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The Raw Review 8/10 - 8/16

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August 16, 1993

The 1-2-3 Kid def. Ted DiBiase by DQ

The Headshrinkers def. Mike Khoury & Dave Moraldo

Marty Jannetty def. Bastion Booger

Men on a Mission def. Iron Mike Sharpe & Barry Horowitz

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Rich Myers


August 15, 1994

The 1-2-3 Kid def. Owen Hart by DQ

Duke Droese def. Nick Barberie

Kwang def. Tony Roy

Mabel def. Raymond Roy

Jeff Jarrett def. Scott Taylor


August 14, 1995

Waylon Mercy def. Doink

The Smoking Gunns def. Bill Garrett & Cody Wayne

Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Jeff Hardy

Henry O. Godwinn def. Russ Greenberg

Shawn Michaels def. Jerry Lawler by DQ


August 12, 1996

Faarooq Asad def. Skip

Kona Crush def. Savio Vega

The Godwinns def. T.L. Hopper & Who

Shawn Michaels def. Owen Hart


August 11, 1997

The Legion of Doom def. The Godwinns in a Country Whippin’ Match

Scott Putski def. Tony Williams

Flash Funk def. Brian Pillman

The Patriot & Ken Shamrock def. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith

Faarooq def. Chainz

Shawn Michaels def. Mankind


August 10, 1998

Luna def. Jacqueline

Darren Drozdov def. Savio Vega in a Brawl for All Match

Bradshaw def. Marc Mero in a Brawl for All Match

Mankind & Kane def. The New Age Outlaws, The Rock & D-Lo Brown, and Steve Austin & The Underatker (pinned) in a four corners match to win the Tag Team Titles


August 16, 1999

Road Dogg def. Al Snow

Chyna def. Triple H

Test def. Steve Blackman by DQ

Kane & X-Pac def. The Acolytes; Tag Title Match

Mankind def. Chyna

Mankind NC Triple H; double pin


August 14, 2000

T&A def. Eddie Guerrero & Steve Blackman

Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather def. The Hardy Boyz & Lita in a handicap match

The Undertaker def. Chris Benoit by DQ

Tazz def. Crash

Road Dogg & X-Pac def. Rikishi in a handicap match

Chris Jericho def. Val Venis by DQ; IC Title Match

The Rock & The Dudley Boyz def. Triple H, Kurt Angle, & Shane McMahon by DQ


August 13, 2001

Tajiri def. Albert

Lance Storm & Justin Credible def. Edge & Christian

The Undertaker & Kane def. Chuck Palumbo & Sean O’Haire in a Steel Cage Match for the WCW Tag Titles

Test def. Spike Dudley

Hardcore Crap Segment: Jeff Hardy won the HC Title after pinning Rob Van Dam during his match with Kurt Angle

Booker T & Rhyno def. The Rock & Chris Jericho


August 12, 2002

Christopher Nowinski & Molly Holly def. Spike Dudley & Trish Stratus

Booker T def. Lance Storm

Chris Jericho & The Big Show def. Ric Flair & Bubba Ray Dudley

Tommy Dreamer def. Steven Richards; HC Title Match

Rob Van Dam def. Jeff Hardy

Triple H & The Un-Americans def. The Rock, The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust

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Mankind & Kane def. The New Age Outlaws, The Rock & D-Lo Brown, and Steve Austin & The Undertaker (pinned) in a four corners match to win the Tag Team Titles


I distinctly remember this tag match being VERY good, with the crowd at a "fever pitch".


Triple H & The Un-Americans def. The Rock, The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust


This one too. ;)

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Mankind & Kane def. The New Age Outlaws, The Rock & D-Lo Brown, and Steve Austin & The Undertaker (pinned) in a four corners match to win the Tag Team Titles


I distinctly remember this tag match being VERY good, with the crowd at a "fever pitch".


