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Guest MideonMark

Recap of Foley on 'Get in the Ring'

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Guest MideonMark

The long awaited transcript of the Get in the Ring in-studio appearance with Mick Foley has arrived. Since Mick has been on every media outlet under the sun lately GIR wanted to do something special for Mick so the boys prepared a special show entitled "Mick Foley, this is your life . . . sort of" featuring two surprise guests.


Get in the Ring Radio airs live Sundays at 7 p.m. EST on WLIE 540 AM in NY/NJ and live over the internet at www.wlie.com. The shows are archived at www.getinthering.tv (Pardon our appearance while the new and improved GIR website launches in about 2 weeks- Stay tuned!!)


Before Mick arrives, Phantom scolds Sir Adam on the air for failing to get Mick a nice selection of food for his visit to the studio. Sir Adam defends himself by saying they were the best donuts 7-11 had. Mick arrives soon after with his children Dewey and Noelle and confronts Phantom on a statement that he heard while driving in that Mick doesn't look like he's been dieting lately.


Phantom asks Mick about the scene in Beyond the Mat where Mick's kids appear. Mick feels bad that his kids are best known for crying while their dad gets pummeled.


Mick talks about his love for Katie Couric, something which the kids do not approve of. Phantom says that Mick turned him on to her and agrees she is hot. Mick explains that the kids don't like her as they think she takes away from mommy. Mick tells a story about how his wife bought an item which cost more than he wanted to her spend and required "cold storage". Dewey thought she was hiding it so Dad wouldn't give to Katie Couric.


Sir Adam asks Mick if he is afraid that his kids will turn into the Osbourne kids if he keeps bringing them to media appearances. Mick says his kids already have more charisma than Jack and throws a few digs at Jack. He doesn't understand how Jack became a household name.


The talk turns to the surprises on the show and Mick says he hopes that they aren't people he hates or guys from the 80's looking to reenergize their career by fighting with him. The talk then turns to Col. Parker (as it always seems to do) at which time the boys discuss their love for the Col. and their obsession with the Tennessee Lee character. Mick feels that promoters missed the boat with by not letting Robert Fuller just be himself. In fact, he believes Fuller is one of the greatest characters in wrestling and does a cameo as himself in Mick's latest book, Tietam Brown. After Sir A butchers the name numerous times, Mick gives the correct pronunciation- tee-tam brown. This is the best thing GIR has done since getting Larry Zybszko to spell his name. Mick says that as he told Coach, had he known the name would cause such problems, he would have named it Bob Brown.


Mystery guest No. 1 introduces himself with the words "Lovely Brudda". Mick seemed pleased asking "this isn't Superfly, is it"? Sir A swears it is the real deal and Mick explains it is hard to tell because almost everyone in the business does a Snuka impression.

Mick says to Snuka what an influence he was on him and suggests a Foley/Snuka tag team. Jimmy Snuka indicates that he would love to team with Foley. Snuka feels that Vince needs to wake up and fell asleep lately. The talk turns to Mick's inspiration from the Snuka-Muraco cage match in MSG. After Snuka dove off the cage, Mick knew this is what he was meant to do. Snuka says he was the biggest mark there was when he was a kid. He loved everyone he watched and said to make it in the business you gotta be cuckoo, honest and love wrestling. He says that Foley is a good missionary of the sport.


Sir A swears on his unborn baby that was really Jimmy. Mick says he did a Godfather impression the other day and realized it came out like Snuka. Sir A says that everyone thinks they can imitate Snuka and Savage. Mick, as only he can do, plugs his August 14th book reading/signing at Barnes & Noble in Huntington, NY. He tries to talk about what inspired him to write the sections he reads and believes this makes it more fun than the old book signings. Sir A asks him if the characters were influenced by wrestlers, citing the Brock character in the book, and states that it is fun a wrestling fan to pick up on little things like that. Foley confirms his suspicions indicating that when he wrote about Clem Baskin, he saw Brock Lesnar's face. He told Brock Lesnar that he inspired a character in the book and Brock was happy until he found out the guy was a jerk.


Phantom says he was disturbed by portions of the book even though he loved it. Mick agrees that many critics have found it disturbing. Phantom describes it as Mick lulling the reader in and then hitting them over the head and says it leaves you always wondering what happens next. Mick says Andy, the main character, is a likable babyface so there is a vested interest for the reader. He describes the relationship between Andy and his father as a mid card comedy deal where there is almost a babyface turn and then a complete heel turn. Phantom compares this to HHH of a few years ago to which Mick agrees he can see the comparison.


The talk turns to the days Mick shared a room with Steve Austin and DDP. There was no way he could have seen all this coming because there was no way of knowing wrestling would get so huge. He believes Austin had more to do with this then he did and that he would not have been the guy to be the catalyst or he would have main evented 28 times and not 5 memorable times.


Foley was surprised the show had listeners in NJ. He thought there were only 87 listeners to which Phantom explains there are about 84 but they are well spread out. This leads Mick to plug www.mickfoley.com and says you can go there and read excerpts from the book.


Mystery Guest number 2 calls in and says Hi Dewey and Noelle. Mick is baffled until the next clue when Al Snow says "Hey Mick this Al". Phantom remarks what a good hint that was. Sir A thought it was Al Franken. The kids say hi to Uncle Al. Mick tells Al he gave a plug to Al on Confidential when he was asked whether it was more painful to be thrown off the Hell in the Cell or to watch Snow 's Hell in the Cell match against Big Bossman. Mick says he held off teasing Snow for a long time and only would do it in the car. Snow begged him at the time not to say it front of the Undertaker. Mick tells Al that Snuka was on but he wasn't sure if it was him. Al says if he was speaking coherently then it was not Snuka.


Mick met Al at the Eddie Gilbert memorial luncheon and then again in ECW. They hit the road together in the WWF and became closer than brothers. Snow says Mick's just obsessed with him. He will get some payback in a new Al Snow comic waiting to be printed. AL says that he and Test do not commiserate together about the abuse because Test doesn't take the abuse Al does. Mick and Al talk about the Mean Street Posse and how they were surprised they left the business as they went to Puerto Rico to learn the business and pay their dues. Pete gas even gave up a 6 figure salary on Wall Street at the time.


Al says Tough Enough is still up in the air. Foley says the WWE missed the boat with Al because on the heels of T.E. Al should have been made a big player.


A caller asks Dewey if he wants to follow in his dad's footsteps as a wrestler or author, to which Dewey responds no. Phantom in Mick-like fashion says then he can't do bookreadings/signings like the one on August 14th in Huntington. Mick is interested in doing a camp for kids with Muscular Dystrophy in the future where he could referee a match and sign autographs.


Finally, everyone discusses the Bob Holly/Tough Enough controversy. Al wasn't happy with it and feels Bob got out of hand. He feels it was unnecessary and irresponsible and an attempt by Bob to get over on the show. Al says it is tough to explain if you're not in the business but he would have done Matt a disservice if he stepped in. Mick never thought that was a part of the business. He learned respect without getting the crap beat out of him. Foley was treated roughly when he broke in but he never took liberties with anyone and thought Bob was trying to live up to the cranky label he was given in Foley's 2nd book. Al said that Bob misused Matt's trust and Matt earned respect for how he handled it. See Al Snow defend the JAPW title in Rahway, NJ on Sept. 27 against Raven.


This interview was sponsored by www.turningtables.com. Check them out and tell them GIR sent you.

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