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Guest nWoScorpion

Owen hart comp. rant

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Guest nWoScorpion

-Where do I start? Owen Hart was one of the best schooled wrestlers of the 90's and was very rarely recognized by what he did. So as dedication to him, I plan on reviewing each and every match that i have of him in the WWF, from 1989-1999.


-Match #1:

Mr. Perfect vs. The Blue Blazer:

This is from Wrestlemania V. Good heel heat for Hennig, from the crowd. Wrestling sequence leads to a Hennig hip toss, but Owen takes him down with a drop-toe-hold, and a series of slams. Dropkick knocks Hennig to the floor, and Owen hits a nice baseball slide. Uppercuts on the floor, and chops in the ring, as Hart unloads. Man, Curt used to be REALLY skinny. Another wrestling sequence leads to a slam, and a dropkick by Owen. Backbreaker for two, and a Northern lights suplex for one. The Blazer heads up stairs, but hits the knee’s on a splash (HARD, too) and Curt works the back with a camel clutch. Owen with a powerslam for one, and a belly to belly for two. Crucifix almost gets him, but Hennig knocks his head off with a clothesline. One Perfect-plex later, Curt Hennig is your winner at 5:28. pretty decent match for this card. *** is fitting.


-Match #2:

"The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Skinner

This is the "classic" Wrestlemania VIII match. Skinner attacks him from behind, and hits a shoulderbreaker quickly. He connects with a reverse DDT for two, but Owen quickly comes back with a roll up to pin him at 17. DUD. Well, not too impressive.


-Match #3:

Clips from the 1993 Royal Rumble: (1/2_/93)

Starting From When Owen Hart Enters. Owen Hart comes in at #28. Earthquake takes control of Yokozuna, but gets belly to bellied out to the floor. Repo Man joins in at #29, but does nothing. Oh COME ON!! They all try to toss Yoko, but it fails, as he fights EVERYONE off! I’m surprised the ropes didn’t snap right there! Randy Savage joins us at #30, and gets a mammoth pop. Yoko quickly dumps Tito out, and Owen stiffly dropkicks Sags out. He gets slammed out by Yoko nearly snapping his leg in a vicious fall. The rest is history with Yokozuna winning. Match was **1/2-***. Dependin gon what parts you watch.


-Match #4:

Intercontinental Title Battle Royal: (Raw 10/4/93)

Show opens with Vince Mcmahon & Bobby Heenan on the PBP. Diesel, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, M.V.P (aka Abe Knuckleball Schwartz), Mabel, Bastion Booger, Mr. Perfect, Marty Jannetty, 1-2-3 Kid & I.R.S are currently in the ring. Next entrant is Adam Bomb followed by Razor Ramon, and the Quebecers, Jacque & Pierre. Commerical edits Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, Rick Martel, Owen Hart. We come back for the end of Giant Gonzalez's and finally "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Savage nails Gonzalex with a double ax-handle off the top before the bell sounds and we are underway. savage connects with another one and attempts to toss the big man. Others who go after him are Bigelow, Bomb, Jannetty, Diesel, Kid, Booger and Perfect tossing him at 0:31. Everyone pairs off. Savage & Bigelow go at it as do Rick Martel & Owen Hart. Savage gos after Booger.


Heenan: I was gonna pick booger but i wasnt talking about this!


