Guest the_Staunton Report post Posted April 2, 2002 (This my first tape is appreciated!) Your Tape Review SUPERTAPE 92 – Columbia Tristar Home Video We begin with Piper shilling WWF action figures in some cute old time ads, though three in a row drove me nuts. Action figures from the WWF were so cool! Lots of overacting mind you. Sean Mooney! Alfred Hayes! Wow…the action figures were good but the announcers sucked! Mooney is best remembered as the guy they cut to when Earthquake squashed Jakes Snake. It’s fair to say they both suck. First match: 8 man tag: Nasty Boys, Earthquake and the Mountie v The Legion Of Doom, Jim Neidhart and The Big Boss Man. Bossman starts with the Quake. In an alternate universe it’s The Guardian v The Shark! Old-fashioned jaw jacking breaks out. We take an age to get started. Quake gets out and Mountie comes in. Cheap shot from the Mountie starts for real. Mountie gets caught on a leapfrog attempt and spine buster from Boss Man brings everyone in for a brawl. The heels bail for some Jimmy Hart strategy. Well it’s either that or he wants ideas for the next Hulk Hogan album. Mountie tags Saggs who pounds Boss Man in the corner. Boss Man reverses and pounds Saggs in the corner. More boxers should use the corners of the ring. You can’t get out! Tag to Animal who gets a thumb to the eye to stop a good old baby face charge. Knobbs gets the tag but Animal hits a shoulder tackle. Elbow drop misses the mark but Knobbs puts his head down on a whip off the ropes and power bomb gets two. Tag to Anvil who works the arm. Shoulder tackle into the headlock but as in all good WWF matches as the babyface gets whipped into the ropes a heel (Quake) nails them from behind. Tag to Quake who pounds and whips Anvil in to the corner, and then does it again in the opposite corner. Alfred calls Quake a pachyderm of a man, but in a nice way I’m sure. Peoples elbow misses and Quake tags Saggs. Anvil catches him coming in an arm drag and tags Hawk. Punching and kicking is broke up by the Ghetto Blaster. Saggs tags the Mountie who takes charge with the old boot, boot, punch combo. Hawk wins the slugfest on the second try and gorilla press and fist drop follow suit. Tag to Bossman who slams Mountie into the turnbuckle the traditional ten times. Man I love WWF crowds from this era: they just pop for anything. It’s refreshing. Everyone runs in as we break down. Quake gets a cheap shot with a Nasty Boy Helmet (not the megaphone sadly) on the Boss Man and Mountie gets two as order is restored. Mountie tags Quake who gets his usual pounding in. Power body slam sets up the big elbow drop to get a two count. Knobbs comes in and Boss Man gets thrown outside. Piss weak chair shot and actually pretty good throw into the steps complete the heel skulduggery. Damn you Jimmy Hart. It was all his idea. Boss Man no sells but Knobbs comes in. NO TAG! Big punch puts Saggs down and inevitably the referee didn’t see the baby face tag. It’s in the playbook you know. BossMan gets the lukewarm tag to Hawk on the second attempt and everyone runs in again. Hawk body slam on Knobbs gets a one count as everyone brawls all over the place. Knobbs pounds on Hawk in the corner but Animal comes off the opposite top rope with a flying clothesline to win the match. Babyfaces 1 Heels 0 Crowd goes nuts. All of these guys have since been involved in some of the worst moments in wrestling history. Shark! Guardian! Drunken Hawk! I’ll give them a good mark for this match as a consolation because it didn’t really suck or anything. Tax tips with IRS! Yay! All of these WWF tapes feature some stupid comedy like this. IRS if you don’t know had a tax gimmick (Irwin R Schyster) and pottered around the midcard for a few years. Nice mullet sir. He picks on a bad local actor with a sick wife…blah blah…everyone’s a tax cheat…in a moment that hasn’t dated though he warns us all not to copy the video. Didn’t see that internet thing coming did ya? There’s ten tax tips (David Letterman should get royalties) and none of them are remotely funny. If you want to know what they are get the tape…you aren’t missing much. Match Two: IRS v Bret “Hitman” Hart Bret! From when no one hated him! Bret is more pink than black tonight. Bret is IC champion at the time. The shades go to a kid in a Hulkamania shirt. Alfred says they have intrinsical worth. Die sunshine die. Headlock by IRS takes Bret down but he hits a head scissors. IRS complains of a hair pull or a mullet pull. I bet at some point he pulls Bret’s hair because it’s IRONIC! That fact becomes a raging certainty when Bret gets a don’t pull hair warning. IRS works the arm, Bret works the arm, IRS works the arm, Bret works the arm, IRS