Triple H & The Un-Americans def. The Rock, The Undertaker, Booker T, & Goldust


This one too. ;)

CRZ recaps (slashwrestling.com):


STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN & THE UNDERTAKER v. MANKIND & KANE v. NEW AGE OUTLAWS v. THE ROCK & D'LO BROWN in a Four Corners match for the WWF Tag Team Championship - Austin and Mankind start off. A little back and forth and Mankind leaves the ring after foiling a Stunner attempt. The Rock comes in, eats a punch and leaves. Mankind tries to suplex Austin to the floor, but Austin counters and takes Mankind's throat to the top rope. Austin suplex Mankind in. Mankind manages to suplex D'Lo. A fan ALMOST makes it into the ring and he's quickly moved out of camera range. D'Lo falls to a Thesz press, punches in bunches, and an elbow drop. Now Austin tags Kane, who continues to beat down D-Lo. Kane tags Billy, and D'Lo finally comes back with an elbow. Cross body for 1. Punch, head waggle. D'Lo puts his head down and Gunn hits the Rocker dropper. Gunn drops him on his face for 2. Tag to the Road Dog who hits the funky knee drop. Cover - 1, 2, 3. Whoops, D'Lo forgot to lift the shoulder but referee "Blind" Earl Hebner pulled up on the third count anyway. Ah well. We all know that Jesse James is the designated face in peril, so D'Lo rakes the eyes and tags in Mankind. Mankind with punches and boots to the face. The Dog manages a back body drop, but Mankind tags in the Rock. Kick to the head. Mankind is still in the Rock's corner and D'Lo is really confused about him being there. Mankind finally makes it back to his own corner and D'Lo is tagged in. Great suplex by D'Lo. Whip into the ropes, duck, James manages a kick to the face and a tag to Billy Gunn. Half hour suplex is impressive. 1, 2, Undertaker pulls Gunn off D'Lo. D'Lo manages a few punches to take control. Whip into the ropes, elbow. D'Lo tags Austin. Austin is punching and wrenching the arm. Tag to Undertaker, crowd goes nuts. Undertaker with punch after punch until Gunn is outside the ring. Austin drops him on the barricade. Undertaker with a kick to Mankind for good measure, and Mankind tries to fight back. Undertaker and the Bad Ass are back in the ring. Whip into the corner. Undertaker with a punch. Gunn turns around and tags Austin. Austin and Undertaker are in with a staredown. Meanwhile Gunn and Mankind are brawling on the outside. Now Austin and the Undertaker decide to just beat up the Outlaws. Austin tags the Road Dog. Undertaker does that tightrope thing. Double palm thrust. Tag to D'Lo, who continues hitting James in the head. Bodyslam, legdrop, near fall. Tag to the Rock. Crowd anticipates the People's Elbow and starts to shout. Side Russian legsweep for 2. The Rock takes the Dog to D'Lo's corner and hits his face with D'Lo's boot. Tag to D'Lo, headlock is applied. Hey, every heavyweight champion in the WWF is in this match, what does that tell us. James gets out and punches Brown. 'Lodown! 1, 2, Gunn makes the save. The Rock is in and NOW it's time for the People's Elbow - crowd goes nuts for that. 1, 2, and *Austin* makes the save. Tag to Mankind - geez, that's not smart to let another team get a chance for the pin. Another submission hold. We're in overtime now - it's past 11. Mankind with a few choice words for Austin and Mankind. Ross says we haven't seen Kane in this match yet, which is a lie. Oh well. Whip into the ropes - the Dog manages a side Russian leg sweep (popular move tonight). Mankind waffles Gunn to make sure James can't make the tag, so Mankind lunges for the Undertaker, and makes the tag! Now EVERYBODY'S in the ring, Katie bar the door, pier six brawl, etc. The ring clears out slowly. Undertaker chokeslams D'Lo, tosses Gunn over the top rope - Kane's got Undertaker! Chokeslam! 1, 2, 3! Ladies and gentlemen, we have new tag team champions. (14:30) That chokeslam wouldn't usually seem like enough to put the Undertaker down, but maybe he WANTED his brother to win the tag team titles? Austin has a funny look for his tag team partner. There's a staredown here - now Austin walks away. Undertaker's eyes don't leave him. We quit at 11:05.