IRS & Booger try to toss Savage to no avail. Owen saves him from elimanation. MVP takes a shot from Savage as Diesel just kicks his ass. (MVP's). Mabel pounds on Savage, MVP gos at it with Jacque and Jannetty pairing off with Booger. Backlund is on Martel. Owen gos at it with Bigelow. Adam has Marty reeling but holds on. Jannetty is wearing the Rockers attire from wrestlemania VII just to piss me off. Diesel 7 Booger try tossing Savage. Mabel squashes Tatanka yelling "every man for himself!". Diesel 7 Perfect go at it as Booger, ITS & Bam Bam try tossing Savage who is saved by himself. Kid and MVP go at it in the corner. Jannetty makes the save. Perfect gos at it with both Quebecers as does Razor Ramon. Mabel is only the 2nd man elimanated by Diesel & I.R.S at 5:44. I.R.S gos curtesy of Ramon at 6:15. 1-2-3 Kid is gone via Booger at 6:47. Kid gos splat on the floor. Perfect with a chop to Tatanka. Diesel trys tossing Perfect but to no avail. Diesel pounds on Tatanka.  Perfect dodges a Diesel charge elimanating him at 88. Commercial break. Bob Backlund ahs been tossed right before we come back so i wont put a time on it. It was via Rick Martel though. 8:20 is the time so far. Bigelow & savage continue to fight. Heenan spreading rumors of Savage keeping Crush out of the Battle Royal. snuka is gone at 8:57 by Rick Martel, who returned the previous week. Perfect fights with Bam Bam but gets tossed on his ass at 9:47. Savage gos after Bam Bam. Jannetty is taken part by MArtel & Bomb. Marty saves Savage but is elimanated by Bomb at 10:49. Tatanka is gone via Bammer at 11:13. Razor attacks booger and Savage on Bigelow. Bam Bam & Booger try tossing Savage but Razor makes the save. Savage tosses Booger now at 11:59. Razor then take sout Bigelow at 12:12. We come back as Owen Hart elimanated MVP at a clipped 12:42. The Quebecers elimate Owen at 12:55. Down to razor, Savage, Bomb, Martel & The Quebecers. Quebecers go with Ramon and Bomb/Martel on Savage. Savage fights back oin Bomb and puts him out with a firemans carry at 15:32. It takes all 3 heels plus Bomb to elimanate Savage at 15:42. Its down to the 3 Canadians & Razor Ramon. Razor takes a mudhole stomping. all 3 men miss a dropkick. Razor pounds on all 3 men for a bit until they triple team him some more. They all take turns taken a licking on Razor. Jacque holds Razor for a clothesline, but Pierre misses elimanating his partner at 195, as Ramon tosses Pierre to end the match at 19:10. The final two men, Razor Ramon & rick Martel, will fight next Monday for the Vacant IC Title. as for the abttle Royal, ***. Pretty good for a battle royal, and it had longitivity to it, not a 7 minute squash.



-Match #5:

Bret "Hitman" Hart & "The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Well Dunn


Bret "Hitman" Hart & "The Rocket" Owen Hart vs. Well Dunn (w/ Harvey Wippleman)

Typical Bret squash. Bret & Owen work over Dunn with a series of headlocks and armbars. Owen plays ricky morton then unloads with slams and dropkicks making the hot tag to Bret. russian Leg Sweep, 2nd Rope Elbow Drop & Sharpshooter later and The Harts win via submission as Dunn give up at 4:48. 1/2*


-Match #6:

"The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Bart Gunn (of Smoking gunns):

This is from a Wrestling Challenge a few weeks before Wrestlemania X. I belive its MSG this match. Lockup. Shoulderthrust by Owen in the ropes. Armbar by Owen reversed several times and Owen connects with an armbar to a hammerlock. Kneedrops to the shoulder. Shoulderblock off the ropes and runs into a drop toe hold into a Gunn hammerlock. Kicks to the arm by Gunn. Owen with a kneelift and chops. ENSIGURI OF DOOM! Legdrop to the back of the head of Gunn. Series of European Uppercuts and a spinning heel kick for 2. We want Bret chants. Gunn with a huge backdrop and midair clothesline.Powerslam  & Suplex reversed with a russian leg sweep. Sharpshooter ends the match at 4:50. Owen the winner obviously. **. Just a squash match, but pretty decent.


-Owen HArt on the funeral parlor.


-Match #7:

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart: (Wrestlemania X; 3/20/94)