bails to the ropes. Man old-fashioned wrestling is hard to recap in interesting detail. IRS uses a headlock FOREVER until Bret gets bored and hits an arm drag. Drop kick sends the taxman to the outside. This is like the reason why I like Wile E Coyote better than Road Runner. Wile E at least tried a lot of cool stuff and if it didn’t work he tried something else. Road Runner just ran and went “Beep Beep.” This match is like that. One guy trying some things and another just going “Beep Beep…time for a headlock.” IRS wanders around the outside of the ring for ages. Bret wins a punching contest back inside but gets caught coming off the rope with a backbreaker. Two elbow drops get a two count and it’s time for a very long abdominal stretch. He loves the rest holds. Bret gets a two with a sunset flip after we break our fun and interesting hold of the moment…IRS bitches to the ref and Bret gets two off a roll up. Our favourite Canadian gets thrown into the turnbuckle and then it’s a chinlock! God almighty man, he doesn’t even run quickly. He’s worse than Road Runner. Bret Hulks up but gets caught with a knee coming off the ropes. If this guy hits a chinlock or something here, I’m skimming to the end of the match. Leg drop and heel posing. Well that was different. Kick, kick, body slam and IRS goes up top but he gets kicked in the face coming off. Atomic drop, clothesline…two count. Bret pounds him in the corner and hits a snap suplex that gets two. Backbreaker, elbow drop, Russian leg sweep, and elbow from the top…two count again. Bret pounds him in the corner but no one counts along. Sharpshooter locked in but tax guy makes the ropes and whacks Bret with his briefcase to draw a very cheap DQ. Bret gets pissed after the bell…a common occurrence in his future… Babyfaces 2 Heels 0 Dear lord that sucked when IRS was on top. The guy was pretty much appalling and was slower than the British news when a Royal died. Alfred was particularly shocking on commentary. The only commentary that was ever worse was one of our Australian commentators saying on September 11 that “this wasn’t the planes usual flight path.” Thanks Sandra. It’s the Taker! When he was cool! I should call this tape “When they were cool!” The subtle difference between Taker then and Taker now is that the no selling was great. He didn’t shrug it off like he does now: he looked around like “was that the best you can do?” He lost his coolness when he turned face…but that’s another story. The interview segment tells you nothing. Paul Bearer…does he talk like that at home? “Oooh yes…Britney Spears is on MTV…. oh yes…” Match 3 The Undertaker v Greg Valentine Oh yes…oh yes…any bets on the Hammer? I’m guessing death is coming. Was this the body bag era Taker? Did everyone have a mullet in 1991? Taker pounds to start with (natch) but gets stopped with a boot to the face. Five chops and three bionic elbows do nothing at all and Taker takes over again with a big punch. Two punches and a choke on the ropes are all it takes to kill Valentine. Choke in the corner kills Greg dead. You know you can tell something is boring when you hear the commentators praising the camerawork? Well this sucks but you can see it in a big close up! Back to the choke until Hammer stops Taker coming in with a low blow, a bionic elbow and a double axe handle. Four chops, three kicks and work on the arm go nowhere until Taker stops him with a big boot. POWER OF THE URN draws a flying clothesline as Alfred basically slags Valentine off as a loser. Nice work champ. Flying elbow misses. Taker no sells a figure four and Paul Bearer gets involved to break the hold. Taker pops straight up and tombstone wins it as quick as I can type. Heels 1 Babyfaces 2 Crap match, brilliant character. However it’s funny if the Taker ever tells anyone they have to pay their dues…his character sold nothing for a whole year. Valentine looked like the winner of a chubby baby contest. Vintage Taker is always good though. The match sucked though. Match 4: The Undertaker v Jimmy Snuka This is from WrestleMania and it’s not too different from the above match. The kids look freaked out by Taker. Snuka turns his back for unspecified reasons and gets killed in the corner. Onslaught of kicks and punches and eye gouges follow. Crowd pops huge for a flying clothesline off the ropes. Taker kills with the choke. Snuka reverses an Irish whip but gets killed running in to the corner and falls out of the ring and then gets suplexed back in. Flying elbow misses and Snuka pounds with the pointless chops of doom. Headbutt and punch does nothing and Jimmy misses a cross body and flips over the top rope. Snuka tries to come in with a slingshot