goings on.

Because I forgot. I'm still learning. I wanted to get across the caustic humor first and foremost.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

And indeed the humour is caustic. Are you planning on keeping the same format, or is this a 'fluid' work in progress?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
And indeed the humour is caustic. Are you planning on keeping the same format, or is this a 'fluid' work in progress?

Well, I'll add in music and feedback, but other then that I have the bases covered.

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