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Last time a turn really suprised you

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Is not seeing a turn coming a good thing?


Eddy's "turn" *chuckle* surprised me, but generally a turn should be built up to make sense and not be too much of a surprise.


For example, the Russo swerve turns were surprising until they got to be so often when some one turned you were thinking "Wow, I'm surprised--I expected him to turn last week!"

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I agree with the others in here about the Gail Kim turn... and the Triple H turn on Shawn after "reforming" DX as well.

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Gail Kim turning on Trish...but that's only because I was away from the internet for a few weeks.

Even if you weren't it would have surprised you because there was no talk on the net about her turning at all. Atleast none that I saw.

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gail kim's turn was blatantly obvious. she lost two matches due to trish stratus's interferrence. and then when trish was being helped up. gail kim blew it herself by cocking her fist at trish before she helped her up.

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Gail Kim turning on Trish...but that's only because I was away from the internet for a few weeks.

Even if you weren't it would have surprised you because there was no talk on the net about her turning at all. Atleast none that I saw.

See the second post. Christ..

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Of course, Hogan's infamous heel turn in 96.


The Austin / Hart WM switch.


The 2nd episode of SD when it was the Rock Vs. HHH for the WWE Championship. HBK was the special guest referee. Rocky had the match won so he went for the People's Elbow, and as he was about to close in for the win, HBK SWEET CHIN MUSICED the Rock and cost him the match. I didn't see that coming.


Austin's heel turn at WM 17, but you knew he was going to win the match somehow.


In 2001 we were cheering Angle, and booing Austin because they were the face and heel respectively...then the night after Survivor Series all of a sudder Austin goes face and Angle heel? It made no sense, then Vince the guy we've been cheering to win goes heel after he was already a heel before the Invasion started?


And Brock becoming a babyface. I fucking hated it.

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Guest Fook




The ECW reformation was really the last turn I cared about that caught me by surprise.

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Guest Ray

Undertaker.....JR.....Vince's ass



Fooled the hell out of me. Never saw it coming.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Foley coming back as Dude Love and attacking Austin on the Raw where Vince challenged to a match for the first time. Damn, I was on the edge of my seat for that one.

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The last time I was truly shocked though was HHH turning on Shawn on RAW after reforming DX.


Bingo. I assumed that HBK would never step into the ring again at that time.


Before that, though, it was definitely the Radicalz turning against Mick Foley.

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Gail Kim turning on Trish...but that's only because I was away from the internet for a few weeks.

I would agree, but she fucked up by telegraphing it 30 seconds before actually decking Trish, so that doesn't count. Even the densest mark probably picked up on it before the clothesline the way she helped Trish up.

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Guest CaseyJones

Shit, I forgot about the ECW reformation.


The whole Alliance thing that happened afterwords must have numbed out that part of my memory, because it was so fucking shitty.


So I take back my previous comment. The last time I was truly shocked by a turn was the ECW reformation.

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Guest gregb7677

yeah I gotta chime In for the ECW formation as well. it was just the way the lined up and then literally TURNED that was cool. the rest was a mess that I'd just like to figet ever happened.

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Guest ManKinnd

Before I was on the net, Armageddon 99 with Steph turning shocked the hell out of me. I was a sad mark back then, so it might not count, but meh.

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Booker's face turn...


From a mark's standpoint, I wasn't so much surprised *that* it happened, I was surprised *how* it happened, because I surely thought it would happen with Booker beating the everloving shit out of X-Pac.


But from a smark's standpoint, I could definitely expect it happening the way it did with the Clique being involved.


Other than that though, it would probably have to be Austin at WMX7.

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Guest Korgath

An Austin turn isn't as unexpected as an Austin/McMahon alliance. That was the ultimate unexpected shit.

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I'm gonna have to go with Rhyno's heel turn...i knew there was some talk about it, but i thought they axed the turn and was pretty damn shocked when he gored Benoit.

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Vinces turn at WM 16 shocked the living shit out of me. It was the first PPV that I watched at home and I was dumbfounded.

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Austin at X-7 shocked me, but not in a "Holy Shit!" sorta way. More like a "You've GOT to be kidding me!". They had been leading up to the match with Austin saying he'd do "anything" to get the title back, so I kinda thought it might happen. I just didn't think they'd be insane enough to do it in Houston of all places. There was no way they could've pulled that heel turn off in Houston unless Satan himself came out of the fiery depths of Hell and helped Austin pin Rock.


I'd have to go with both the Radicalz and ECW. Also, even though it was a debut, not a turn, Spike Dudley running out of the back got a "What the hell?" out of me, given Vince's fetish for monsters.

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I'm going to go old school here. The British Bulldog turn back in '95 on Diesel during a tag match on RAW shocked the living hell out of me. At the time I was getting the Observer, etc. so I was smartened up to most things. Still, I remember coming home, watching the tape, and just sitting their in awe that Davey Boy Smith of all people had turned heel.

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I'm going to go old school here. The British Bulldog turn back in '95 on Diesel during a tag match on RAW shocked the living hell out of me. At the time I was getting the Observer, etc. so I was smartened up to most things. Still, I remember coming home, watching the tape, and just sitting their in awe that Davey Boy Smith of all people had turned heel.

That was a good turn, yes.


What was funny about it though was that Superstars, Bulldog, with his new haircut, gave an interview...and they promoted Luger having one in reply a few weeks later.


...of course, the Nitro before that Superstars, Luger appeared. Thus no reply from Flexy Lexy.

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I'm going to go old school here. The British Bulldog turn back in '95 on Diesel during a tag match on RAW shocked the living hell out of me. At the time I was getting the Observer, etc. so I was smartened up to most things. Still, I remember coming home, watching the tape, and just sitting their in awe that Davey Boy Smith of all people had turned heel.

Imagine being Davey's #1 fan and finding out that he was a bad guy.


Talk about shocking...

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