but gets caught, then dropped, then tombstoned and er…well pinned…what did you expect? Heels 2 Babyfaces 2 The start of the unbeaten streak was just a massacre. They screwed up the ending but it’s the Undertaker in his vintage…you need know no more… Match Five: Bret Hart v Skinner The next few matches are from Tuesday in Texas, a rushed WWF pay per view in 1991 that came out of nowhere but provided a base for Hogan v Undertaker 2. A standard joke in 1991 was to keep saying Skinner was undefeated when he had barely won a match. Skinner was a swamp loving guy from the Everglades. He would be the crocodile hunter today. Heenan is fantastically indifferent to an overexcited recipient of the shades (“Give that bimbo some oxygen, she’s gonna faint!”) Hitman hits an arm drag and works the arm. Two atomic drops and a clothesline send Swampy to the outside. Back in Bret hits the arm again for a while. Arm shenanigans keep on going. There’s a million ways to hurt an arm you know. Bret knows at least 945234 of them. Skinner makes the ropes. Lock up and Skinner hits the headlock until we go back to the arm! Sorry…945235 of them. Two head butts and Bret teases the Sharpshooter but goes low on a kick. Skinner goes low and Bret takes his obligatory shoulder bump in to the ring post. Swampy kicks and chokes in and out of the ring and then it’s the abdominal stretch! Has anyone ever won a match with that move? The guy who taps out to an abdominal stretch is forever going to be known! Backbreaker gets two. More kicky and punchy stuff until Swampy gets booted coming in to the corner. Bret misses the Savage elbow and Skinner whacks him with his claw. See it’s the claw of an alligator he killed…and…never mind. Heenan loses it as Skinner doesn’t pin him. Back to punchy kicky and choke on the ropes. Kicky, punchy, choky…hey the referee is Danny Davis! Shouldn’t he be evil? Bret takes his second obligatory bump (face first hard in to the turnbuckle) but Skinner kicks the leg and not the wounded shoulder as Heenan has a heart attack and Monsoon calls him stupid. More of the punchy kicky stuff as Heenan talks about dissecting frogs. Punchy, kicky and Skinner hits his finishing neck breaker that doesn’t even have a name but casual cover gets two. Skinner goes up but splash hits boot and from there Bret just pounds the guy with two hundred different moves and all the old favourites building up to the Sharpshooter. Skinner almost wins on a roll up and brawl on the outside swings the momentum. Suplex shenanigans give Skinner the momentum but he goes up again (!) and Bret plays possum and slams him off to go to the Sharpshooter for the win. Babyfaces 3 Heels 2 Skinner sucked, Bret was Bret…it didn’t suck but it really seems really dated like really now. Interview with Jake. Fuck that guy was a master of interviews. This one is about the skin of a dying man and poison snakes…but gee the guy was a god on an interview…he was a genius. Savage responds with a passionate interview and a silly hat. You just don’t see work like this anymore. I approve. Match Six Jake The Snake Roberts v Macho Man Randy Savage This is one of my favourite feuds. Japanese shampoo commercials? Pah! Jake the Snake turned heel on the Ultimate Warrior in some very stupid segments but then he feuded with Savage and had a real snake bite him and he gave Elizabeth a snake at the Macho-Liz wedding as a gift. It was non venomous obviously but still. Jake was a real prick, stalking Elizabeth and stuff…oh and Savage was retired but got to come back because Jake was a prick. I think this was his first match back though I may be wrong. I can’t do this feud justice. The people ate it up. Oh and the Snake is banned from ringside. Jake mouths to the camera but Savage attacks from behind in he aisle. Savage punches the hell out of him and goes the eye gouge and choke along the rope. People are going wild. Does no one in the WWF watch tapes like this? Savage hasn’t even taken the hat off yet. Elbow out of the corner and Savage hits a double axe handle from the top. Jake bails but Savage drags him back to the ring. Jake goes low as Savage is detained with the referee and throws Savage to the outside. Fight on the outside and Jake throws Savage in the ring post. Jake breaks the count then goes back outside and hits Savage in to the same ring post twice. Back in the ring Jake wins a slugfest and hits an atomic drop. Jake works the arm and shoulder and stupid old me only just realises that it’s the arm the snake bit. Dumb Australians. What are good for? Jake works the arm and Savage launches sporadic comebacks. Jake misses the short clothesline and Savage hits the bionic elbow. ALMOST a ref bump…very