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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

The Fountain (currently just a script) is a dramatic sci-fi film about death and the things that bind us all together. Act I apparently opens in the 1500's as an adventurer named Tomas Verde is questing to find a mysterious relic in the Mayan jungle (not the Fountain of Youth as some have theorized, but supposedly something more ancient and basic). As soon as this story is laid out, the picture fast forwards 1000 years to the year 2500, where another Tom Verde is carrying very important cargo to a distant planet in a spaceship. Then, as these two storylines weave together, we are taken to the beginning of Act II in the present day. While Act I is described as being very action and special effects oriented, the film switches gears with yet another Tommy Verde, who is an experimental cancer research scientist making great scientific leaps in the hopes of finding a cure. The irony of it is that Verde's wife is dying of cancer, and he cannot work fast enough to save her due to all the red tape. As she dies and Verde works for a cure, the wife writes a book that she wants her husband to write the final chapter for, which is supoposedly signifcant in linking everything together in the end. This goes on for awhile as we head into Act III, wherein all separate storylines linked together by the character of Verde merge and have effects upon each other, almost like a sort of cosmic karma. The last 20 minutes or so are said to be lightning fast with mind-blowing imagery, and the ending is supposedly very grand.


The film, which is set to be directed by Aronofsky from a script of his own writing, is said to deal heavily with the subject of death and presents a unique viewpoint to reality and our being.


Those who have read the script liken it to another 2001: A Space Oddyssey and claim that, if done well, it could become a landmark in sci-fi films in much the same way 2001 was.


Unfortunately, The Fountain may never be made as Brad Pitt was set to star opposite Cate Blanchett and Ellen Burstyn, but ultimately left to do the epic film Troy. Lately though there has been talk about reviving the project and finding a new star (Johnny Depp's name has been thrown around, apparently), as the lady Cate and Mrs. Burstyn are still signed on after 2+ years. As a matter of fact, IMDb.com has it listed in Aronofsky's filmography for a possible 2004 release.


Basically, it comes down to this: Warner Bros. can't decide if they want to make The Fountain or another Batman film.


With all of this knowledge...is anyone else really, really hoping Warner Bros. pulls their head out of their collective ass and realizes that The Fountain is the film to make? Having seen both Pi and Requiem For A Dream, I have a lot of faith in Aronofsky's abilities as a director and screenwriter, and there's no telling just how fucking awesome The Fountain could be if produced by a major studio.


It's been awhile since a major studio has done a movie with some balls (only recent one I can think of is Adaptation), so here's hoping Warner Bros. gives up on Batman and give The Fountain a chance.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm interested in anything from Aronofsky, he's one of the most promising "new" directors.

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i don't think there's anybody alive who has a more impressive style of visuals & editing than aronovsky. i'm not a fan of his writing, but i'll still definitely check this out if it's ever released.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Aronofsky is in a state of preproduction purgatory right now. Between this and Batman, he must be going nuts. I feel bad for the guy, I mean he looked like he'd be doing a film every couple of years after Requiem followed Pi in a short period of time, but how long has it been since Requiem. Damn shame to let a talent like Aronofsky sit on the shelf for so long.

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