TRIPLE H (Greenwich, Connecticut - 273 pounds - with Foot Locker's House of Hoops presents SummerSlam in thirteen days!) and THE UN-AMERICANS (Canada - 736 pounds) v. BOOKER T (Houston, Texas - 256 pounds) and GOLDUST (Hollywood, California - 250 pounds) and THE AWESOME UNDERTAKER (Houston, Texas - 305 pounds) and THE ROCK (Undisputed champion - Miami, Florida - 275 pounds)

referee: EARL HEBNER

We were too soon to celebrate - H gets his full entrance (complete with whale blowhole spot) THIS time around. T thinks about cueing the wall of flame but remembers at the last second he already used it tonight and stops himself. Hahaha, FLAMES cost MONEY folks. Entrances manage to eat up about five minutes. HEY! REMEMBER WHEN Lance Storm beat The Rock? NEITHER DO THE WRITERS! HEY! REMEMBER WHEN Booker T. and Test teamed up to win the tag team championship? NEITHER DO THE WRITERS! HEY! REMEMBER *just last week* WHEN Triple H and the Un-Americans had that friction? NEITHER DO...well, you get the picture. Continuity is a BITCH. We got Goldust on one side...and it looks like we'll get Christian on the other. Ross uncomfortably wedges in a mention that more teenage boys watch RAW than any other program on cable television - well, sure, you don't expect them to be watching "Rugrats," and Anna Nicole ain't exactly as pud-pullin'-worthy as she used to be (no offense meant to our more zaftig audience, naturally). 'dust ducks, right, right, right, into the ropes, reversed, head down, 'dust drops down and uppercuts, almost completely missing an early fading Christian in the process. Switch in the corner - Christian right, right, right, right, switched back, Goldust right, right, right, Christian runs into the BUTT BUTT for 2! That would have been funny if it's ended right there without us seeing any of the other six men in action, wouldn't it? (In theory, yes, but not in practice. Russo will probably book that some week and prove us right, you'll see) Knee by Christian, forearm in the back, tag to Storm - who runs into an armdrag. Tag to Booker T - open forearm to the back. Elbow, chop, elbow, chop, elbow, chop, forearm in the back, stomp, stomp, stomp. These two work twice tonight - they sure seem to double-book a lot these days on BOTH shows, don't they? - Right hand. Into the ropes, reversed, reversed back and T hits the back kick. T consults his hand - superkick! 1, 2, no. Tag to the Rock (HEY! Remember when these two HATED each other? et cetera) - Rock right, right, right, right, whip is reversed, head down, kick by the Rock, Storm runs at him and gets put on the outside. Rock turns to H and gives him the international sign of "just bring it" and H starts to go through the ropes...until Storm manages to take out Rock from behind. Stomp, stomp, stomp stomp stomp, standing on the neck until Hebner pulls him off. Right hand. Right, right, right, into the ropes, reversed, gutshot by Rock, DDT, nips up immediately and pops Test, brings in H the hard way...but before he can follow up, Christian scoots in and blindsides Rock with a clothesline. Storm tags H as soon as he's back on the apron - right for Rock - kick, kick, kick, kick, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right - oh boy! That was thirteen, folks. Hebner pulls off H, and Rock takes advantage with a (yes) right, right, right, into the ropes is reversed, Rock shoved into the ropes, Rock ducks but Test is waiting with a...well, I don't know - neither did Triple H because he was expecting to hit his high knee there but Rock had already gone down ahead of time. Oh man, I bet Test gets punished later! Anyway, Christian gets the tag and H holds him for the open kick. Right hand. Into the ropes, reversed, belly-to-belly overhead throw by Rock. Tag to T! Christian rakes the face, forearm to the back, right, kick, right, right, right, throttle...Storm adds the choke after Hebner pulls him off and they argue. Taker wants in, so Hebner runs over to stop HIM. Storm and Christian doubleteam on T behind his back. Tag to Storm. Christian with one more kick. Right by Storm, right, right, right, right, right - or maybe they're all elbows, oh well - "USA" chant is up, so T reverses the whip and spins into the roundhouse