close…as Jake hits a high knee on a charging Savage. Jake looks delighted with life. Short clothesline gets Jake excited so he goes up top to taunt the crowd. See I could have made a “Jake gets high” joke there but I’ll cut some slack for this match. Jake goes for the DDT but Savage fights it by shoving Jake into the corner. Jake collapses (no jokes) with a rib injury and Savage goes up with the flying elbow for the 1-2-3. Crowd…bananas…even Heenan is impressed. Post match Savage grabs a chair but ring security breaks it up. Savage grabs the ring bell but he wastes too much time and Jake hits the DDT and then another one for effect. Snake goes to leave but he has an afterthought and a snake under the ring. Crowd panics. Liz runs out and protects Savage as Jake taunts the crap out of her and makes her beg him not to unleash the snake. That’s some classic Jake right there. Remember him this way. DDT number three sends Liz into catatonia. Jake threatens to let the snake bite Savage’s neck unless Liz begs. Liz doesn’t beg well enough apparently because Jake grabs her and punches her. The power of the referees and Jack Tunney get Jake out of there. Now that kids at home is how you book something…Stephanie are you watching? Babyfaces 4 Heels 2 Well its Jake and Randy…the crowd loves it…they hate it…you just don’t see a feud like that anymore. Not the pacing…and a baby face woman getting slapped was big news in 1991. You don’t get someone like Jake anymore. You should see this match and remember him this way. Oh and later Savage beat the crap out of Jake but backstage Jake was going to hit Liz with a chair until the Undertaker turned face by saving her, and then Taker killed Jake at WrestleMania…and that was his last real genuine shot at the big time. Savage was World Champion at the end of the same card. Just for your info. Backstage Jake looks like he won the lottery. Jake is disgusted that Liz begged and didn’t stand up for herself. Jake is sick in this interview…you need to see it…have I recommended his work enough? You compare this with the stalker DDP angle…it’s like chalk and crack. He recommends that if Savage stands up for herself, he brings Liz back for another slap. Mean Gene is appalled. Monsoon is appalled. Heenan is appalled. Match Seven The British Bulldog v The Warlord God bless WWF crowds. Primo entertainment followed by this crap. Bulldog gets a small pop from a probably shocked crowd. I’m just guessing. This is quite the “didn’t your life go to shit quickly” card. Warlord? Smith? Hart? Jake? God lord that’s quite the therapy group. Monsoon urges the locker room to rat on Jake to Savage. These two feuded for AGES over who was stronger. Look it’s Harvey Whippleman! Warlord wins the first two tests of strength and poses. The Warlord is bigger than ever…hint, hint…Smith wins test of strength number three…and we go to test of strength number four…except Warlord goes low and pounds away. Smith takes charge and goes low with a head BUTT. Warlord pounds but Smith gets a clothesline and another puts him over the top rope. Bulldog follows with a plancha (!) but Warlord doesn’t quite catch him but still stops him and posts the dog. Smith wins another little mini battle and rams the cranium into the turnbuckle. Dog on top with a missile dropkick (!!) and a clothesline has Warlord tied in the ropes. Dog pounds (get it!) but Warlord ducks a charge. Boots are laid in and a back body drop gets hang time. Warlord pounds in the corner and hits a really crappy bear hug. Gorilla agrees it’s too low. Thanks big guy. Davey breaks out but belly-to-belly suplex stops the momentum. Warlord’s pounds some more in a slow methodical style. Pin gets two. Warlord ducks his head as DBS comes off the ropes but dog piledriver just can’t get done! Near falls a go go with that old fashioned you sunset flip me, I reverse it, you reverse it kind of thing. Never see big guys do that know do you? Warlord clothesline breaks the flippy floppy stuff. Warlord locks the full nelson but can’t close his hands for full effect (the same thing happened in EVERY match they had) and Davey powers out after a full year. No wishful thinking. It’s still the full nelson. Monsoon and Heenan challenge each other to a fight as even Heenan gets bored. This is the longest full nelson of all time. Warlord gets bored and throws him down. Pound in the corner but a big charge gets boot and flying dog hits a clothesline. Crowd pops for a suplex! I love the WWF in 1991 sometimes. Suplex gets two. Clothesline in the corner sets up the powerslam but Warlord hangs on to the top rope and gets a near fall. Criss cross and DBS hits a crucifix for the 1…2…3! Didn’t see that coming, I