See, the story here is that Owen feels he’s in Bret’s shadow, and wants to fight him, but Bret wants no part of it at first. They finally re-unite, to fight the Quebecers for the Tag Belts at the Rumble, but when Bret gets injured and loses the match for the team, Owen kicks his bad knee out. Later that night, Bret co-wins the Royal Rumble with Lex Luger, therefore they both get title shots at WM. On RAW they do a coin toss, which Luger wins, so Lex fights WWF champion Yokozuna first, while Bret meets Owen as “suitable competition” and fights the winner of the first title match in the last bout. Get it? Got it? GOOD! They start off with a tie up and go to a clean break, which Owen takes as a victory of some sort. Owen draws HUGE heel heat, BTW. They wrestle around on the mat, and Bret outsmarts Owen dumping him to the floor, prompting Owen to slap his teeth out. More mat based stuff, which Bret wins, so Owen cheats to get the advantage, yet Bret keeps coming back, doing it clean every time. Bret clotheslines him to the floor, and then tosses him back in for more ass kicking, and rolls him up for a two count. Crucifix for two. Owen comes back and stomps away, then dumps him to the outside and posts him. Backbreaker leads to the Camel Clutch, but Bret powers out, and starts a comeback, but Owen belly to bellies him for two. Springboard bodyblock by Owen rolled through for two, and he goes into a sort of half STF. Owen tries a slam, but can’t do it, and Bret gets two. Owen with a great bridging German suplex for two, and drops a leg on the neck for another. Bret blocks a suplex, and gets a small package for two. European uppercut by Owen, and he gets a tombstone. Upstairs he goes, but misses a big splash. Bret with a surprise atomic drop, and a clothesline for two. Russian Leg Sweep for two. Backbreaker into the 2nd rope elbow gets two. Owen then gets an enzuguri out of nowhere, and tries for the Sharpshooter. He doesn’t get it though, and bails so Bret hits a slingshot dive, but hurts his bad knee. Back in, and Owen works the knee, showing no mercy, and doing every move he knows on it. Bret gets an enzuguri of his own, and posts Owen. Leg drop (with the bad leg, so it does damage to him too) gets two. See the psychology? Bulldog for two. Sweet ass piledriver for two. Superplex for a dramatic two. He gets a go-behind, but Owen does the Ric Flair low blow, and hooks the Sharpshooter. Bret reverses, but Owen’s in the ropes so it breaks. He still sells the knee injury, BTW. He pounds him to the corner, and tries a victory roll, but Owen stops it half way and gets three at 20:21! WHAT A MATCH! *****. Owen then walks over to the shocked Bret Hart, shows him three fingers, and leaves to big heel heat and a shocked crowd. Greatest WM opener of all time.


-Owen HArt on the Heartbrek Hotel.


-Match #8:

"The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Mo of Men on a Mission:

Another Wrestling challenge from a few weeks after Wrestlemania X. Fat Ass Mo. LOL. Lockup. Mo powerfuil? Whatsupwitdat!? Owen shove, and a sla and owen hides in the ropes. WOOOO! Armbar by Mo reversed. Reversed again and owen re-reverses. Hammerlock by Mo.Reversed again anbd again. 2 more reversals and owen with a drop toe hold to side headlock. Mo with a hammerlock and a knee to the arm. Elbow by Owen and an eye rake. Hiptoss and arm drag by Mo(!. Armbar by Mo. Kick by Owen and works on him. Eye grating across the ropes. Bigman eats buckle and a spinning heel kick. Modfied Camel Clutch by Owen. Running knee to the gut of mo and a stomp to the midsection. Backbody drop by Mo. Series of rights and a spine buster gets 2. Inside Cardle by Mo gets 2(!. Mo spills over thanks to Owen and is counted out cause he hurt his leg at 5:50. Owen doesnt care, beats Mo down and locks on the Sharpshooter. Surprisingly good match Owen gets out of Mo. ** is good enough for this.


-Match #9:

"The Rocket" Owen HArt Vs. Doink The Clown (w/ Dink):

June Monday night Raw, 1994 King of the Ring Qualifying Match. This was to be Earthquake but he wanted out of his contract and went onto yeats of hell in WCW. So we get everyones favorite jobber. Owen attacks before the bell but eats Buckle. Owen with a few roundhouse rights and ey rake followed by the rake across the ropes and choke oin the top rope. European Uppercut by Owen, but he eats buckle and Doink with a sideheadlock reversedwith a back suplex and owen nails a 2nd rope elbow for 2. Doink up and gets a hiptoss and armd rag followed by a scoop slam. Back Body Drop and standind dropkick put owen to the outside. Owen goes after Dink, which is ok by me. 10 punches of doom very slowly by Owen and an eye rake. doink hiptoss. Owen outside again. Owen chases Dink and runs into a Doink clothesline. A MIDGET OUTSMARTED OWEN?! Doink with a slam on the floor. Owen posts Doink and rams his leg into it several times. Back from break and Owen with a dropkick for 2. chinlock by Owen. Belly to Belly Suplex gets 2. Camel Clutch submision. Double clothesline. Doinks head thing is coming off. Doink with some heavy shots on Owen and an elbow. Belly to Belly by Doink gets 2. I miss the EEEEEVIL Doink. 10 punches of doom by Doink. Neckbreaker by Doink. Jarrett kidnaps Dink. Owen with a kip up and a school boy on Doink gets 3 at 8:29. Nothing bad here either. Owen sure can get people to work. ***.


