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Guest TheBigCalbowski

No Mercy CAW thread

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

As the description says, post and request CAWs for No Mercy in this thread.

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Guest Flyboy

Here's the CAW of my old e-fed character I based my screen names on:


Profile/Music 1

Name: The Flyboy

Short Name: Flyboy

Alias: None

Picture: JEFF

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Music: Hardy Boyz or None (His real theme is "Still Don't Give A Fuck" by Eminem,

but nothing even close to that in the game)

TitanTron: None


Appearance 1

Body: Medium 2(1)

Head: Male 6

Face: Male 29

Hair: Long 1(3)

Front Hair: Front Hair 38(3)

Facial Hair: None

Masks/Etc.: None

Hats/Caps: None

Ring Attire: Pants -- Rock Pants(5,4)

Upper Body: No Sleeve -- Tanktop 1(5)

Tattoo: None

Gloves: None

Wristband: None

Elbow Pads (for both arms): Hardyz 1(5)

Knee Pads: None

Feet: Others -- Athletic 1(5,4)

Entrance Attire: None

Weapons/Props: Water Bottle



(Note: * are what I put for favorites, and I also will be naming the

name of his moves)




-Front Weak Grapple

(A): Chop 02

( <or> +A): Overhand Punch

(^+A): Scoop Slam

(Down+A): Knee Sweep

(B): Hip Throw

( <or> +B): Arm Wrench with Hook Kick

(^+B): Back Body Flip

(Down+B): Jawbreaker


-Front Strong Grapple

(A): Belly to Belly Suplex 02

( <or> +A): Capture Suplex*(The Fly-Plex)

(^+A): Reverse Suplex

(Down+A): Underhook BTB Suplex 02*

(B): Double Arm DDT*

( <or> +B): Hurracanrana Pin*

(^+B): Front Face Pancake

(Down+B): Fireman Carry to Pancake

Front Special: Pedigree*(The Fly-Down)


-Back Weak Grapple

(A): Bulldog

(D-Pad+A): Back Drop

(B): Side Suplex

(D-Pad+B): Spinning Back Drop


-Back Strong Grapple

(A): Rack Pancake*

(D-Pad+A): Neck Drop

(B): Full Nelson Slam*

(D-Pad+B): Half Nelson Suplex* (Must be bought, but if you don't have

the move or don't want to buy it use the German Suplex 04)

Back Special: Full Nelson Driver* (Reverse Fly-Down)



Back Weak Grapple Counter: Counter Backflip

Back Strong Grapple Counter: Counter Russia Leg Sweep




-Weak Striking

Arm Striking (B): Chop 02

Arm Striking (d-pad+B): Hook Punch 03

Leg Striking (B): Spinning Crescent Kick

Leg Striking (d-pad+B): Shin Kick to Leg


-Strong Striking

(B): Jump Spin Back Kick

(d-pad+B): Punch 03

(A+B): X-Pac Kick* (The Fly-Kick)


-Recovering Attack

Ducking Attack: Sweep


-Counter Attack

Counter Punch: Strong Attack A/B

Special Counter Punch: Front Special Grapple

Counter Kick (A): Mandara Hineri

Counter Kick (B): Sidewalk Slam Counter

Special counter Kick: Special Back Grapple


-Walking Moves

Walking Moves: Generic 01




-Running Attack

Weak (C-down)+(B): Shoulder Block

Weak (C-down)+(A+B): Jericho Flying Forearm

Strong (C-down+d-pad)+(B): Triple H Jumping Knee Attack*

Strong (C-down+d-pad)+(A+B): Spear*


-Running Grapple

Front: Hurracanrana

Back: Release German Suplex (Must be bought, but if you don't have the

move or if you don't want to buy it use Face Buster 02)


-Running Ground Attack

Facing Up: Senton Splash 02

Facing Down: Elbow Drop 01

Sitting Up: Stomp

Sitting Down: Stomp



Evasion: Cartwheel




-Upper Body Submission

Facing Up: Clutching Punch

Facing Down: Sitting Reverse Armbar

Sitting Up: Ne-han

Sitting Down: Camel Clutch

Facing Up (Special): Ultimate Punching* (Must be bought, but if you

don't have the move or if you don't want to buy it use None)

Facing Down (Special): Crippler Crossface


-Lower Body Submission

Facing Up: Groin Knee Drop

Facing Down: Release German Suplex*

Facing Up (Special): Walls of Jericho* (Walls of Flyness)