thought the slam would end it. Babyfaces 5 The Undertaker 2 DBS looked great compared to how shit he ended up. Warlord had to bail around the time of the steroid trial. He didn’t look so great but he did have some rough abilities. He just posed way too much and that lonnnnnnng full nelson was inexcusable. Acceptable for what it was. Savage is hysterical. Punch Sean Mooney! Go on! He blames himself for letting Snake hit Elizabeth. Revenge and hatred and are promised. Savage speaks in a grunge music style…quiet…loud…quiet…loud…he goes between anger and regret and ruefulness and psychosis…it aint over. This is a generally great feud…ruined by the shit voice of Sean Mooney…he doesn’t change his tone of voice no matter what happens. He is so shit. Match Eight Ted Dibiase and the Repo Man (w Sherri Martel) v Virgil and El Matador This must be a bonus match because it’s not listed on the box. Gee lucky us. Two Wrestlecrap inductees and Virgil! El Matador is Tito Santana with a matador gimmick at a career low point. They should have done more with Virgil…people loved him. Repo Man was a guy who repossessed things. From memory Repo helped Dibiase get the Million Dollar Belt back from the Big V…how Tito got involved I can’t remember. Dibiase is with Sherri…I don’t remember that. This is quite the nostalgia trip for me. Santana apparently saved Virgil from a beat down. Thanks Bobby. No one laughs like Ted in the whole of wrestling. Repo and Tito start with the stalling and talking. Repo pounds but Tito works the arm. Repo pounds but Tito wins the battle of the shoulder blocks and hits the arm drag. (Heenan: “Repo took back the Lone Rangers mask. He owed Tonto fifty bucks.”) Both Babyfaces punch repo until it’s back to the arm! Repo reverses but Tito wins a battle of the hip tosses and sends the masked man outside the ring. Tito pounds him back in until Ted gets a tag so Tito tags Virgil. Ted pounds away in the corner but puts his head down as the big V comes off the ropes and a sunset flip gets two. Atomic drop sends Ted over the top rope in his usual fashion. Dibiase tries to get back in but stops to tell off Tito and gets clotheslined back out. Tito goes and gets him and throws him back in and the big V pounds again! Blind charge hits the elbow and tag to Repo who pounds and slams with a sneaky intent. Choke in the corner in all manners possible kills some tape time. Ted back in with a clothesline and Repo back in. Slam and pounding with the sneaky intent. Pounding gets briefly blocked but Repo pounds better. Ted back in with a gut wrench suplex that gets 2 ¾. AGAIN Ted puts his head down on the rope whip and a neckbreaker of the swinging variety sets up the usual crawl to the corner. Ted tags Repo, V tags Tito. That rhymes almost. Tito is a house of fire. I always wanted to say that. Poundage and a drop kick or two set up the flying forearm but Ted stops the pin and gets nailed. Second flying forearm attempt is broken up by Ted and his tripping hands and Repo nails Tito with a clothesline that sends him outside. Tito tastes steps and gets thrown back in for a two count from Repo. General pounding on the guy in the green follows and it gets a one count. Gotta love the poundage. Ted comes in with a double axe handle. Tito makes a tag to V but THE REFEREE DOES NOT SEE IT! Repo goes back to the poundage. Poundage misses and the double clothesline is hit. Crawl bit ensues and V and Ted are in! V pounds harder and smacks Repo for good measure. Russian leg sweep gets two until Repo breaks it up. I smell a fishy finish somehow. Everyone comes in for some poundage. Sherri misses Virgil with the loaded purse and nails Ted but Virgil grabs her TO A HUGE POP! What is wrong with you? He’s hitting a woman! An hour ago you were distraught! Damn people and the double standards. I still smell fish. As Virgil messes around with Sherri Repo hits a sneaky knee and Ted gets the 1-2-3…well it wasn’t quite as fishy as I expected…just general face stupidity. Match was fine…the excited crowd kind of makes up for any quality problems. Tito and the Big V both became absolute jobbers, Repo disappeared when everyone realised he sucked and Ted is in the church. What odds would you get on that happening? Babyfaces 5 Heels 3 YOUR MAIN EVENT! Hulk Hogan v The Undertaker for the WWF Title You know you could have this match now. At Survivor Series Taker tombstoned Hogan on a chair to win the WWF Title with the help of Ric Flair. This is the rematch about a week later. Of course…well let’s get to that at the end… Hogan interviewed by Mean Gene. I’m beginning to think Hulkamania really will live forever. God bless the little teeny Hulkamaniacs. God bless