-Match #10:

"The Rocket" Owen Hart Vs. Koko B. Ware:

Superstars a week before KOTR 1994. High energy Explodes! Shove match and a slap by Owen. Spinning Heel Kick. He never liked Koko says Owen. He rakes his eyes across the ropes. Koko with a Stiff clothesline and standing dropkick. Scoop Slam and armdrag and another. into a armbar. Tatanka is watching the match. Scoop Slam by owen and an elbow misses. Koko with the armbar again. Eye rake by Owen. I always liked Koko. Monkey flip "botched" and a kick to the leg by Owen. Owen posts the leg a few times. Stomp to the leg and leg snap. Owen with the sharopshooter ends it at 3:19. Nothing match. * cause its Owen, and atleast the match had a nice pace.


-Match #11:

Round 1 Match:

Tatanka vs. Owen Hart: (KOTR 1994)

Tatanka jumps Owen as he gets in the ring, and hits a backdrop for two, and a suplex for two, to try to make us THINK he has a chance tonight. A criss cross leads to a Tatanka hip toss, and the X-Pac arm-drag, but he stops the flow with a side headlock. Another criss cross leads to Owen tossing Tatanka out, and ramming him to the post. Dear G-D, Tatanka is OVER, big time! Owen hits the Nash rope-choke spot, and destroys the Native American. He hits a big suplex, and heads up for a missile dropkick getting two, then hooks a sleeper. Tatanka fades, but makes his usual dancing comeback and hits a DDT for two. He goes to the top, and hits a big chop for two, and a running powerslam for two! He tries a sunset flip, but Owen outsmarts him and cradles the legs for the win at 8:18. The beginning and ending were hot, but the middle portion was a bit slow. *.  


-Match #12:

Semi-finals Match:

Owen Hart vs. The 123 Kid:

At first the Kid doesn’t make his way out, but limps his way out eventually, to a big pop. Owen meets him at ringside with a VICIOUS baseball slide, and an over the top dive. Back in, and Owen hits a SWEET top rope splash, but Sean gets a quick moonsault for two, and a rolling cradle for two. They wrestle around on the mat for a bit, and the Kid hits a kick series for two. Hart with an enzuguri for two, but Kid hits a Northern Lights Suplex for three, but Owen’s foot was on the ropes. Hart bails, so Sean hits a slingshot bodyblock, but Owen connects with a German suplex for two. Belly to belly for two, and Kid uses the victory roll again for two, and Owen rolls through for a two of his own. Kid tries a big rana, but Owen hits a CRAZY powerbomb, and hooks the Sharpshooter for the win at 3:36! Very good match for this time,I give it ***.


-Match #13 and final one on this rant:

King of the Ring 1994 Finals:

Owen Hart vs. Razor Ramon:

They trade some reversals to start, and Owen slaps him across the chops, so Ramon slams him and drops an elbow for two. Art guesses that Owen weighs 30 pounds. (blank stare) Ramon with a slingshot for two, and they do a nice mat wrestling sequence, where Owen bridges up off the mat, and Ramon backslides him for two. I miss that spot. Owen gets a spin heel kick, as someone informs Art of the booking decisions, and he say’s Owen’s gonna end up winning, and not Razor. Why was he brought in again? Owen hooks a rope assisted abdominal stretch, but a criss cross leads to a Razor chokeslam for two. Fallaway slam for two, but Owen flips out of a suplex, and hits a Russian leg sweep, but gets crotched up stairs, and side suplexed off. He calls for the Edge (move, not Pizza), but Owen backdrops him to the floor, and out runs Jim Neidhart to help Razor, but ‘shockingly’ turns on the Bad Guy, allowing Owen to hit a big top rope elbow for the win, and the Kingship at 6:36. Pretty good, ** ½. Afterwards, the Hart’s hit a Hart Attack on Razor for good measure.


-What a good tape, well, decent-good. Several slow matches in between a few rocking ones. Next up, Owen Hart goes mian event.

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Guest The Great Wesuke

Pretty good stuff... too bad you don't have a few of the other really good Blazer/Rocket matches. If you get a chance check these out:


Rocket-Marty Jannetty (this was either the week after or the week before the Bart Gunn match. They gave him a couple squash type matches to build towards WMX. A lot better than the Gunn match... actually a lot better than most matches)


Blazer-Dibiase (SNME, don't remember much about the match... but it's Dibiase so it can't be a stinker)


New Foundatin-Orient Express (Royal Rumble, really, really decent match)

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