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Guest Anglesault

King of the ring tournament

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Guest Some Guy

Ken Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn


Kurt Angle vs. Mabel


Owen Hart vs. Edge


Bret Hart vs. HHH vs. Steve Austin

Austin, tough choice, shouldn't you have stuck Billy, Mabel, and Edge in the 3 way?

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Guest Anglesault
shouldn't you have stuck Billy, Mabel, and Edge in the 3 way?

that..didn't fit in my plans.

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Guest Some Guy

You're match ups:

Ken Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn

Kurt Angle vs. Mabel

Owen Hart vs. Edge

Bret Hart vs. HHH vs. Steve Austin


Why would you put Bret vs. Austin vs. HHH and Angle vs. Mabel?  Possibly to ensure Angle's advancement and HHH's elimination?  I know you're not above rigging a thread like this, you did it in the Euro title thread after I wrote for the Shane vs. Test match up "who cares" and you said it counted for Shane in the next post.  I don't relly care that much but don't act inocent when it is pretty clear what you've done.  If you can post clear reasons as to why you chose the match ups that way then I will apologize an cahnge my opinion on this.

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Guest Anglesault

I always blow the big match early (HHH vs. Austin vs. hart)


That's just the way everything else worked out.

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Guest Some Guy

Sorry, I just noticed the post.  I appologize for ever doubting your sincerity in doing an honest tourney.  My bad.

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Guest Some Guy

I would have done this:


Angle vs. Shamrock

Owen vs. Bret

Edge vs. Billy Gunn (to see if Edge "Billy Gunned" his reign)

Austin vs. HHH vs. Mabel


I think mine would have been more intriguing.

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Guest Anglesault

I mean, no one wants to see Angle vs. either Hart in the second round...

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Guest nWoScorpion

Heres the better version

NO Mabel


Bret Vs. Edge


Owen Vs. Gunn


Austin Vs. Angle


HHH Vs. Shamrock


Clearly makes the top 4 win auto.

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Guest Some Guy

Why? Because he might lose?  I think if we're talking fantasy matches everyone would love to see Angle wrestle both of them in any round.  

Mine most likely leads to:

Bret vs. Angle

Austin vs. Edge

Which would lead most likely to:

Bret vs Austin in the finals


which is pretty good IMO

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Guest Anglesault
Why? Because he might lose?


Of course not. It's just a final match.


Look, if I were rigging this for Angle, he would have a cleared path.

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Guest nWoScorpion

being in the bracket with mabel, gunn & shamrock isnt a clear path?

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Ken Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn = Billy Gunn


Kurt Angle vs. Mabel = Angle


Owen Hart vs. Edge  = Owen


Bret Hart vs. HHH vs. Steve Austin = Bret

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