kick. Stomp. Into the ropes, reversed, cheap shot by Christian - T turns round and shoves him to the floor, but turns back and eats a superkick from Storm (which means, according to GOOD OL' JR, that "he idolised Shawn Michaels" - oof). Storm tags out to Test. Test with a right. In the corner, head to the buckle, back elbow, back elbow, back elbow, back elbow, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, argues with Hebner (HEY! REMEMBER WHEN Test had immunity? I'm getting SICK), back to T, whip into the opposite corner and follow clothesline. T crumples in a heap. Test hooks the leg and Goldust is immediately in to break it up. Tag to Triple H. T held open for the right hand to the jaw. T tries to fire back, but H gives him a knee, snapmare, throttle - man, the crowd isn't booing or ANYTHING here - Triple H is trying hard but getting no reaction. Big suplex on T - floats into the cover - 1, 2, Taker pulls him off. Tag to Christian while Taker is put out. Interesting that T is running the marathon in this match given that he's already worked a match earlier, isn't it? Open kick by Christian, big snapmare...to the headlock. Taker paces on the apron and the crowd starts to get loud for T's comeback. T back to his feet - elbow - elbow - breaks it up - right - off the ropes - but Christian hits a SWEET dropkick. Tag to Test - held for the stomp. Stomp, stomp, and now TEST applies the same headlock. Rock and Taker take turns pacing from their respective aprons. Taker wins out - crowd chants "we want Taker." T elbow, elbow, out, chop, off the ropes...into a tilt-a-whirl sidewalk slam - 1, 2, Rock and Taker both in to break it up (and I think T kicked out too - poor Test). Tag to H - right hand by H. VERY noticable "We want Taker" chant as H puts T into the sleeper. T down to a knee. Hebner in to check - arm falls once - arm falls NO not even twice - elbow by T, elbow, elbow breaks it up, right, into the ropes, head down, facebuster by H. H off the ropes - T with the Harlem sidekick! Two men down, six arms reach for a tag - H tags Test - T tags Taker!! Is this really the first we've seen of him? Man, I hope he doesn't tear his quad! Block, soupbone, soupbone, soupbone, into the ropes, big boot! Soupbone for Storm, back elbow for Christian on the apron, and H isn't immune from also getting a soupbone. Storm put in the corner, back elbow, running to the other corner for Test, clothesline for Storm, splash for Test, choke for Storm - Christian off the top and Taker puts HIM in a choke - but he's out of hands and H takes him out with a forearm in the back of the head. Well, it's all broken down now - we got us a Pier Eight brawl and the ring clears rather rapidly as Christian and Goldust go out, Rock clotheslines Storm out and goes after him, T is still out in his corner so Test and Triple H (HEY! REMEMBER WHEN Test and Triple H....fuck) doubleteam Taker - into the ropes, Taker ducks, Taker with a double clothesline! Test staggers into the goozle...but H uppernuts him and saves Test (Hebner's back is turned, natch). Test with a gutshot - going for the Meltdown - but T is back up and gives Test the Harlem sidekick! H clotheslines T out - but Taker is up behind him - scooped up - H escapes - gutshot by H - *Rock* back in with a right to prevent the Pedigree - Rock right, right, right, right, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT and H is up, over and out - Test in but Rock DUCKS the Wotsitolla Boot - Test runs into ROCK BOTTOM!! Crowd is NUTS - 1, 2, H pulls Rock out! Probably just as well, he wasn't the legal man and all...Storm has snuck in but Taker is in time - catches the superkick - spins him around - chokeslam! Christiain in with the belt - Taker gives HIM a gutshot - Last Ride coming up - but as he raises Christian over his head, Test has a free shot at Taker's face and takes it - WOTSITOLLA BOOT - Test IS the legal man - Taker IS the legal man - this cover IS legal - and nobody's gonna stop it! 1, 2, 3 - Test pins Taker! (11:40) Just enough time for the Un-Americans to pose on the ramp (well, Storm seems really out of it but let's pretend) - RAW Zone credits are up and we're out!

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