Facing Down (Special): None


-Ground Attack

Facing up: Backflip Splash

Facing Down: Flip Splash

Sitting Up: Jumping Front Dropkick

Sitting Down: Soccer Kick 02




-Turnbuckle Attack

(B): X-Pac Kick

(d-pad+B): Spinning Back Kick 02

Running (C-down)+(B): Jumping Body Splash

Running (C-down)+(A+B): Jericho Flying Forearm


-Corner Counter

Irish Whip to Corner Counter: Sling Over Opponent


-Tree of Woe Attack

(B): X-Pac Kick

(d-pad+B): Fast Spinning Wheel Kick

Running: Triple H Jumping Knee Attack


-Front Turnbuckle Grapple

Weak (A): Flury

Weak (B): High Kick

Strong (A): Frankensteiner

Strong (B): Superplex

Special: Flipping Slam* (Flipping Fly-Down)


-Back Turnbuckle Grapple

Weak (A): Forearm Smash

Weak (B): Forearm Smash

Strong (A): Super Backdrop

Strong (B): Super Backdrop

Special: Reverse Frankensteiner


-Counter Grapple

Front: Rack Em Up

Back: Super Backdrop


-Flying Attack

Standing opponent: Flip Attack 02

Standing opponent to outside: Kane Diving Lariat

Standing opponent Special: Twisting Body Attack

Laying Opponent: 450 Splash

Laying Opponent to outside: Swanton Bomb (The Fly Splash)

Laying Opponent Special: Swanton Bomb* (The Fly Splash)


-Turnbuckle to Inside Attack

Turnbuckle to Inside Attack: Diving Elbow


-Turnbuckle Taunt

Corner Taunt: Hardyz

Turnbuckle Taunt: Taunt 005




-Grapple to Apron

Weak: Club to Chest

Strong: Suplex to Inside

Special: None

Counter from Apron: Suplex Reversal to Inside


-Rope Inside Attack:

Rope Inside Attack: Moonsault from 2nd Rope


-Flying Attack to Outside

Flying Attack: 3rd Rope Side Body Press

Running Diving Attack (A): Corkscrew Attack

Running Diving Attack (d-pad+A): Tumbling Side Flip 02


-Running Diving Taunt

Running Diving Taunt: Flip Over Fake


-Rebound Flying Attack

Rebound Flying Attack: Springboard Lionsault




-Apron Attack

Kick to Inside: Middle Kick

Kick to Outside: Strong Kick


-Grapple From Apron:

Weak: Guillotine

Strong: Suplex to Outside

Special: Tiger Driver to Outside

Counter to Apron: Suplex Reverse


-Flying Attack from Apron

Flying Attack: Asia Moonsault

Running Flying Attack: Diving Elbow


-Flying Attack to Ring

Standing Opponent: Missle Dropkick

Laying Opponent: Slingshot Body Splash

Standing Opponent Special: Spinning Wheel Kick


-Apron Taunt

Apron Taunt: Jeff


Irish Whip


-Irish Whip Attack

Irish Whip Attack: X-Pac Kick


-Irish Whip Grapple

Weak (Tap A): Tilt A Whirl Driver

Weak (Hold A): Underhook Belly to Belly Suplex

Strong (Tap A): Samoan Drop 02

Strong (Hold A): Belly to Belly Suplex

Special: Front Special




1: Taunt 179

2: Austin 01

3: Benoit


-Special Taunt

Special Taunt: Taunt 015


-Ducking Taunt

Ducking Taunt: Scotty


-Celebration Taunt

Celebration Taunt: Austin 01


-Entry Way Taunt

Entry Way Taunt: Triple H


Double Team


-Double Team Grapple

Front: Double Powerbomb Drop

Back: Double Facecrusher

Sandwich: Double Piledriver

Irish Whip: Dudley Death Drop(3D)


-Double Team Attack

Double Team Attack: Doomsday Device

Attack to outside: Doomsday Device

Attack to Ring: Missle Dropkick



Counter Attack: Roll Up Pinning Reversal


Fighting Style

Stance: Martial Arts

Ring Entry: Flip Over

Counters/Reversals: Light-Heavy

Speed: Fast

Submission Skills: Normal

Irish Whip Evasion: Yes

Recovery Rate: Fast

Bleeding: Often

Reaction to Blood: None

Endurance: Strong

Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump

Jumping Distance: Longest

Specific Weapon: Random



-Offensive Strength

Head: 4

Body: 4

Arms: 2

Legs: 3

Flying: 4


-Defensive Strength

Head: 3

Body: 3

Arms: 2

Legs: 3

Flying: 2



Rival 1: None (or Triple H)

Rival 2: None

Rival 3: None

Accompanied by: None

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