them. Training, prayers, “Vitamins” and believing in yourself are YOUR COMMANDMENTS! Don’t remember the fourth one…oh well, nothing to see here. Taker attacks as Hogan slides in the ring and Paul Bearer joins in but the DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER turns the tide. Hogan pounds and clotheslines Taker in the corner. No sold. Hogan pounds in the corner and rakes the eyes. Hogan keeps pounding and atomic drop takes the big guy down. Hoganline doesn’t knock him down and Taker blocks the slam attempt. Hogan pounds and hits the body slam. Hogan keeps pounding and clotheslines the dark side king over the top rope. Taker shrugs it off likes its Tajiri. Lots of Hogan poundage has no effect and Taker drags him outside. Taker goes to the poundage of the punching variety. Hogan chant has been louder. Taker chokes on the outside for a full year and a bit. Jack Tunney is at ringside. Back in the ring kick is followed by choke. Poundage keeps up and back to the choke in the corner. Wow I remember the Undertaker being better than this. LONG choke. Grass grows. Paint peels. Taker tries to go up for some corner poundage but Hogan lifts him up and puts him in the opposite corner. Hogan throws Taker back in the corner he began in (?) but blind charge hits boot. You know what? I watched something last year I haven’t watched in years…Thunderbirds or Astroboy or something that I remembered being brilliant and it sucked. This match is like this. I remember a historic clash for the ages…so far it’s just poundage and choking…at least the walking the tope rope move is still good. Taker walks the top rope and goes back to the slow poundage and more choking. Hogan goes out and drags Taker out with him but he ends up posted. Back in the ring with a hand over the mouth! Be still my purist heart…a hand over the mouth? How can you go on? Hand on the mouth becomes a choke (!!!) but a half a Hulk up pulls the hand away and Hogan kicks and rakes the eyes. Taker trips over the bottom rope I think and goes down to a pop! I love this crowd! Someone trips over and they cheer. Back to Hogan poundage but another charge meets boot. Monsoon confirms the unscheduled trip and they try to cover for him. So Taker, Mike Awesome wasn’t good enough but you trip over the bottom rope? I call that SLOPPY and NOT GOOD ENOUGH…Flying clothesline and power of the urn get a casual two count. Taker goes up but Hogan drags him off by the arm. FULL HULK UP and no sell bring Ric Flair to the ring. Hogan pounds away and clotheslines Taker over the top rope as Tunney and Flair fight. Hogan nails Flair with a chair (more rhyming) and Tunney goes down as well. Back in the ring with more Hulking up poundage. Taker turns the tide with a rake to the eyes. Flair is back up. You could do this feud right now. Flair gets on the apron with a chair but Taker gets nailed instead of Hogan and the Hulkster clotheslines Flair down. Big boot but Taker no sells and rakes the eyes. POWER OF THE URN is invoked but Paul Bearer misses and nails the Taker instead. The urn spills ashes all over the place and Hogan throws ash in the eyes of the Taker and rolls him up for the 1..2..3…new champion. Heenan has a fit. Babyfaces 6 Heels 3 BUT WAIT! You see Jack Tunney (WWF President) saw the whole thing involving the urn and decided Hogan hadn’t behaved like a champion and put the title up for grabs at the 1992 Royal Rumble which Ric Flair won and which is of course the greatest Rumble ever. The match was appalling but it was historic and the last time Hogan won the title in a proper match and not the Yokozuna farce of 1993. Still it was a LOT worse than I remembered as a match, with history papering over the cracks and that crowd. Lord Alfred Hayes then comes on for CALL OF THE ACTION! Dig out some Lord Alfred Hayes if you want to lose your dinner some time soon. This is pretty much a bunch of finishers explained. Sharpshooter, Sleeper hold…all explained for beginners. This isn’t too terrible a idea…just the worst guy in the world doing it. Actually he isn’t too terrible doing it. It goes on for a while though until Sean Mooney brings his crappy expression on to end the tape. SO this tape isn’t too terrible at all. A lot of the matches are pretty boring and Hogan v Taker is a lot crapper than I remember but Tuesday in Texas is pretty good for the history and the crowd and some vintage Jake. The matches are WAY slower than today but that’s kind of good too in a way. Lots of punching and rest holds though. Worth checking out for the history but fast forward Alfred and Sean and the Tax Tips…and go straight to Jake. You’ll thank me later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites